
Unleashed potential

A Naruto who inherited more of his mothers genes is discovered to have more potential that was originally thought watch as he is guided on the path to become the greatest shinobi to ever live and restore the Uzumaki clan. NaruHinaKarin , Prodigy Naruto ,Red haired Naruto.

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5 Chs

Unleashed Potential

Chapter 5

The smoke from the improvised bomb slowly cleared, revealing Team 10 standing defiantly. Hinata held the captured flag high, a determined glint in her eyes. The upperclassmen, momentarily blinded and disoriented, sputtered in disbelief. They had been outsmarted by a group of rookies.

Iruka Umino, their academy instructor, emerged from the sidelines with a wide grin plastered on his face. "Excellent work, Team 10! That was a brilliant display of teamwork and problem-solving. You managed to overcome a significant challenge by thinking outside the box."

Mizuki, rarely seen offering genuine praise, approached the team with a smirk. "Not too shabby, brats. That modified smoke bomb was quite clever. Resourcefulness is a key trait for any future ninja."

The rest of the afternoon unfolded with a series of practice battles. 

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the training ground, the final whistle blew, signaling the end of the day's tests. The instructors offered their final remarks, highlighting the successes and areas for improvement displayed by each team.

Team 10, had emerged as a force to be reckoned with. Their ability to adapt, utilize their unique strengths, and work seamlessly together had impressed both instructors and peers. While the path to becoming genin was still ahead, this victory marked a significant milestone in their development as a team.

The following days were filled with anticipation as the students awaited the official results. Finally, the day arrived, and Iruka announced the graduating class. Naruto, Hinata, Shikamaru, and their peers stood proudly, eager to embark on the next stage of their ninja journey.

The afternoon sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in vibrant hues of orange and purple. Iruka Umino, Mizuki, and Kurenai Yuhi, the instructors overseeing the recent academy exercises, stood before Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen in his office. The atmosphere was a curious mix of relief and lingering tension.

"Reports are in, then?" Hiruzen inquired, his voice a low rumble that resonated with experience. He leaned back in his chair, his gaze flickering between the three instructors.

Iruka, ever the optimist, beamed. "Indeed, Hokage-sama! The final exercise today was a rousing success. Team 10, particularly, displayed remarkable teamwork and resourcefulness."

Mizuki scoffed, his usual insincerity momentarily replaced by a flicker of begrudging respect. "They did manage to pull off a surprising trick with that smoke bomb."

Kurenai, ever the stoic observer, offered a curt nod. "Their ability to adapt and utilize each other's strengths was impressive."

Hiruzen listened intently, a knowing smile playing on his lips. He steepled his fingers, his aged hands etched with the wear and tear of a life dedicated to the village.

"These new team exercises seem to be bearing fruit," he remarked, his voice laced with a hint of satisfaction.

A brief silence descended upon the room. Iruka and Kurenai exchanged a knowing glance, while Mizuki remained impassive.

Finally, Hiruzen addressed the elephant in the room. "The truth is," he began, his voice taking on a more serious tone, "these exercises weren't just about evaluating combat skills."

The instructors leaned in, their curiosity piqued.

"They were born out of a concern," Hiruzen continued. "A concern about the reliance on individual teachers and the potential for… well, let's say, less than ideal instruction to hinder a student's development."

Mizuki bristled slightly, but Hiruzen held his gaze.

"By placing students in teams and encouraging collaboration, we foster a sense of shared responsibility for learning. They can not only learn from their designated instructors but also from each other's strengths and experiences."

Iruka nodded enthusiastically. "It's true, Hokage-sama! We've witnessed firsthand how students with different skillsets can complement and elevate each other's performance."

Kurenai added, "And it fosters a sense of camaraderie. These students will likely be placed on teams after graduation. By building trust and teamwork now, they'll be better prepared to face the challenges ahead."

Hiruzen smiled, a glint of pride in his eyes. "Precisely. The bond formed through shared experiences and collaborative learning is invaluable. It can make the difference between a successful mission and a costly failure."

He turned to Iruka, Kurenai, and Mizuki. "There will be challenges, of course. Personalities will clash, and finding the right balance between individual growth and team cohesion will require constant effort. But I believe in all of you. You are the foundation that shapes these young minds, and through these exercises, you are fostering not just skilled ninja, but a generation that values teamwork and shared responsibility."

The weight of the Hokage's words settled upon the instructors. The task ahead was not easy,

but they left his office with a renewed sense of purpose. They were not just teachers; they were laying the groundwork for the future of Konohagakure, one collaborative exercise at a time.

The Hokage's office was bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, casting long shadows that danced across the worn floorboards. Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, sat behind his desk, his weathered face creased in thought. A knock on the door shattered the stillness.

