

In a world on the brink of collapse, four individuals with conflicting motives are inexplicably drawn together by a shared mission: to save humanity for their own gains. As they navigate their own agendas and personal struggles, they must grudgingly unite their skills to confront a global threat. Betrayal, danger, and self-interest clash as they race against time to secure their own futures while saving the world from destruction. In a world teeming with diverse creatures, from gods and humans to angels and devils, the balance of power is defined by Neba and Zeten. Neba, a divine blessing, imbues individuals with mystical energy, while Zeten, a sinister curse, manifests as an elemental aura. Neba: A divine blessing that grants individuals mystical energy. Users can enhance their abilities through rigorous training and consistent usage. Mastery of Neba empowers individuals to reach their full potential, with 100% representing peak efficiency. Zeten: A sinister curse that envelops individuals in an elemental aura. Mastery requires heeding cryptic whispers and completing their tasks to enhance Zeten power and ability mastery. Overuse of Zeten can lead to loss of control, transforming individuals into powerful yet uncontrollable entities. In this world, mastering Neba and Zeten is the key to unlocking untold power and facing the challenges of an ever-shifting landscape filled with danger and opportunity.

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22 Chs

Chapter 10.5: INFORMATION

Name: Dune

average height with a normal physique. He has long white hair that cascades to the middle of his neck, framing his handsome face.

One notable characteristic is his black eyes, though one of them is scarred, leaving him with a white eye on the right side. He typically dresses in black and white attire, reflecting his subdued yet stylish.

Despite his outward appearance of calmness, he grapples with a sense of powerlessness and uncertainty about his goals in life.

His primary motivation is to protect his family from their enemies, but he feels constrained by his perceived limitations.

Despite his doubts,

Dune possesses exceptional intelligence, with his battle IQ and overall IQ ranking among the best. He often prefers silence over conversation.

While he may not have grand aspirations, his intelligence and strategic thinking make him a valuable asset in any situation. However, his physical weakness serves as a constant reminder of his vulnerability, driving him to seek strength and purpose in an uncertain world.

Height- 170cm

Age: 16

Zeten -

Zeten ability-

Neba - None

Personal ability-

Ability mastery -

Neba mastery -

Zeten Aura mastery -

Name: Ned

short grey hair and black eyes, He wears a white jacket paired with black pants, presenting a simple yet noticeable contrast that reflects his inner struggles and resilience.

Ned is Dune's brother, a kind and compassionate young man who faces significant adversity.

Despite the hate and prejudice he endures due to his curse mark Zeten, he remains steadfast in his commitment to protect his brother and family.

Ned carries a heavy burden, blaming himself for the curse mark he was born with and wishing it never existed. This self-blame is a constant source of internal conflict, but it also fuels his determination to overcome the challenges he faces.

His kindness and perseverance make him a pillar of support for those he loves, embodying quiet strength in the face of adversity.

Height: 171cm

Age: 16

Zeten: Red

Zeten Ability: Powerful wind slash, wind control

Neba: Green

Personal Ability: ???

Mastery: 2%

Ability mastery -

Neba mastery - 7%

Zeten Aura mastery - 1%

Name: Atlas

He has long black hair and piercing purple eyes, exuding an aura of mystery and strength. His attire consists of black and purple clothes, complemented by a black hoodie jacket.

Atlas carries the weight of a harrowing past but chooses to remain silent about it, refusing to be seen as a pitiful creature. He prefers solitude and seldom shares his history with others, maintaining a stoic and serious demeanor.

Despite his young age, he is exceptionally strong, surpassing everyone he knows. However, his drive for greater power remains, fueled by his personal goals and ambitions.

Atlas's leadership qualities are also remarkable, guiding others with a calm and collected approach. His tragic experiences have shaped him into a resilient and focused individual, making him an inspiring figure even though he keeps his vulnerabilities


Height- 175cm

Age - 16


Zeten ability- Purple dimension


Personal ability- ???

Ability mastery - purple dimension- 7%

Neba mastery - 17%

Zeten Aura mastery - 15%

Twin brothers: Liam and Ezra

Liam and Ezra are 15-year-old twins with striking orange curly hair. They are of average height and share a joyful, bratty demeanor. Their faces feature small but well-shaped noses and large, expressive eyes.

