

Her statement and tone made it perfectly clear that this ferocious beauty was not a fan of them in the least. She, however, seemed to have given in and accepted that she was going to be a part of their unit whether she wanted to or not. Several of them even found the way she seemed to almost imperceptibly pout over it cute. It was only really noticeable in her tone and a touch in her eyes, but it added an extra layer to her character, making her a touch more approachable.Jien stood followed by the others before gesturing to the door. "We will have to make it back to the Central Administration to find out our quarters assignment." With those words they exited the office giving the woman at the front desk a nod of appreciation and exited. They didn't want to keep Julie waiting lest she choose a more violent path to ensure they do what she wanted. They were all still wary of her and now that she was back on her feet the hairs on their neck were starting to stand on end just from her aura alone.They quickly but calmly made their way back to the large spire with its shining star of a bell. Jien was in the lead despite how Julie had tried to get ahead of the group a few different times. What she found was that Jien's sense of direction seemed unerring. She would diverge slightly on an incorrect path, but the others would follow Jien as he walked calmly along the streets. He even seemed to be picking streets with less traffic given the busy first day. Each time she corrected course to follow the others, eventually giving up and following the main group until they arrived before the massive building.The Central Administration building had only a small trickle of people in an out as opposed to the flood from earlier today. They were able to enter the same main hall in a matter of minutes and approach a desk with a slightly more fresh-looking young man with hazel eyes, a scar across his nose and long dirty blonde hair. The young man looked up to see that Julie had once again taken the lead, this time with full confidence.Jien didn't try to fight her for the lead, it didn't mean enough for him to risk an open conflict in front of so many people from the administrative departments. Her behavior made him lean heavily on the option of separating the unit into two five-man teams with her leading one. It was clear she took the role leader seriously which he found interesting. She had never been a leader given her background and didn't know much of anything about military tactics, yet this is what she wanted. He shoved the thought process to the back of his mind to handle when they were more settled and able to talk calmly as a group.The man behind the desk smiled calmly as they approached. "What can I help you with?" he asked this in a silvery voice that almost stopped Julie in her tracks for a moment. "Unit B114 reporting in to get our quarters assignment." Her response was rough and a little more like a growl than actual words. This made the others from the group look at her and then turn to each other curiously. Oddly it was the most expressionless of all of them who picked up on the cause."Embarrassment." His word was cool and as stoic as his looks. He did not seem to particularly care, simply stating the facts and answering their questioning gazes. At hearing the word Julie's head snapped back with a look of ferocity that a magic beast may have looked cuddly in comparison. Everyone but Jien and Barret seemed to swallow a lump in their throats wondering if she would end them all right here and now. Unfortunately, the one that she was glaring at seemed to have not mind it in the slightest.The man behind the desk cleared his throat, pulling all of their attention back to him. It appeared that during that short interaction he had pulled out a simple glass sphere, found the answer and produced a set of ten keys along with a card stating an address. How he found the answer nobody saw, but the fact that he had produced what they need was testament to him completing his job.Julie reached the desk, took the keys and card, and before the man could give instructions shoved the card into Jien's face. "Since you seem to know this place so well you can lead us here." Her words were clear, and her voice tinged with a hint of what Jien felt was embarrassment from walking astray several times. Jien could only sigh and take the card, reading it aloud for all to hear so they would know. "Section 17 Armiored Place Unit 5." The address beyond the section number seemed much like a street name in any town or city. Orsythe academy was like it's own city so this made sense. It just relieved them that they wouldn't have to memorize something bizarre.Jien took a long moment, his eyes almost becoming glassy as if daydreaming, a slight reflection of several interconnected dots of lights showing in the back of his green eyes. After the moment he blinked his eyes, causing the reflection to vanish before turning and taking a step to the opposite entrance and walking out with steady strides. It was time to see what their living quarters would look like.