
Unlimited Infinite System

Unlimited Infinite System; Start with Infinite Enhancements [The Unlimited Infinite System can do everything. It has infinite functions and unlimited capabilities. The host can unlock these functions when the conditions are met.] *Ding* [The host received an overall enhancement +9. Overall performance +1000, condition +1000, composition +1000, lifespan +1000. Congratulations on gaining the ability, Sun Moon Physique. Your body can absorb solar and lunar rays and all kinds of universal energies to strengthen itself. All functions of the body have increased by 1000 times. Accompanying abilities; Essence Nurturing, Energy Absorption, Sun’s Pride Moon’s Mystery.]

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65 Chs

Preparations... Cabin

Jiang Hao finally ended his fan after 12 hours.

It had to be done.

It was about time Second World went online and there was no way he would let others get there ahead of him.

"Mia, how are the preparations going?"

'Everything is ready. The distribution points have already given out over 5 billion copies of gaming cabins and many have been installed and ready to go.'

"That's good. I want to be the first to log in and have a feel of things in the game world."

'The room is ready for you. I have selected a special account for you.'

"Oh, how special?"

'Please forgive me, sir. I cannot interfere with much else in Second World, but I can help you with finite uncertainties.

For instance, the special character will automatically get the best of items within a list.

It is more intuitive if you experience it personally.'

"Then I am looking forward to it."