
UNMEI : Whispers of The Curse and Blessing

In a world on the brink of collapse, four individuals with conflicting motives are inexplicably drawn together by a shared mission: to save humanity for their own gains. As they navigate their own agendas and personal struggles, they must grudgingly unite their skills to confront a global threat. Betrayal, danger, and self-interest clash as they race against time to secure their own futures while saving the world from destruction. In a world teeming with diverse creatures, from gods and humans to angels and devils, the balance of power is defined by Neba and Zeten. Neba, a divine blessing, imbues individuals with mystical energy, while Zeten, a sinister curse, manifests as an elemental aura. Neba: A divine blessing that grants individuals mystical energy. Users can enhance their abilities through rigorous training and consistent usage. Mastery of Neba empowers individuals to reach their full potential, with 100% representing peak efficiency. Zeten: A sinister curse that envelops individuals in an elemental aura. Mastery requires heeding cryptic whispers and completing their tasks to enhance Zeten power and ability mastery. Overuse of Zeten can lead to loss of control, transforming individuals into powerful yet uncontrollable entities. In this world, mastering Neba and Zeten is the key to unlocking untold power and facing the challenges of an ever-shifting landscape filled with danger and opportunity.

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58 Chs

Chapter 39: Shadows Of Ambition

I stand up again and look out of the window. There he is, Richard Murderthrone, my brother.

Clad in his battle outfit, he clashes against the Puppets, those lifeless fighters, they can move thanks to force of neba.

They make for formidable training opponents, and Richard is more than up to the challenge.

A powerful Zeten, his strength is bolstered by his status as the king's son. It's the only reason he's still alive, and I plan to use that to my advantage.

Richard wields a Golden Neba, not just any yellow, but wuth some divinity from the gods. It's made him nearly invincible, untouchable by my hand.

But that's fine, I don't need to kill him.

My neba is green, and though I am no Zeten, I possess a unique ability. At its peak, it could be unstoppable, but for now, it's practically worthless.

In this world, abilities manifest randomly, independent of one's neba or Zeten.

My ability? I can enslave anyone I want. It sounds impressive, doesn't it? But, of course, there's a catch.

I can only enslave someone if I beat them in a completely fair game or deal. The terms must be equal, or I must face a disadvantage.

The more challenging the deal, the greater control I gain over the person or creature. Enslaving stronger beings enhances my mastery of neba and my ability itself.

Most people misunderstand their nebas, failing to see them as living entities, integral to their own essence.

The most crucial moment in one's life is the first use of their ability.

This initial use determines future mastery and power. From my research, I've learned that those with painful pasts who've fought stronger enemies possess greater potential.

But what matters most is their first use of their ability. Why? Because it needs the best possible 'meal' at the outset. The first use is always the strongest.

Imagine wanting to buy something expensive but lacking the funds. You strive to earn the necessary money, putting in significant effort.

But If your desires are minor and inexpensive, you exert less effort.

This is why I've never used my ability. I'm searching for a worthy prey to maximize my potential. Enslaving a random human would be futile.

I need someone exceptional, a person with a purple neba, a powerful creature,

or even a … God.

This is risky but could be the best move. Enslaving a god, using my ability for the first time against a divine neba, would skyrocket my mastery and potential.

Richard is also an option. His Golden Neba is god-gifted, but it's not truly divine, a mere imitation. The gods wouldn't bestow genuine divine neba to the king's son, only a cheap copy.

As I descend the stairs, I spot my brother Richard, his golden hair catching the morning light.

His infuriating blue eyes are filled with hope and kindness, an innocence born of never knowing hardship.

But can I blame him? He's spent twenty years sheltered within these castle walls.

But still none of this matters to me.

"Still training, huh?" I greet him. He slices the last puppet in half and turns to me, grinning widely.

"Yeah, I have to get ready for the Beast Tournament," he replies with enthusiasm.

I sigh. "Aren't you already the strongest here?"

He looks down, a rare moment of self-doubt crossing his face. "Yeah, but have you seen the new guys?

One of them has a purple Zeten and Neba. It's crazy. He could be a problem, so I need to get stronger. And what about you? Do you have a beast already?"

The whole tournament is a pain. "What's the point of me joining the tournament? I have no powers, remember?"

Richard places a reassuring hand on my shoulder, his smile annoyingly wide. "If you try your hardest, you can achieve anything in this world, Damion. As your big brother, I'll do my best to make you strong enough."

He lives in a fantasy. I chuckle and bow slightly. "If you say so" … "Did you choose your beast already?" I ask.

Richard beams with pride. "I chose one. Father got it for me. It's called Devi, a humanoid creature, fifteen meters tall, and incredibly fast.

I'll ride it and win the first round to get the enhancement potion."

Devi, huh? What a …. name. Of course, his daddy got him the best pet. But I can't let Richard win the first round of the Beast Tournament.

The tournament is comprised of three major events. The first is the Beasts: a week-long race spanning thousands of kilometers.

Competitors must choose a beast and cross the finish line first. Thousands join, ranging in age from fifteen to forty.

The second event is a four-on-four team survival in the Forest of Sabadury. It lasts until only thirty-two participants remain. The final round is one-on-one battles.

But I only need to win the first and second rounds. The first round offers the Aby Potion, a rare elixir that enhances your ability strength by 80% for an entire day.

Only one winner will claim it, and I need it desperately. When I attempt to enslave a god, the Aby Potion will amplify my power, tipping the scales in my favor.

The second round is simpler. I just need a strong team. The victors can choose one artifact from the king's library, a vast room brimming with books, weapons, shields, and countless other relics.

For someone powerless like me, artifacts are essential.

As for the third round, I don't care. The main prize is impressive, but it doesn't fit into my plans.

The Tournament winner receives the blood of the Phoenix, which enhances your neba and physical strength by 100%, doubling your power.

While this prize would be a dream for most, it doesn't matter to me. I prefer to rule from the shadows rather than engage in direct combat.

I have twenty-nine days to prepare for the tournament. Twenty-nine days to set my plan in motion.

Soon, this world will change.