
Chapter 389

Leon couldn't help but frown while he was falling. After using Transfer, Leon appeared in the middle of the atmosphere and now, he couldn't help but wonder if he had gone to the right place... Leon recognized the terrain to some extent, but he couldn't see any decent landmark.

Before Leon could land, he started to fly and confirmed that the zombie snake was still on the place he left. Although he couldn't see it perfectly, Leon could see a massive 'stain' on the sky. It extended from one horizon to the other, after all. Regardless, Leon landed on the gigantic forest and activated Anti-Mana Field. Now that he was finally back, he couldn't leave any bastard to summon or teleport him again.

"I guess I should be fine for the time being... if something happens, I can always grab the mithril spear and drain its mana. Mmm? What is this?"