


"NICK?" I dialed his number once again wondering if my husband was in bed of that woman by now. What was she doing to him? Who knows what he can do in his drunken state.

"I need you to call me as soon as possible." The floorboards beneath my naked feet make annoying sounds as i walk around irritated.

I exhaled a sharp breath holding back tears that were mere seconds away from falling.

I don't understand why Sana is still hanging around him.

Does Nick realize the position I'm in. How can he possibly get drunk with that lady? Then again I remember those two have been together longer and probably still have feelings for each other. I mean I was the one who just came into their relationship out of nowhere.

I clearly remember the look on Nick's face when he spoke about her at the hotel before we got married. He cared for her so much.

"I can't do this right now." I groan wanting to forget everything. I was already tired from my long flight back home and had to deal with Terra's rude and unnecessary comments now I have to deal with this?

I couldn't ignore the little voice at the back of my mind telling me I shouldn't have come back to New York.

There's a knock on my door and soon my mom enters my room. She had been very surprised to see me but managed to plaster a smile on her face for me.

She didn't even ask me why I was home alone. I felt the need to come up with a valid excuse that would squash any suspicion forming in their minds.

"Baby. I wanted to see if you'd join us for lunch later."

"No mom. I really am not in the mood for that."

"Oh but honey today is your last day here before you head off to Brooklyn." I was going to spent some time with Naomi and Evan who shared an apartment in Brooklyn. I missed them and honestly it's a way to escape Terra.

"Right. I will join then."

Mom immediately gives me a hug, glad that I changed my mind. She was someone I knew I did not deserve. Despite what happened four years ago I still loved my mother to death.

Mom let's go of me. "Okay then, I'll ask the chef to make your favorite dish."

"Thank you mom."

She lovingly touches my cheek before turning to leave. She suddenly pauses and turns to me.

"Is everything okay mom?"

She nods but I can see the hesitation before she eventually asked me.

"I Don't mean to be nosy but did you and Nick argue?"

I take my mom's hand. "Mom it's okay to ask me about my marriage, you are my mother."

"I know. Its just that we don't ever talk." She frowns. "I know most of that is my own fault."

In an attempt to break the tention growing in the atmospheric I quickly said, "Nick and I did argue...he was so busy with work that he forgot I was all alone in a foreign country because of him!"

I pout and my mom laughs amused. "Nick really annoyed me with how much he was working so I left to teach him a lesson." That was half the truth.

"Hun you shouldn't have done that. You should never run from your problems."

"I know that now...his annoying ex girlfriend is trying to use our distance to interfere with our relationship but I won't let that happen."

"Samantha you really have to hurry back and talk to your husband properly. "

I nod realizing my intial thought was correct. I shouldn't have left. I should have come up with a way to handle my emotions and a way to deal with Jaehyun.

"Go back to your husband as soon as you can. Distance will cause misunderstandings."

"Thank you for the advice mom."

"Anytime my dear."

This is the closest I've felt to my mom in such a long time and I hope our relationship can get better in time.


"So are you Serously not going to spend your birthday here?!" Camila frowns.

"I already promised my friends." I said hoping my brother's girlfriend would not insist on making me stay. My dad was already unhappy with my decision.

"Well can I at least come crash your party?"

"I don't know if there will be a party but if there is you're more than welcome."

She smiles widely. "Shawn we need to go buy your sister something nice."

"Yeah as long as you pick it out."

"Why are you so lazy Shawn? It's your sister!" She pretends to be angry.

"Okay fine. I will do what you want stop nagging." He teased back. She rolls her eyes turning away from him.

"Are you mad now?"


"You sound mad."

"Eat your food shawn."

I smile watching their cute interaction. They are such an adoreable couple. This makes me wonder if Nick and I are ever going to be like that.

"Are you thinking of your husband?" Terra said irritating me instantly. It's like she had a super power to be able to piss me off at the snap of a finger.

"Yes as a matter of fact I actually do." I said with an attitude.

"I wonder what is the real reason why you're back. Did his family kick you out because you slept with his uncle?"

"Terra!" Our father yelled banging his fist on the table.

She looks at him shocked. "Why should I stop?"

"Your sister has been away for months. We only want to have a nice family lunch!"

She gets up shooting me a nasty glare. "Why do you pretend like she is the perfect daughter when she is a literal slut! She slept with Michael and also murdered someone!"

Camila was the only one who looked shocked by Terra's claims, as she gasps covering her mouth with her hand soon after.

The sound of skin getting contact with skin rings out as mom slaps Terra so hard she stumbles back.

"Shut your damn mouth Terra!" Mom shouted.

Mt heart raced in a panicked rythem praying things won't go too out of hand.

"...Mom you slapped me."

Terra places a hand on her now bright red right cheek. "You slapped me because of her?!"

"Terra you need to calm down." Shawn gets up to check on her.

"An alcoholic like you doesn't have the right to tell me anything!"

"Screw you!" He said visably shaken by her words. Shawn runs off followed by a worried Camila.

Terra turns her attention back to me. "You are the reason our family is messed up right now admit it!"

"I am leaving earlier than planned." I get up purposely ignoring Terra.

"No Sam...please don't."

"Dad it's for the best. I'll go pack."

Terra chuckles bitterly. "Go on Samantha run! Just like you always run!"

I rush back to my room haunted by Terra's voice echoing through the house.

"Run away!" "Leave us after fucking up our lives!"

I close my bedroom door leaning against it as tiny sobs escaped from my mouth.

She was absolutely right. I ran. Whenever Things got too intense I run. When the accident happened I was forced to leave but secretly felt happy to leave. I left Jaehyun when he was sick and I ran out on my husband.

My ringtone pulls me back to reality. I fish for my phone that was somewhere in my jeans.

My heart skips a beat seeing Nick's name flash across the screen.

But what the heck can I say to him in this state?