
Unlighted Lust of Treasure

Once upon a time, there was an urban legend about supernatural powers, magic, and witchcraft that existed a long time ago. A world that is full of the unexplainable, perhaps. Up until to this day it has remained a myth. Not until, a girl who was curious about those kinds of myths found an old and impure map that was ‘supposedly’ leads into this world that all of unexplainable things are happening. However, while exploring she found out that the map she was holding does lead into the Unlighted Lust of Treasure.. Where everything turns into ashes and can get the curse.. called ‘love of death’.

Privella · Fantaisie
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3 Chs



This is a fictional work. The author's imagination created the names, personalities, businesses, events, and happenings. Any likeness to real people, living or dead, or to real things is totally coincidental.

This story's contents may not be distributed, published, transmitted, modified, displayed, copied from, or exploited in any manner. Understand the meaning of the word "permission."



This story may include adult themes, vulgar words, trauma, death, and many more. Trigger warnings will be applied. So please read at your own risk!

Expect slow updates because school will start.
