
UNMEI : Whispers of The Curse and Blessing

In a world on the brink of collapse, four individuals with conflicting motives are inexplicably drawn together by a shared mission: to save humanity for their own gains. As they navigate their own agendas and personal struggles, they must grudgingly unite their skills to confront a global threat. Betrayal, danger, and self-interest clash as they race against time to secure their own futures while saving the world from destruction. In a world teeming with diverse creatures, from gods and humans to angels and devils, the balance of power is defined by Neba and Zeten. Neba, a divine blessing, imbues individuals with mystical energy, while Zeten, a sinister curse, manifests as an elemental aura. Neba: A divine blessing that grants individuals mystical energy. Users can enhance their abilities through rigorous training and consistent usage. Mastery of Neba empowers individuals to reach their full potential, with 100% representing peak efficiency. Zeten: A sinister curse that envelops individuals in an elemental aura. Mastery requires heeding cryptic whispers and completing their tasks to enhance Zeten power and ability mastery. Overuse of Zeten can lead to loss of control, transforming individuals into powerful yet uncontrollable entities. In this world, mastering Neba and Zeten is the key to unlocking untold power and facing the challenges of an ever-shifting landscape filled with danger and opportunity.

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Chapter 1: Dune

25 December

The morning sun painted the classroom in hues of gold, Teacher Amanda stood before her students, her voice a soft melody that carried the weight of centuries past.

"Five thousand years ago," she began, her words weaving a tapestry of history, "our world was torn asunder by the flames of war.

Demons clashed with angels, gods waged battles against humans, and creatures of myth and legend fought for dominance."

Her gaze swept across the room, pausing briefly on each eager face before continuing.

"In the end, it was the gods who emerged victorious, their power unmatched and their dominion absolute.

They enslaved devils and subdued otherworldly beings, cementing their rule over both mortals and immortals alike."

Amanda's gaze turned somber as she spoke of the angels' tragic fate. "In the war that raged, the angels, with their dangerous power of light, were deemed too formidable a threat by the gods.

They were all wiped out, their radiant existence snuffed out by the divine fury of the gods."

A hush fell over the classroom as Amanda recounted the rise of a human named Zet, whose arrival heralded a new era of defiance against the gods.

"For two thousand years, Zet held sway over both worlds, his strength and cunning unmatched by any who dared to challenge him. Yet, as mysteriously as he appeared, he vanished, leaving behind a legacy shrouded in myth and legend."

The students listened with rapt attention, their imaginations ignited by tales of ancient heroes and forgotten wars. They knew well the divide between mortals and gods, the vast chasm of power that separated them.

"And so," Amanda concluded, her voice tinged with a hint of sorrow, "we find ourselves in a world shaped by the echoes of our past.

Except our Continent Sanatria,

there are Five more continents, 4 of them are with its own culture and ruler, stand as testament to the diversity of our existence.

And lastly the sixth continent, that serves as the meeting ground for peoples from all corners of our world."

As the lesson drew to a close, Amanda's eyes met those of Dune, who sat by the window, his thoughts lost in the beauty of the day.

As Amanda's gaze met Dune's, she couldn't help but notice the enigmatic aura that surrounded him.

Dune sat by the window, his white hair catching the sunlight in a mesmerizing display. His hair, reached down to his neck, framing his face in an ethereal glow.

But it was his eyes that held Amanda's attention the most. Dune's eyes were as dark as the night sky, yet one was marred by a scar that traversed its surface, leaving it a milky white.

It was a remnant of a childhood accident, a reminder of a past that Dune carried with him every day.

Despite the imperfection, there was a quiet strength in Dune's gaze, a resilience that spoke volumes about the trials he had faced.

At fifteen years old, he was no stranger to hardship, yet there was a youthful innocence that lingered beneath the surface, waiting to be discovered.

Dune was known for his reserved nature, rarely speaking unless spoken to. Yet, Amanda had always sensed a keen intelligence lurking beneath the surface, a depth of understanding that belied his years.

In her thoughts, Amanda reflected on how Dune carried himself with a quiet confidence, his every action deliberate and measured.

He was a young man of few words, but his silence spoke volumes, revealing a wisdom that surpassed his age.

Despite her admiration for Dune's intellect, Amanda couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to him than met the eye.

She longed to hear his thoughts, to gain insight into the workings of his mind.

With a resolve born of curiosity, she decided to pose a question to him, hoping to spark a conversation that would reveal the depths of his thoughts.

"Dune," Amanda began, her voice gentle yet insistent, "what are your thoughts on Zeten and those who carry it?"

ZETEN.... After Zet disappeared from the world stage, humans gained a newfound power called Zeten.

Those who bore this mark, a tattoo of different colours in the shape of a detailed cross upon their chest, possessed the potential to awaken one hundred percent of their power.

At first, these individuals were hailed as heroes, their abilities surpassing those of ordinary humans.

Yet, the gift of Zeten came with a dark price. As time passed, those who carried it began to lose control over their powers, their minds consumed by madness and corrupted by sinister desires.

The once-revered heroes became feared and reviled, their reputation tarnished by the havoc they wrought upon the world.

In response to the chaos unleashed by those with Zeten, the five continents enacted strict measures to suppress and control them, even resorting to disposing of newborns who bore the mark.

In the eyes of the world, Zetens were no longer heroes, but slaves to their own power, feared and shunned by society.

Yet, the true nature of their descent into madness remained shrouded in mystery, their minds plagued by whispers and voices that drove them to acts of unspeakable cruelty.

