
Unomalous (semi Hiatus)

In a world where superpowers where rare and called EMINIE in a age of 20 they are popping and think they can have a bright future ahead of them, but a government that always oppose the use of these rare miracle that help others. But in the darkness there will be those who use this power for their entertainment and for money or dominance that always makes the world full of danger. Follow MC even he turns into a girl, on his journey in a world which is a hard path to help or free other like him in a stricken world of superpowers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: I type this on my phone this is a mix of manga and some of the stories "I read" to make this story but not a plagiarized content. This is only a social experiment of mine there will be [slow update]. All characters are made by me the author. {A/N} The start if the whole story will be in Vol. 2, but you will have to wait for the next chapter schedule ((It's in the comments posted)) WARNING: So if you read the paragraph that you cannot understand, which mean that my construction of my grammar sucks that it's not my first language. [The picture is not mine it's only a reference to what he/she look like if you are the owners of the picture and want it to be remove email me.] EMAIL: nices1471@gmail.com

Ken_Reader · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

32. The Troubles (2)

Going through the halls and walking pass to the other classroom, James was feeling uncomfortable, with all of the students and other adults walking most especially the students, who staring at him or taking a glance at him, which not go unnoticed. The looks they gave him that something is different, until he reach the far corner of the corridor. When the ominous pressure that giving him kill him that makes his back sweat and heartbeat faster, that someone is going to kill him to where he stands. (S)He hastily walk pass the classroom, going through the corridor until, (s)he reached the front door of the classroom.

James: 'What's that! I feel that something could go wrong, can go wrong in the moments notice.' he said, the dread feeling a while ago and the tightening of his chest or his real chest is getting bigger? he question in his mentality, shrugging it of in a moment, when suddenly. The feeling of being watched, (s)he glanced around, when suddenly it vanished without a trace. (S)he scratched his head about that feeling or just a hunch, (s)he will put his thoughts in the back for the time being and focus on what's in front. Opening the door, (s)he was greeted with the lively and solemn atmosphere of each of his classmates, and others are getting ready for the ceremony and others talking in small groups that they didn't care to much about his presence, but one person did notice him enter.

John: "Hey, JB are you ready for your part? or being excited, all I know is that you are partner with the number 1 schools beauty the Saint of the UC. That any students will do anything to get partner with her, or even get close in this kind of special occasion without hesitation." he spoke, in the most dramatic way that he came out of nowhere without him noticing.

James: "Well they gave me a different look than, I usually pass by them, when, I was passing by the hallway. 'Hmm weird?' " (s)he said thinking about the dread feeling earlier and the unsettling gut feeling that he cannot pinpoint, still thinking about it.

John: "Well, they are just jealous that, you have all the time, with her throughout the ceremony even though, you two have a different outfit. Just make it to the end of the ceremony and endure it. " he said, patting his back.

James: "Well if you say so, anyway. Where's Mia, Is she here? I need to talk to her something. " (s)he said looking around the class.

(Note: Im struggling to put the right word on this line, but it doesn't work for me. ↓↓↓)

John: "She's not seen her yet, but maybe, she will be here right about now. *looking at the wall clock* " he said, the exact time of entry .

*Open the door suddenly*

Mia: "Huff, *catching her breath* did, "Hah" I make it in time?" she said, slowly walking to the two of them, catching her breath with all the running through the room.

James: "You just in time for the start of the ceremony, anyway are we going to parade? sorry, I didn't read the pamphlet they gave us on that day. " (s)he said, searching through his backpack.

John: "They said it's going to be on campus, but I remember some visitors are allowed, too enter the school for revenue in opening some entertainment and some are selling foods. Which the some students I heard for other class proposed to accommodate them. They said, we are not staying at our classroom, and we will secure our belongings. If any missing personal items are lost, the school are not responsible for that item. " he said, pulling out the pamphlet and reading some of the rules and activities.

James: "Ok, so where are going to stay and put our bags?" he said, pulling out the old book and the pamphlet.

John: "The faculty teacher said that our class will stay infront of the storage rooms to ourselves, which sucks in my opinion. " he said, thinking about it.

James: "Yes it sucks, but we have all the space for ourselves and not cramped, which are not the same other class. " he said, thinking about the advantages.

John: "Well for you will agree, but when you see ours classmates are not agreeing to the spot we are staying.*pointing each other students* I mean, they don't like our Saint be in a bad place that were supposed to be. Which you can see in the mood of the class to the others even students in class. " he said, looking around the classroom.

James: "They can only bear with it after when the games ended."

John: "I will leave you both for whatever you want to talk about to Mia, alright, I need to do something so see you at the ceremony."; he said, walking away and going through the door.

Mia: "So you need me in something?" she said, taking a seat but before she can continue the door is suddenly open with an average looking teacher holding a clip board.

Teacher: "All right class, carry your belongings and follow me, if your other classmate is not here, kindly bring their things too. And if you have any questions about anything in particular just, ask your teacher. " he said, directing all of them to their respective station.

James: "Do you know this kind of book, I tried researching it yesterday in the internet. But for some reason it will only point the website of the government." (s) he said, shaking his head in disappointment.

Mia: "What's makes you sure you have the right person in questioning this kind of subject?" she said, questioning his guess.

James: "I don't know, I just know that you are the only person I trust the most in sharing my secret. " (s)he said, showing carefully the very old or antique book, that is easily damage on how old it looks.

Mia: "I don't even know this kind of subject your referring too *pointing the symbols*, you need a professional researcher in this kind of field." she said, observing the book only rejecting the idea of James.

James: "Come on, I know your brother know this symbols which is almost the same he's researching, maybe you can take a peek inside and inform me about this." (s)he said, remembering the last time she invited him to her place when (s)he meet her brother.

Mia: "I don't know, my brother doesn't like someone rummage his things without his permission. But let me see on what can I do about that." she said, knowing of how strict her brother when someone touches his belongings with his permission especially about his research.

James: "Alright message me when you're at your house and I will give you this *gives a wrapped object* Opened it when you get home. And if you need me, I will be with Caelia and getting ready for the ceremony ' please without any incident' and changing for my outfit. " (s)he said, leaving Mia in her own devices.

While all of the class is getting ready, Caelia who is with her friends and a couple of paparazzi members, is sometimes gazing around the class more specifically at James departing.

Caelia: 'Are you really a girl James?' she said, thinking about the last time she saw him in the mall.


I've been struggling to write for the ongoing story, don't have the motivation sometimes, but, I will make sure not to drop this, ONLY IF I DON'T HAVE MORE IDEAS. 😅 So anyway, see you again in the next chapter.

Words: 1288

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