

The moment I said my final words before I took the stairs to the rooftop, I was thinking that, 'What if Alfred was right? He just wanted to make it up to me?' but then again the possibilities.

I shook my head countless times and opened the door and entered the rooftop. Fresh air, is what I need right now.

Just as when I was about my way to the railings when I saw someone standing and was about to jump.

"W-Wha----Hey! Don't jump!" I shouted and thankfully, I got her attention.

And when I saw her, she was wearing a mask that I can't even see her face because of it.

I tried to step closer but then the moment I was already about 3 inches away, she jumped.

"H-Hey!" I ran through it and when I tried to look down, I thought I can hear the students screaming already but there's nothing on the ground.

"A-Am I imagining things?" I asked myself while looking at it.

"I swear I saw that girl." I said.

Just as the moment I withdrew from looking down, somehow I felt... unfamiliar. I began to think of something, unusual and everything went black.

A moment when I woke up, I'm still at the rooftop but something's wrong. I saw again a girl standing that it was about to jump but she's different from what I just saw earlier.

"He---" I was cut off by someone.

"Hey, Reiko! Stop scaring everyone!" I turned around just to see a guy who just arrived, catching his breath.

"Damn it, why do you always get in my way huh? I'm having fun here!" she said as she went down.

Why can't they see me? Am I like in a sort of illusion?

"Still, you were always the one who kept on lecturing me not to show off. And yet, here you are, literally scaring everyone because they thought you were going to commit a suicide." he said as he flicked her forehead.

She stepped away from him, "Goddamn it, Aiden! It hurts!"

"Come on, we still have to go to the orphanage." he said as it was also that time I realized waking up and looked around.


"What were you doing at the rooftop? You seemed like an idiot earlier, blacking out suddenly." A girl's voice echoed around the room and I saw a shadow, walking on her way where I was resting.

Light struck her face, I almost recognized her as the one I've seen on that unusual dream.

"W-Who are you?" I asked, clenching my fists.

She sighed as she crossed her arms. "I'm your seatmate, Serena Park."

I arched a brow, as I heard what her name was, "Serena...Park?"

"Your butler's waiting, I have to go." she said as she gave me a quick bow and was just about to exit when I called out.

"Hey, wait." she stopped halfway.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Your face...looked familiar, have we met before?" I said following a question after.

"You maybe saw a class picture with me on it, don't think of any ridiculous ideas." she said as she finally exited the room.

Alfred then came in. "Young master! Thank goodness, you're alright!"

"I'm alright, I'm alright. I just passed out." I replied. "By the way, have you seen the girl?"

He arched a brow when I asked a question.

"A girl? I haven't seen any girl that exited the room, young master." he said

What? How--

"I see. It must be my imagination." No. It's not.

Alfred just nodded in reply and helped me walk on our way to the car.

When we're already inside, I looked directly at the rear-view mirror.

"Alfred." I called out.

"Yes, young master?" he asked

"I'm going home for dinner, tell Mr. Fernandez about it." I said and he nodded in reply.

Mr. Fernandez... huh.

I already forgot when was the last time I called him Father. Excluding earlier. Was it when Jairen came in?

I thought at first, he's going to grieve for my mother, for his wife. But no, he didn't. Such disgrace for a father and a husband like him.

"Shin, we have arrived." I snapped back to reality when Alfred called out my name. I immediately exited the car and went inside the house. Countless of maids and butlers, I see. Nothing changed.

"Mr. Shin. Good evening, follow me." the maid said but I just waved my hand rejecting her command.

"No need, I can still remember which way." I said as I walked my way to the dining hall where I found him and his family.

"You're late." he said as I sat on my chair not minding what he just said.

"Father, don't mind him. I heard that he passed out at the rooftop during lunch, maybe he's hungry." Jairen said teasingly as he shot a glance at me. But I didn't care and still went on eating the food on my plate.

I can feel the way my step-mother glanced at me. She was worried, but I don't care.

"Can't you just be like Jairen? He's doing his best in school, he has won many awards already, and---" I slammed my fork and the dinner knife on the plate and stared at him.

"I've lost my appetite. Thank you for the food." I said as I stood up and was about to exit the hall when he continued.

"What a disrespectful child, you already forgot what your mother taught you?" I turned around and glared at him.

"What a shameful father, have you already forgotten the vow you made with my mother? And mind you, I still remember what my mother had taught me. Don't be such a hypocrite and backstabbing me with a dead person." I said as my gaze went to Jairen. "You should be thankful, your father made his first son as an enemy of the family, and can you stop comparing me to another person? I'm done with it." I said my final words and immediately called out Alfred to take me back to the penthouse.

"Shin, I'm sorry that I force---"

"No you didn't, I went there because I wanted to." I said as I removed my coat and quickly jumped on my bed.

"What's the schedule for tomorrow, by the way?" I asked

"You will have a test in Biology, 250 items. 1st period." he said.

"I got it. You may go now." I said as he was already out of my sight and already went to sleep.

If only she were here, I would already have my questions answered.