The most noticeable difference between them is their eye color: Ezra has bright yellow eyes, while Liam's are a vivid green. Both have strong, athletic builds and wear full black fighting outfits, emphasizing their readiness for combat.

The twins are carefree and pragmatic, making decisions based solely on whether an action benefits them. They have no qualms about killing to protect their friends or family, displaying a fierce loyalty despite their otherwise nonchalant attitudes.

Their shared Zeten ability allows them to switch places with each other, a skill they use to great effect in battle. Additionally, they have developed a unique martial art that focuses primarily on leg attacks, showcasing their agility and strength.

Their lighthearted approach to life and combat masks a deep bond and an unwavering commitment to those they care about.

Height- 170cm

Age: 15

Zeten- Orange

Zeten ability - ???

Neba - Orange

Personal ability - Swap

Ability mastery - Swap-23%

Neba mastery - 12%

Zeten mastery - 3%

Name: Cadogan

He has piercing blue eyes and long white hair with subtle light blue streaks, reaching down to his legs. He wears a flowing white kimono-like garment adorned with white and blue ornaments, accompanied by an icy cape that enhances his commanding presence.

His crystal-like blue earrings add to his striking appearance. Handsome face, with a sharp nose, chin, and narrow eyes that reflect his calm demeanor.

Cadogan is a calm and composed individual, driven by a strong sense of duty to protect his people. As a great leader, he is motivated to ensure the safety and prosperity of his city. His primary ability is ice,

which he wields with precision and power, reinforcing his role as a steadfast guardian and inspiring figure within his community.

Nickname: Lord of Fein

Height- 188cm

Age - 30

Zeten- Blue

Zeten ability - one with the ice

Neba- Blue

Personal ability- Ice healing

Ability mastery - one with the ice - 11%

Ice healing- 23%

Neba mastery -25%

Zeten Aura mastery -7%

Name: Matiane

He has a striking vampire-like appearance with pale white skin, sharp teeth, and vivid red hair and eyes.

He is tall and imposing, dressed in red and black clothes. His outfit includes a red cape and a black and red fighter ensemble, giving him a menacing and powerful look.

Matiane is strong and dedicated, with his sole aim being to become the perfect servant for the God of War.

This singular focus drives all his actions and decisions, making him a relentless and formidable warrior.

Nickname: apostle of God of War

Height- 185cm

Age: ???


Neba 1 - yellow

Neba 2 - Orange

Neba 3 - Red

Personal ability - can control Fire and shape it to different weapons

Ability mastery - Fire- 31%

Neba mastery - yellow-41% orange-31% Red-17%

Zeten Aura mastery -

Important Information about Zeten:

After Strongest human in history Zet disappeared from the world stage, humans gained a newfound power called Zeten. Those who bore this mark, a tattoo in the shape of a detailed cross upon their chest, possessed the potential to awaken one hundred percent of their power.

At first, these individuals were hailed as heroes, their abilities surpassing those of ordinary humans. Yet, the gift of Zeten came with a dark price. As time passed, those who carried it began to lose control over their powers, their minds consumed by madness and corrupted by sinister desires.

The once-revered heroes became feared and reviled, their reputation tarnished by the havoc they wrought upon the world. In response to the chaos unleashed by those with Zeten, the five continents enacted strict measures to suppress and control them, even resorting to disposing of newborns who bore the mark.

In the eyes of the world, Zetens were no longer heroes, but slaves to their own power, feared and shunned by society. Yet, the true nature of their descent into madness remained shrouded in mystery, their minds plagued by whispers and voices that drove them to acts of unspeakable cruelty.

Information about Neba

In the world of Sanatria, Neba manifests in various colors, each indicating different levels of power and rarity:

Green: The most common and weakest form of Neba.

Yellow: Stronger than green but still considered average in power.

Orange: A strong aura typically wielded by knights.

Red: Rare and difficult to control, often associated with noble families.

Blue: Among the strongest auras, with limited information available in Sanatria.

Purple: The strongest aura attainable by humans. Only Known wielder: Cassius, the king's right-hand man.

Black: Only used by demons, devils, and other malevolent beings. Its power rivals, if not surpasses, that of purple Neba. No known humans possess black aura.