
Unluckiness Unleashed: Wish Upon A Nightmare

Felice Rivers would call himself many things: handsome, smart, brave... cursed. He didn't believe he was cursed at first, which was stupid of him since he was someone who could give Murphy's Law a run for its money. Anything that could go wrong would go wrong; it was basically the slogan of his life. So, it came as no surprise that at his happiest moment, he was struck down and transported to a strange, nightmarish realm. This place was nothing like the world he knew; instead of familiar streets and buildings, there were haunted mansions, dark forests, and lurking terrors. It was like something out of a horror movie. He really wanted to go home. Although he had watched video edits of truck-kun, he never expected it to come after him. Luckily, or should he say unluckily, his perpetual bad luck somehow transformed into a strange kind of superpower in this realm. Stable floorboards would break open to reveal escape routes when he stepped on them, traps malfunctioned, sparing him, and so on. Who would've thought that being the unluckiest person alive could be an asset? Certainly not him. It even led him to stumble upon love. - Felice: Stumble... huh. Don't you mean targeted? Nasir: Hey, targeted is such a harsh word. I would say guided, like with soulmates. Felice: ...

Momocatt · LGBT+
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6 Chs



The blood-curdling scream pierced through the landscape like a bullet. Startling, explosive, and unexpected. As frightening as it sounded it was not nearly as terrifying as the deafening roar that followed it.

The sound reverberated, growing louder and more petrifying as whatever was producing it drew nearer. The unmistakable crunching of branches echoed through the air, accompanied by the ground trembling beneath the heavy strides of the approaching creature.

''Help! Somebody... please! Please help me!'' a man screeched. Fear etched across his face as he darted through the tall grass. Each breath he took was desperate. His desperation was palpable in the quiver of his voice.

His eyes darted around, frantically searching for a hiding spot. Any place would do, but there were none in sight. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, and he could feel the weight of fear tightening around his throat like a noose.

An urge to check where the creature was surged within him. He whirled around, only to see that it was dangerously close now. The creature's eyes glowed an unsettling red, revealing intelligence that sent shivers down the man's spine.

It was as though the creature had enjoyed the impending chase. Toying with the man like a cat playing with its prey before the final strike.

In sheer terror, the man's gaze darted around once more. Relief came over him as he spotted a booth. Hope flickered in his eyes, but as he turned to sprint towards it, a hot breath brushed against the back of his neck.

That's when it hit him: the creature was right behind him. Panic took hold, leaving him with only one desperate option—his screams echoed throughout the area.


The chilling scream cut through the air, reaching Felice's ears as he cowered in the cramped confines of the information station. He flinched at the sound, but he wasn't going to check it out. He might be white, but he wasn't that white. He was also a quarter black, and he knew leaving his safe spot would be a fool's errand, and his grandma raised no fools.

It's not like he could help anyway. Whatever lurked outside was both larger and stronger than him. Going out would likely result in his death, either at the creature's hands or by the relentless bad luck that has dogged him since birth.

His unlucky attribute, the source of all the misfortune in his life, had even led to his death. Felice was also convinced it played a role in him being in this horrid place. 

Though a part of him wanted to cry, he had no tears to do so. They had dried up a long time ago. At this point, he found himself resigned to his fate.

If only he had believed the tales his grandmother told him about his distant ancestor on his paternal side. According to her, this ancestor was responsible for the death of another man's wife in Ireland, leading to a curse being cast upon their bloodline.

Despite his family's long history of bad luck and his string of unfortunate events, he brushed off the idea of curses as mere superstition. But now, as he found himself in this place, maybe he should have embraced the possibility that it was true.

Abruptly, another blood-curdling scream tore through the air, followed by the sickening sounds of flesh being torn apart and teeth gnashing. The man's gurgled cries could be heard as his body was devoured as though it was a tasty afternoon snack.

Felice clamped his hand over his mouth, trembling as the noises echoed around him. A pang of guilt tugged at him, but he dared not budge. Silence was his friend, the best shield against the unseen threat.

Surprisingly, given his usual unluckiness, he somehow stumbled upon something to conceal his scent. As long as he remained motionless and silent, he would be safe... or so he hoped.

Minutes crawled by, marked by the grisly sounds of chomping. The sickening crunch of bones succumbing to the creature's powerful jaws filled the air. The booth provided little sanctuary as sprays of blood from torn arteries painted the walls.

The realization that the sounds came from a creature devouring human flesh made Felice uneasy. If fear for his life hadn't gripped him, he might have been retching at the gruesome scene unfolding just beyond his hiding place.

As he wondered when the unsettling noise would finally stop, a sudden hush fell over everything. However, he remained in place. There was no way he would risk checking the situation just yet. He'd seen enough horror movies to know that could be dangerous.

The creature might be lurking, cleverly waiting for him to make a move. He had learned how intelligent the zoo's animals were by now.

After enduring a couple of heart-pounding minutes, he detected the faint sounds of the creature's footsteps fading away from his hiding spot. Still, he refrained from moving. A lingering feeling of unease held him back, telling him something wasn't right.

A voice in the back of his mind urged him to stay put. Moving even an inch could lead to capture. The air hung still, and beads of sweat traced a path down his back.

Just when he felt he couldn't endure the suspense any longer and was on the brink of checking, a distant call broke the stillness.

A woman's panicked voice rang out, calling out the name of the dead man. Her distress was evident, but Felice merely shook his head in disbelief. To him, she seemed foolish. After spending two days in this dangerous place, she should have known better.

A part of him felt the urge to warn her, but another part understood the harsh reality. She was likely beyond saving.

Suddenly, a menacing growl rumbled nearby, confirming Felice's gut feelings. The creature had not left; he was relieved that he had followed his instincts.

"Andrei, where are you?" The girl's desperate shout sounded closer this time. Her words were followed by the creature's departure. Felice suppressed a sigh of relief; finally, he could make his escape. Swiftly, he scrambled to his feet and dashed out of his hiding place.

As he sprinted, a saying flashed in his mind: "It wasn't about being fast; it was about being faster than the other person." At that moment, he could see the truth in that statement. Although feeling a little guilty for the girl, he had already faced death once and wasn't willing to risk dying again.


Author says: Were you aware that blood squirting from arteries has been documented to reach distances of up to 18 feet away from the body? I found that interesting.