

All the adults watched in horror as the crimson mist invaded Jien's body. They knew they had missed their chance to help him, not that there would have been too much they could have done. While the summoning was in process Jien wouldn't be able to distance himself from the summoning ritual, bound to it by his own mana. Whatever, or whoever the mysterious woman was she was it was clear that she would likely have been able to handle them all and still do what she wished. Now they could only watch in horror as Jien would either fight off the being invading him or perish without them being able to intervene.They could shatter the summoning circle, but this had just as much risk as being invaded by the stranger. By performing the summoning, a mark between summoner and summon would be formed that could be used to identify each other. The risk in this is that the mark would be at the level of the soul much like the contract once signed. To destroy the circle would be to create irreparable damage to Jien's soul possibly crippling or even killing him. Not to mention that doing so would now require significant force or a counter formation which would take time. Time they no longer had because an attack on the soul would require moments at best.Once the last of the red mist had invaded Jien his eyes immediately went blank, no shred of the intelligent young man present as his body slumped to the ground like a marionette with its strings cut. A sight that brought despair to not just the adults but also the children who couldn't comprehend what was going on. This was nothing like their summoning ceremonies, the demon was vastly more human, the sheer power it exuded made even the adults concerned and rather than bargaining like usual it went straight for an attack in a very unusual manner. All of this was just bizarre and only shock showed in their eyes looking at Jien's lifeless green eyes.*****************Jien had not had time to react to anything. One moment the gray skinned woman had been standing before him, a pressure that brought him to his knees released from her mere presence. The next moment she had turned into colored mist and seemed to stream toward him like a river. As she invaded his nostrils he couldn't stop it, couldn't take in breath even from his mouth and couldn't resist the pressure that was assaulting his insides like a balloon was being inside his body and wanting to destroy him to make more room. The feeling however was not physical, it felt like his mind and soul were under such immense pressure for a few moments before everything went dark. His body felt heavy as lead and his thoughts like they were pushing through nearly hardened sludge. And then there was nothing.*****************Aqa'krghrift invaded the boy's body successfully in a bid to destroy his soul, the very essence of his existence to ensure that she would no longer be bothered. She met no resistance, not that she had felt that a young boy like her summoner would be able to do such a thing. Once fully within the boy's body her form, as red as blood and hard as crystal formed in a vast empty void of pure darkness.This was the first step. She had invaded the body and while one may think that the soul was the full shape of the body, they would be wrong. To be exact the soul was not even of the physical plane but connected by a single strong line to the body. Cutting the line wouldn't be enough, she knew that if she just cut the connection to this body there was the chance that the boy at some point would obtain another, no she had to reach the source, crush it and evacuate back to the physical plane.So, she searched the void with all haste until she found what could be considered the solitary star in this emptiness. As soon as she found it she dove into it, riding the 'string' running from this 'star' to its very source. She had done so in a frantic manner because there was no saying what drastic measures those humans would take, nor was there any way of knowing if there would be a point where the summoner would be able to muster the strength to eject her.It took several agonizingly long moments before she exited the connection into a pure white plane. Above her head were several large 'planets' surrounded by slowly rotating 'moons'. The 'sky' above was vast and covered a deep blue darkness with sparse white clouds. She didn't know what to make of this, but she also knew that this was the soul of the boy. Though slightly intrigued she was not willing to take her time in investigating.She landed on the endless white plane beneath her before immediately letting loose an aura of destruction. Jien both being mostly untrained, especially in the area of the soul, an uncommon point of study was just as fragile as any other human. The soul was like a glass vase, a bit of pressure in the wrong spot and the glass would shatter. This is exactly what happened to Jien's soul as large cracks spread throughout the space as if a mirror had been struck by a stone.The beautiful sky was covered in cracks, the golden 'planets' looking like they had only been a painting that was crumbling. Several shards began to fall from the sky and ground revealing endless darkness like an abyss. She just had to give a little more and this issue would be resolved but she also had to be wary to ride the connection back least she herself end up separated from the physical plane. She would just crush this soul and return to her collection and friends.