"Enter," rumbled his aged voice.

The door creaked open, and Kakashi Hatake, a Jonin known for his stoic demeanor and ever-present mask, stepped into the room. He gave a curt nod in greeting.

"Kakashi," Hiruzen acknowledged, gesturing towards a chair. "What brings you here?"

Kakashi remained standing, his posture stiff. "Hokage-sama," he began, his voice muffled by the mask, "I request to lead Uzumaki Naruto's team after graduation."

Hiruzen raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Naruto's team? They are still academy students, Kakashi. Why this sudden interest in leading a genin team?"

Kakashi clenched his gloved fist, a flicker of emotion momentarily betraying his usual stoicism. "It's… personal, Hokage-sama," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

Hiruzen leaned back in his chair, placing a grandfatherly hand on his chin. "Personal, you say? Very well, Kakashi. You have always been a man of few words, but loyalty runs deep within you. Tell me, what is it about Naruto's team?"

Kakashi hesitated, then let out a long sigh. "In a different life, Hokage-sama," he began, his voice thick with a repressed grief, "Naruto could have been my brother."

Hiruzen's eyes widened in understanding. The past was a burden Kakashi carried silently, the details shrouded in secrecy. But the Hokage knew enough. "Minato and Kushina…" he murmured, the names of Naruto's deceased parents heavy in the air.

A flicker of pain crossed Kakashi's masked face. "They were like family to me. I owe them a debt, Hokage-sama. A debt I intend to repay to their son."

Hiruzen studied Kakashi for a long moment, his gaze filled with compassion. "Team assignments are finalized, Kakashi," he said gently. "But I see your commitment. Naruto, Hinata, and Shikamaru have a unique dynamic, a balance that shouldn't be disrupted."

Kakashi remained silent, a storm of emotions brewing beneath his mask. However, the Hokage wasn't finished. "There is another consideration, Kakashi," he continued, his voice taking on a serious tone. "You are the only shinobi in Konohagakure with the Sharingan. And there is another student graduating this year who possesses this same power… Sasuke Uchiha."

Kakashi straightened slightly, his one visible eye narrowing.

"Someone," Hiruzen continued, "who desperately needs guidance."

The gears seemed to turn in Kakashi's masked head. He understood the burden of responsibility that came with the Sharingan. He knew, perhaps better than anyone, the darkness it could unleash.

A heavy silence descended upon the room. Finally, Kakashi spoke, his voice low and resigned. "I understand, Hokage-sama. While I believe I could help Naruto, my duty is clear. I will train Sasuke."

Hiruzen smiled faintly. "Wise choice, Kakashi. Both Naruto and Sasuke have a long road ahead. Guide them well, and ensure they grow into the strong, loyal ninja Minato and Kushina would have wanted them to be."

Kakashi bowed slightly. "I will not disappoint you, Hokage-sama. And in my own way, I will fulfill my promise to them."

With that, he turned and disappeared into the fading light, leaving Hiruzen alone with the weight of the village's future on his shoulders, and a flicker of hope that these young ninjas, bound by tragedy and guided by duty, would find their place in the world.

Months passed and we find a Naruto, drenched in sweat, stood facing Jiraiya, the Toad Sage. Frustration etched lines on his face as he dispelled a group of dissipating shadow clones.

"Again?" Jiraiya drawled, his single visible eye crinkling at the corners. "Those clones lasted all of five seconds, Naruto. Focus!"

Naruto kicked at a pebble in irritation. "But Jiraiya-sensei, I don't get it! Why can't I make more powerful clones?"

Jiraiya sighed, setting down his ever-present ramen. "Power isn't everything, Naruto. Remember, your clones are extensions of yourself. The more you create, the more your chakra gets divided, weakening them all."

Naruto grumbled, a familiar debate resurfacing. He'd always associated clone quantity with an advantage, overwhelming opponents with sheer numbers. But Jiraiya, ever the unorthodox teacher, was pushing him towards a different approach – quality over quantity.

"Think of it this way," Jiraiya continued, a playful glint in his eye. "A hundred weak clones are like a swarm of gnats – annoying, but ultimately inconsequential. Three strong clones, however, are like elite warriors – focused, powerful, and capable of taking down a much stronger opponent."

Naruto pondered this, a flicker of understanding sparking in his eyes. He'd always viewed clones as a crutch, a way to compensate for his limited control. Perhaps Jiraiya was right. Maybe true strength lay in harnessing his chakra efficiently, creating fewer, more potent clones.

Determined, Naruto began a new training regimen. He meticulously practiced synchronizing his clones, perfecting their cooperation. It was a demanding process, pushing him to his limits of chakra control and strategic thinking. But with each passing day, improvements emerged. His clones moved in unison, their taijutsu attacks precise and coordinated.