As Amanda awaited Dune's response, she couldn't help but wonder what secrets lay hidden behind his impassive facade. In his eyes, she saw a glimmer of understanding, a hint of knowledge that hinted at depths of wisdom yet to be revealed.

I believe they are untamed beings," Dune began, his voice calm yet resolute. "It's truly a burden to be born with Zeten.

The government faced no choice but to make difficult decisions, prioritizing the safety of the innocent.

We're still grappling with understanding what triggers their descent into madness, and how to confront it.

Their origins remain shrouded in mystery, compounded by the reluctance of many Zetens to share information. The fear they instill in people only adds to the challenge we face."

As Dune's voice resonated through the classroom, every eye turned towards him, hanging on his every word. For a moment, silence reigned, broken only by the steady rhythm of Dune's measured speech.

A heavy silence settled over the classroom. Amanda couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment at his response.

She had hoped for insight, for a glimpse into Dune's own thoughts and feelings. Instead, he had echoed the sentiments of the world, speaking not from his heart, but from the collective fear and uncertainty that gripped society.

The classmates nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting a mixture of fear and resignation. It was a truth they had all come to accept, a reality that had become ingrained in their lives.

With a heavy heart, Amanda brought the lesson to a close, the weight of unanswered questions lingering in the air. As the students filed out of the classroom, their minds filled with thoughts of the world beyond,

Amanda couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Dune than met the eye. She resolved to unravel the mystery that surrounded him, to uncover the truth hidden beneath his stoic facade.

Dune strolled out of the school building, his mind buzzed with thoughts of the world around him. He couldn't help but chuckle softly to himself as he considered the conversation in class.

Despite his outward agreement with the prevailing sentiments, Dune harbored a deeper understanding of the Zetens, one that diverged from the fear and suspicion that gripped society.

As he made his way through the streets of Fein, Dune observed the ebb and flow of daily life. Poverty and hardship were ever-present, juxtaposed against the carefree laughter of children playing in the streets.

The city of Fein, though small in comparison to the continent's main city, teemed with life and activity, its streets bustling with the hustle and bustle of its inhabitants.

Houses lined the narrow streets, their structures reminiscent of a bygone era. In this world, where magic and myth intertwined with reality, the city of Fein existed in a state of timeless simplicity.

It was a place where tradition and modernity coexisted, where the echoes of history reverberated through every stone and cobblestone.

Finally, Dune arrived at his home, a grand structure situated just beyond the city walls. The walls, towering and imposing, served as a barrier between the safety of the city and the unknown dangers that lurked beyond.

Yet, for Dune, they were more than just a physical boundary; they were a symbol of protection and security, a reminder of the fragility of life in a world ravaged by conflict and uncertainty.

As he stepped through the threshold of his home, Dune felt a sense of calm wash over him. Here, amidst the familiar surroundings of his childhood, he could momentarily escape the chaos of the outside world.

As Dune opened the door of his house, he was greeted by the sight of his younger twin sisters, Eva and Emma, waiting eagerly for him.

Eva, the younger of the two, dashed forward and wrapped her arms around Dune in a tight hug, her laughter echoing through the hallway.

"Dune!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. "You're back!"

Dune laughed and returned her hug, ruffling her hair affectionately. "Hey there, Eva. Missed you too."

Emma, the older twin by mere minutes, emerged from the kitchen, a playful glint in her eye. "You forgot something, you know."

Dune raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "Oh? And what might that be, Emma?"

"Our birthday gifts, silly!" Emma replied with a grin, crossing her arms over her chest. "You promised you'd bring something back from the city.".. We already made many flowers and helped mom to make big Cake for you.. don't you remember? tomorrow is 25 December .. it's your birthday Dune..

Dune chuckled nervously, racking his brain for an excuse. "Ah, right! Well, your gifts are surprises, you see. Can't spoil it now, can I?"

Eva pouted, her bottom lip jutting out in a playful pout. "But Dune, we've been waiting all day!"

Their mother, hearing the commotion, stepped out of the kitchen, her presence filling the room with warmth.

With her long black hair cascading down her back and her kind black eyes sparkling with amusement, she smiled at her children.

"Now, now, let's not give Dune a hard time," she chided gently, placing a hand on Eva's shoulder. "He'll give you your gifts when the time is right."

Relenting, Eva and Emma nodded reluctantly, their anticipation still evident in their eager expressions.

As they all gathered around the table for dinner, the air filled with the comforting chatter of family, laughter, and the clinking of utensils.

Eva and Emma, the twin sisters, chattered excitedly about their sixth birthday, their laughter ringing out like music in the cozy kitchen.

Dune smiled fondly at his younger siblings, marveling at how quickly they were growing up.

Yet, beneath the surface, a sense of unease lingered. Turning to his mother, Lina, Dune inquired about his older brothers, Ned and Daniel.

"Mom, where are Ned and Daniel?" Dune asked, his tone tinged with concern.

Lina's expression tightened slightly, betraying the worry that gnawed at her heart. "They're out," she replied tersely, her gaze flickering with apprehension.

Dune's thoughts turned first to Daniel, the 21-year-old eldest brother. Known throughout the city of Fein as a beacon of strength and kindness, Daniel was a respected figure, admired by all who knew him.

His unique power, the magical eyes that struck fear into the hearts of those who crossed him, had earned him a reputation as the city's strongest and most benevolent hero.

And then there was Ned, the 16-year-old, one year older than Dune, with the mark of Zeten upon his chest.

Blessed with powers beyond mortal comprehension, Ned remained hidden from the prying eyes of the world, shielded by their mother's own unique abilities.

Despite the dangers that lurked in the shadows, Ned was a source of both pride and fear for their family, his true potential yet to be fully realized.