
Cold as Ice

Do you believe in destiny? Kinda tough to answer but moving on, why do people wanted to know their future? In order to get ready when something bad happens to them? Was it? Was that really the reason?

"Hurry!" the woman beside me went ahead of me and immediately board the bus and I followed her after. It was raining hard, there are barely no buses that are currently on the road but maybe it's just luck for me.

I was browsing my phone when the bus suddenly stopped that I went out of balance and fell. People were already put their attention on me, and one thing I regretted the most was... I accepted the help from a person and accidentally looked into her eyes.

"Are you alright?" she asked while I froze as my eyes were locked into hers and pictures flashing through my mind like lightning, seeing what will happen to them in the future made me feel like I shouldn't have looked into her eyes.

"I-I'm fine. I-I c-can handle this." I said as I removed her hand that was on my shoulder. I asked the driver to stop the bus in the middle of the road and it was raining hard, I know and I immediately dropped off the bus. I quickly walked away and the bus was still there, so I quickly walked away, but it was too late. The bus exploded and I was still caught by it, little did I knew that I was already lying on the road, my gaze still locked on the bus that was already on fire. After that, everything went black.

"AH!" I screamed as I forced myself to wake up, realizing that I was only dreaming. I was already sweating hard and was catching my breath, when someone entered my room.

"Young master! Are you alright?" he hurriedly went to me and hugged me tight. "The same dream again, my boy?" he asked as he was still hugging me.

"I can't help it, Alfred. With my eyes being like this, I can't help it but remembering it again and again like it was haunting me. It's already been 2 years!" I cried out.

"Calm down, child. There will be time that they'll understand, especially them." he said as I pulled away from the hug after. By "them" he meant the people who boarded that bus, 2 years ago.

"Can't this just get any worse?" I said as I stood up. "I'm going to get ready for school." I immediately went to the bathroom and took a shower.

While taking a shower, I can't help but think again what happened.


"Are you alright?"

"I-I'm fine. I-I c-can handle this."

I shook my head and continued getting ready for myself.

When I'm done getting ready, I just grabbed a toast and went outside just to see Alfred waiting to drive me to school.

Mattheus Academy.

As I was already sitting on the back seat, Alfred looked at me through the rear view mirror.

"I forgot to tell you, your father asked for your presence tonight for a dinner." he said and I furrowed my brows. "I was actually glad when you said you forgot, but the time that you spoke what you just forgot to tell me, I regret being glad. Why do he need for my presence when he can just go enjoy the company of my step-brother and my step-mother?" I said as I opened the book that I'm holding and began to read.

"Maybe, he just wants to make it up to you, after all you already left that house since when you were young, I think it was 5 years ago." he said while his gaze is focused on the road.

"He just wants my presence so that he can compare me again to Jairen." I said and was a good timing that we arrived. "Tell him, I won't go. That's final." I quickly went inside the school and walked my way to the room.

Speaking of walking my way to the room, I can barely hear myself out because of their whispers whenever I'm around.

"Isn't he so cold like he's from North Pole?"

"He distances himself away from people."

"It's just sad that he has a good looking face but he's as cold as ice."

I didn't mind it. I just simply let it slipped through my other ear.

When I arrived, I quickly sat down on my chair and put on my earphones. It's a better way to escape from reality for a while.

"SHINJI FERNANDEZ!" even though the volume's already on it's max level, I can still hear her ground breaking voice.

I removed my earphones and continued on reading. "What is it again? I told you, I will never go back on my word. My answer is still no."

"Mmmmm! You're so stubborn!" she said as she seemed that she was about to pinch my cheeks so I looked away and I got myself staring at the vacant chair beside mine.

"That's Serena Park's chair, ever since you came around, she's been absent lately." she said as she caught me staring at it.

Then I changed sides and looked outside the window just as the teacher walked in. They all stood up to pay respects but I didn't.

He started the lecture and my attention just focused on what's outside the window. Looking at the students doing their P.E classes, looking at the students doing their tasks, making eye contact.

I sighed. If only I didn't have these eyes, I could be making friends by now.

By the time then, our class was dismissed and I looked at the vacant chair again, and saw a paper on her desk so I took it and put it on my pocket. I might just look onto it later.

I was about to go outside the room so that I can make my way for myself to the rooftop when Jairen stood in my way.

"Care to have a conversation with me, Ice King?" he asked as he gave me a smirk on his face.

"I rather not." I said as I went ahead of him.

"Father wanted your presence tonight." he said and I stopped my way.

"I already told him that I will not attend, go have it your way." I said as I continue on walking away from him.

Aside from those haunting memories, there are things that I rather avoid than make contact with it.

Sometimes people mistook isolation for independence and prefer to distance themselves away than to communicate with them.

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