One sunny afternoon, a fierce sparring session commenced. Naruto, alongside his three clones, faced a horde of summoned training toads. The clones moved in perfect harmony, dodging the toads' attacks with practiced ease. They utilized Naruto's signature Rasengan technique with devastating efficiency, swiftly taking down their amphibian opponents.

As the last toad croaked its defeat, Naruto collapsed onto the ground, panting heavily but a wide grin splitting his face. This wasn't about creating a hundred weak distractions; it was about focusing his power, channeling it into a few, perfectly coordinated clones.

Jiraiya watched with pride, a rare smile gracing his lips. "See, Naruto?" he said, extending a hand to help him up. "You've begun to grasp the concept. Now, let's see if you can maintain this level of control with a… well, let's surprise ourselves, shall we?"

A mischievous glint entered Jiraiya's eye. Naruto groaned, but a spark of excitement flickered in his own. He understood now. True power wasn't about overwhelming numbers; it was about mastering focus and utilizing his clones with strategic brilliance. And under Jiraiya's tutelage, Naruto was well on his way to becoming a force to be reckoned with, not with a hundred clones, but with a few, perfectly honed ones.

The twilight hues of orange and purple bled across the sky, painting the forest with a melancholic beauty. Jiraiya, perched on a rocky outcrop overlooking the training grounds, watched Naruto spar with a group of training toads. His three shadow clones moved with practiced ease, weaving between the amphibians with a fluid grace. A satisfied smile curved Jiraiya's lips. The boy had come a long way.

He remembered the first time Naruto, a ball of chaotic orange energy, had attempted the Shadow Clone Jutsu. Back then, quantity had been Naruto's focus, resulting in a whirlwind of misplaced enthusiasm and disoriented limbs. Yet, beneath the mess, Jiraiya had recognized the raw, untamed potential – a simmering cauldron of chakra yearning for direction.

Months of relentless training had followed. Jiraiya instilled in Naruto the importance of focus and control. He pushed him to refine his chakra reserves, synchronize his clones with perfect harmony, and think strategically like a seasoned ninja. It hadn't been a smooth journey. There were moments of frustration, near chakra depletion, and the occasional grumpy toad sulking after a particularly grueling session.

But Naruto, despite his mischievous streak and occasional lapses in focus, possessed an unwavering determination. He persevered, soaking up Jiraiya's teachings like a thirsty sponge. Slowly, the results began to show. His clones transformed from clumsy imitations into extensions of himself, their movements mirroring his own with deadly precision. He learned to integrate his Rasengan technique into devastating attacks, leaving even the most stubborn training toads croaking in defeat.

Jiraiya watched with a warmth radiating through his chest as Naruto, with a well-placed chakra chain and a coordinated clone attack, sent the last toads sprawling. Naruto, panting but exhilarated, dispelled his clones with a triumphant grin.

"See, Ero-sennin! I told you three clones were all I needed!" he declared, puffing out his chest.

Jiraiya chuckled, a familiar fondness gracing his features. "Indeed, Naruto. You've mastered the art of utilizing your clones with efficiency. But remember, a true ninja is always learning, always adapting."

Naruto rolled his eyes playfully. "Alright, alright. So, what's next?"

Jiraiya's smile faded slightly, replaced by a more contemplative look. He glanced at the setting sun, casting long shadows across the landscape. It was time. Time to take the next step, to unlock Naruto's full potential.

"Tomorrow," Jiraiya announced, his voice taking on a serious tone, "we're going to see Hokage-sama. It's time to discuss your father"

Naruto's eyes widened. His father, a figure shrouded in mystery, was a constant source of curiosity. The boy yearned to know more than the tales jiraiya had told him"

"My dad?" he echoed, a hint of nervousness creeping into his voice.

Jiraiya placed a reassuring hand on Naruto's shoulder. "Don't worry, Naruto. It's time you learned more about him and the legacy he left behind."

The following morning, Jiraiya and Naruto stood before the imposing gates of Konohagakure. As they entered the village, a sense of anticipation hung heavy in the air. Naruto, for the first time, felt a connection to this place, not just as his home, but as a place where his father had lived, fought, and ultimately sacrificed himself.

With a determined glint in his eye, Naruto followed Jiraiya towards the Hokage's office, ready to face the past and embrace the legacy of his parents. Though the shadow of the Kyuubi remained unseen, an undercurrent of purpose surged within Naruto. He was Naruto Uzumaki, son of heroes, and he was ready to claim his place in the world.


Well the team selections and their senseis will be next chapter but we already know naruto's team. Who will be their sensei? Leave that in the comments if you have any ideas.

Let me know what you think about the story 

From now on chapters will come two to three times a week and i will try to keep them all above 2k words.

Thank you.