
Unnatural origin

In a world where genetic engineering has become the ultimate power tool, one man must confront the dark secrets of his own creation. Kael, a brilliant but rebellious young scientist, discovers that his entire existence is a lie. His DNA is a product of a sinister experiment, designed to create the perfect soldier. As delves deeper into the truth, he realizes his future his uncertain and his past is a fabrication. With the help of a mysterious ally, Kael must navigate a treacherous landscape of conspiracy and deception to uncover the truth about his unnatural origin. But the more he learns, the more he realizes that his very existence threatens the future of humanity. Will Kael embrace his true nature and become the weapon he was designed to be, or will fight against his creators and forge a new path for him self? In a world where the line between humans and machine are blurring, Kael must make a choice that will determine the course of his existence-and the future of humanity. *COMPLETED*

T_abitha · Romance
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31 Chs

The Rebellion Begins

I knew I had to act fast. I couldn't let Dr. Grey and his team control me forever. I was determined to uncover the secrets of my past and forge my own destiny.

"Dr. Kim, we need to get out of here," I whispered, my eyes scanning the lab for any signs of danger.

She nodded, her face set with determination. "I agree. We can't let them keep us prisoner."

We made our move, sneaking past the guards and making our way to the exit. But as we reached the door, it slammed shut, trapping us inside.

" you're not going anywhere," a voice said, echoing through the lab.

I turned to face Dr. Grey, my anger boiling over. "You're not going to control me forever," I said, my voice firm.

Dr. Grey sneered. "You're just a machine, Kael. You don't have free will."

I smiled, a plan forming in my mind. "We'll see about that."

With a surge of strength, I broke free from my restraints and lunged at Dr. Grey. The lab erupted into chaos as we fought for control.

But I was determined to win. I was determined to be free.