

Jaehyun's car sped down the highway mercilessly. I couldn't even talk to him after we saw each other he only dragged me to his car.

He made sure to not hit any other cars which told me there was still a chance for me to get through to him. The Jaehyun that I once loved wasn't far gone.

"Just slow down." I pleaded with Jaehyun for the hundredth time fearing the worst due to the way he was driving.

He doesn't listen to me only increasing the speed. His gaze was fixated on the road ahead but I knew he had a million thoughts in his head.

"Jaehyun do you want us both to die here?!" I shout in hopes this would make him at least say something to me. "Jaehyun stop you know I'm pregnant please!"

He grips the steering wheel tighter causing his knuckles to turn white. "I just want the truth Layla!" 

"I am not the person you thought I was Jaehyun!" This causes him to increase the speed more. I clinge onto the dashboard as the car shakes my body violently as he avoids other cars on the road.

"What the fuck does that mean?!" He turns to look at me. "Then who the hell are you?"

"I'm a liar!" Maybe it's about time I told him what he wanted to know. What he does afterwards is not on me. 

"I'll tell you the truth but please stop the car!" Jaehyun will have to make the choice to believe me or not. I can only hope he does.

The car comes to a sudden stop at the side of the road making me almost hit my head against the dashboard. He luckily holds me to prevent me from getting hurt. 

"Thank you." 

"...I just want to the truth."

I fidget in my seat uncomfortable. Now that it's time to be honest I can't shake the anxiety and fear growing in my gut.


I quickly remove the seatbelt before dashing out of the car so Jaehyun doesn't try that again.

"Stop it!" 

He runs after me, catching up with me in mere minutes. I struggle to get away from his grip but he gribs me by the shoulders forcing me to face him.

"Stop!" He yelled causing me to freeze in my spot. He glares at me which was enough for me to do as he said.

"I'm not Layla. My name is Samantha." I began. Jaehyun immediately frowns but remains silent.

"My name is Samantha...I am from a rich family and I'm not from a family of teachers like I told you...I am also a murderer." 

Jaehyun tries to process what I just said. He narrows his eyes slightly, taking a deep breath.


"Jaehyun I killed a girl. I was drunk one night and caused a car accident." I repeated the lies I told my family and the police to protect my brother.

"I was really drunk. I didn't even see her car coming but and she died...my family was able to cover everything up to make it look like an accident thanks to Michael, Kazuha's father." To make a lie believable you must sprinkle bits of the truth. That way no one will doubt you.

"So you caused an accident and your family covered it up?"


"Lay- I mean...Samantha why would you do that? You're not such a person!"

"Jaehyun...the person you met was a result of the guilt I felt from the accident...I only went tp Korea to hide out till everything died down..."

"You mean you faked your name and your identity because of that accident?" 

"Yes. My father felt ashamed that his daughter was a murderer and people were angry that I wasn't in prison so he sent me away to avoid the shame." That part is completely true. Father felt that I almost completely destroyed his reputation which is why he happily sent me away.

Jaehyun clenched his Jaw deep in thought. "And what about me? What was I to you?"

"I loved you very much." I admitted not thinkimg twice about it as it was nothing but the absolute truth. I loved him with my whole heart.

"If that's true then why-"

"Because I had to...your medical bills had to be paid and my father was certainly not going to pay unless I returned home like he wanted." I began getting emotional remembering how helpless I felt back then.

"So...you had to leave so I could live?" He said heart broken.

I nod slowly as tears fell. "My dad...he wanted me to marry Michael...to help save the company, back then I had no idea that was the reason he wanted me back home so suddenly." Even my own mother was unhappy to see me when I returned. She barely spoke to me and gave me the cold shoulder.

"Michael...he is a bad person, he's obsessed with me and tried to control me when I was younger...he forced me into a relationship with him." I explained praying he'd believe me. "Michael will do anything to make sure I suffer for not marrying him...even tell the truth." 

"What truth?" 

I couldn't even say it. I was still in denial. I just didn't want to accept that it could be true. Shawn did not kill Nicole. It was impossible.

"Sam, Tell me, what does Michael have against you?"

"Michael knows the girl I killed was actually Nick's younger sister Nicole and is threatening to tell Nick and the whole Sakurada family." 

The silence that follows is long. Jaehyun sighs running a hand through his hair. 

"I really had no idea she was Nicks sister! I had no clue Jaehyun!" I cried. 

Jaehyun rushes to my side giving me a hug. I held him back relaxing into his embrace easily.

"Jaehyun I'm so scared." I sobbed. I couldn't tell him the reason I was afraid was because Nick knew the truth and was playing me like a toy.

"I'm so scared Jaehyun. What am I going to do?" 

He lets go of me but doesn't move away. He looks at me with nothing but determination in his eyes.

"There's only one way out."

"What do you mean?" 

"Samantha. I love you...I...I can't let this man harm you anymore."

I tried my best to figure out what he was trying to say but I still didn't understand.

"Jaehyun what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that man needs to die." I would have laughed thinking this was a joke but the look in his eyes told me he was dead serious. He wanted Michael dead. 

I look at him shocked. "Jaehyun you can't possibly want to..."

"For you, I will." 

"Jaehyun you can't say such things. You can't try to kill your wife's father!"

"I will!" He places his hand on my cheek. "I love you enough to do it. I will kill Michael Sakurada." 

I didn't understand why I felt relieved after hearing him say that he'd kill Michael. Was I really this twisted and did I hate Michael enough to want him dead?

"Don't think about it...I will plan everything." 

"No! Please!" I reluctantly tell Jaehyun. "I won't ever forgive myself if you end up in jail for something like that."

"Then tell me Samantha...Will you run away with me instead?"

"You know that is impossible." 

I am pregnant with another man's child yet he still wants to run away with me. That is wrong in every way.

"Nick has no idea how much you're suffering, you don't have to continue living this way." 

"I want to go back." I cut him off before he says anything else totally insane. 

"Just know, We can leave whenever you say the word."