
Unnecessary Life?

Do you ever thought about getting a second chance at life? Do you ever thought about correcting you mistakes, if you got a second chance? Jim was someone, who you can call a bad person. But what did he do to become a bad person? or where did he gone wrong that led him to become a bad person? Find out through the story. Author's Note : (This story is not actually a r18 story. But there will be some episodes you may find disturbance. That was why I put a r18 tag.) (I hope you can enjoy this story.) :)

Alinanu · Action
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Miserable Life? (Prologue)

Hey, can I ask you something?

What is life yo you?

Can't answer?

Well it is a difficult question, but despite being a difficult question, some people had answered this question in many different ways.

But do you think that, that the answers all correct?

In my opinion, well I really don't know. So many people have different opinions and way of seeing things. I bet how you think of that answers.

I was someone who had taken away all the hope in my life. My life was miserable. Well, I made it miserable. How?

When did it started?

It was at that time, when I was in 8th grade. My friends all are gathered and talking about something. I was curious, so i decided to join them.

When I was near them I heard two words, yes two words. 'Cock' and 'pussy'.

You already got it what I'm talking about, right?

They were actually talking about a new porn video which was released few days ago.

I was someone who never even watched porn videos until that day.

As I eavesdropping, I heard so many things.Like, how fun was it to watch that and how happy they were, when the masturbated.

'I really don't understand, how can they find enjoyment in these kind of things.'

That's what I thought at first. But it quickly changed, after my curiosity overwhelmed me.

I know what sex is, but never saw anyone having sex.

'This is not a good thing.'

This thought was lingering inside me. But when my curiosity was on top, I couldn't just stop myself from watching it.

I opened my laptop, searched the website that I heard from my friends when they were talking and played the first video that was on the home page.

In that video, a girl who looked like she was in her late 20's, was playing with vibrators.

She was all naked. There is'nt a single part where she covered.

Just seeing that scene and hearing her moaning woke my little brother down there.

I tried to endure it. But I just couldn't. After some time, she walked to an another room and there was a boy there.

And you know what happened, they had sex, a hard one at that. At that scene, I just couldn't stop my hands, that were going to touch my little brother. And eventually, I masturbated.

After that one video, I decided that I would never watch something like that again, never ever.

But it wasn't easy as I thought. After that one video, I started to see wet dreams.

It was pretty embarrassing for me.

And because of that wet dreams i had frequently. I eventually started to watch porn videos again and again and again.

I became addicted to it. I watched porn videos every day. Days,weeks, months. I only became interested in porn videos. It was the only source, that brought happiness to me.

Later I started to fell bore just from masturbating. I wanted to do more. I wanted to have sex.

But it was not easy. I didn't had any girlfriend or anything.

The only thing that was on my mind on that days were to have sex with someone. I started to look at girls with lustful eyes. Whenever I was in school, whenever was I on outside and even at home.

It became worse each day.

One day my uncle and aunt came to our house. Both of them were working in foreign country.

I don't remember when was the last time I saw them.

They came here to enroll their daughter to school here. She was at that place until that day. One day, she expressed her mother to come here and have a school life here.

Since uncle and aunt still have their job there, they have to go back. After enrolling her in my school they left and she started to live with us.

She was one year younger than me. A very beautiful girl. Just like her mother who was also a beauty.

She was very close to me. I tried my best to avoid her. I was afraid that my lust will take over me and I will do something to her.

And my worst nightmare became true.

My mom and dad were working for the same company. They had a huge success on their business. So they had a party at that night and reminded us that they will be coming home late.

I decided to not to go outside of my room that night. She called several times for dinner. But I just kept being quite.

I planned on to watch another porn video to divert my attention from it. But it only made me more worse. I got aroused.

That was when she knocked on my door. I just couldn't stop my self. I hurried to the door, opened it and pulled her into the room and to the bed.

She terrified. She was scared. I tore aparted her clothes.

She tried to push me several times but I was stronger. Her eyes were filled with tears. My heart beated.

'This is'nt right. I have to stop this.'

I said to myself. But my body didn't listened.

I put my thing into her. Blood started to come from her down.

I didn't even thought about how painful for her that to be. I only focused on getting pleasure.

Going very hard and rough. I bet it will very painful for her. But I only focused on my pleasure.

After 15 minutes, I came inside her. I could see my the white liquid coming from her down mixed with blood.

That was when I realised what did I did. I started to became panic. I was afraid what will happen to me if she told my parents about this.

I started to panic.

That was when I noticed my camera sitting on the table. An idea popped inside me.

And I threatened her with that. I told her to shut her mouth about this or you know what will happen.

After an hour or so, my parents came home. I was still afraid that she will tell parents about it. But she didn't did it.

After seeing that another devilish idea came to my mind. Like you guessed, I threatened her again saying that if she don't have sex with me every day she will be in trouble.

Since home wasn't a safe place, I decided to do at an another place. I chose a abandoned building that located near my school.

After school, I will drag her to there and had fun with her. And it became a daily routine for us.

Even after entering highschool, it continued.

But something changed. The always cheerful and happy girl became cold after that. She didn't rejected to have sex with me but she - something changed in her.

My parents and her parents-when they came for holidays also noticed it. But she said that nothing was wrong with her.

After highschool I started to work as chef since it was my dream to became a chef.

But she didn't do anything. Didn't go to a university or anything. Not even she tried to find a job.

Fights started to broke out between her and her parents. My parents also also tried to convince her but she didn't even gave them her face.

Whenever I came back home, she will be at my room, naked. And she and I had sex like any other day.

One day, out of nowhere and to my surprise she said something.

She called her parents and my parents, and told them that she want to marry me.

I was shocked.

I really didn't had any idea. I tried asking her but she gave ma a cold shoulder.

They asked for my opinion. I didn't know what to do.

My parents were already noticed that something was going on between us. That was because of what she had been doing recently.

She came to my room without a care.

Eventually I accepted. We got married.

But it wasn't a happy life. She never talked to me. Every night she will come to the room and we will have a sex. Morning, she do house chores and stuff.

I made breakfast everyday. But she won't eat it. She made her own and eat her own.

Like I said, the only thing that she did was having sex with me everyday. That's all.

Like a robot who specifically created to have sex with me.

Years passed, we had a kid. A cute looking baby girl.

I thought she would change after having a kid. But didn't.

Same old routine. She did the same thing. Not even looking at the child. Not even feeding her.

I started to have fight with her, every day. And also stopped to have sex with her.

But something strange happened. She started to beg me for to have sex with her.

Until now, I didn't noticed it. But the thing is, she became a sex maniac. She now only live to sleep with me. To have sex with me.

After knowing this, the anger inside me skyrocketed. I hit her and said to her to never step into my room.

I gave our child to my parents so they can look after her.

I thought that after not having sex for sometime will bring her back to her old self. But it never did.

She became a creature, that only need sex.For that one purpose, she didn't go to a university, didn't took a job, became my wife, never even cared about her own child.

I was becoming enraged by all of this. The fight between us become more and more violent.

One day, when I came back home from my job, she was sitting by the door naked outside.

When she noticed me, she came running to me and hugged me but I pushed her away. I kicked her and went inside and locked the door.

I was really angry at that moment.

The next morning, I decided to look to see if she was there or not. When I opened my door, she wasn't there.

I became a little worried, that's when I remembered something, that yesterday she was sitting outside naked.

My face became pale. I quickly changed and started to look for her. I searched every nook and corner of the city, but didn't get her.

As I was searching for her near my old middle school. I saw a crowd near the old abandoned building.

The scene I saw there was terrifying. It was her. Blood was on her body everywhere. You can see bruises in every nook and corner of her body. Her leg were wide spread open.

After seeing that scene, I passed out.

When I opened my eyes, I was at hospital.

My life - my life turned completely upisde down. I started to become a completely a alcoholic addict. I quitted my job. I became a shut in.

Every day, her terrifying situation will come to my mind. It made me shiver in fear.

That was when, when I realized something.

I was having a miserable life.


I made someone's life miserable. She was a beautiful, cheerful girl. But I made her a sex maniac.

I was the one who turned her into that. I was the one, who destroyed her life. I was the only reason, she had to live that life.

I beacame enraged at my self. Her face, that came to my mind every day made me more angry at my self. I decided to end my life. Once and for all.

My life. How did it become like this. Yes, I remember, It was then, when I heard them talking about that thing. I didn't even realized the seriousness behind it.

I let my curiosity take after my body.

I became a sex maniac. A person who wanted sex no matter what. And because of that I made someone else's life filled with horror.

It was all me. Only me, this all happened.

I'm so sorry, Martha. To make your life like this.

I'm so sorry, that I made you like this. I'm so sorry.

And thus I ended my life. Forever.

For now, I will upload one chapter a week. If the story get some attention, I will upload 2 to 4 chapter a week. Hope you enjoy the story. :)

Alinanucreators' thoughts