

Nicholas Sakurada)

"We shouldn't be here at this time!" Hoshi scans the room nervously. It was feeling confused and exhausted from trying to please my grandfather all day. I thought drinking alone would help me clear my head, but unfortunately alone time was something impossible for me. My best friend somehow knew where to find me and came to interrupt my drinking.

"I think that's enough, you need to go rest."

Ignoring him I continue drinking. Hoshi was being annoying for no reason. No one told him to show up here anyway.

"Samantha just left a day ago and you're already drinking like this?"

"Sit down." I pulled him down so he could sit since he was standing over me like a prison warden. Hoshi grabs my drink moving it away from my reach.

"I don't like this, you need to clear things up with her, tell her the truth."

I frowned. "Are you crazy? I can't tell her anything, not until I can be certain about everything."

"Imagine what will happen if she finds out the truth on her own, she will be devastated."

I turned to him and chuckled. "You see the thing is, I'm not sure if I want her to suffer or not."

My words leave a frown on my best friends face. He was nothing like me, Hoshi was an honest man with morals and cared about others and wants everyone around him to feel happy. I often envied his approach to life, he was never taught to feel hatred for anyone, unlike me, he was raised with love and had both his parents by his side.

"You love her Nick, I know you do."

"I don't deny that I have feelings for her, but I can't accept it…"

"Why won't you just let it go? She might be a victim too."

I sat back thinking deeply about my situation with Sammy. On one hand the woman drives me crazy and is such an interesting woman. On the other hand, she is a liar with many secrets. She can make me believe anything she says, and I'd happily live with her deception.

"I know that everything is messed up right now, but you need to give her a chance to explain everything clearly to you."

"She ran back to the states but when she comes back, I am hoping we will talk."

Hoshi smiles satisfied with my response. I often wondered why he believed everyone so easily. He was so naïve to think Samantha and I can talk and that would fix everything between us. That is impossible, the only way for me to really have peace is when either she or her father is arrested. I didn't care that just Sammy's smile was enough to make me feel like everything would be okay. I had to focus on my plans, she was slowly becoming a distraction yet and I thought creating some distance would help. I didn't realize that the distance would only cause me to miss her and realize I had feelings for her.


My lips curved into a smile. Despite me not having any feelings for her and sana knowing this too she still craved my attention. I told her the day before I married Samantha our relationship was over, yet she still begged me to remain by her side. Feeling sorry for her I would give her something to hold on to just for fun. She was the type to think she can change a man with her love, but I was a lost cause.

"This is not a good idea, don't give her any reason to think there is a chance to fix things between you too." Hoshi warns before getting up to greet Sana who approaches us dressed in a mini dress. She smiles sweetly at Hoshi giving him a hug too.

"What are you too doing here?"

"We were just about to leave." Hoshi says.

Sana turns to me. "Please stay, I think my friend won't come."

"Sure." I smile back at her which makes Hoshi annoyed. He whispers quickly to me.

"I am not your babysitter, you know that Sana-"

I cut in. "Just go home Hoshi, I will be there later."

He doesn't argue with me as he says bye to Sana and leaves looking pissed. I understood he was trying to help me and Sammy, but our relationship was far from real. I don't know if I even trust her, she is a mystery to me. I don't know what her intentions really are. Are her intentions like mine?

"I'm so glad to finally get to see you after so long." She leans into me.

I don't bother responding. I keep my eyes on my whiskey instead. This does not stop her from talking more.

"Where is your wife?"

"The states."

She doesn't hide her joy, as a huge smile spread across her face. "Why did she leave?" Sana moves closer smirking. "Did you two break up?"

I swirl the ice in my glass. "No. That won't happen anytime soon."

Sana turns away too late as I already saw the flash of hurt in her eyes. Sometimes I wonder why she kept sticking to me when I was never really interested in her. No woman has ever had my heart or full attention. The only person who has come close is Samantha, but I still hate her too.

"Look at me."


I make her look by lifting her chin. "Kiss me."

She doesn't waste time and smashed her soft glossy lips on mine. I did not move, she did all the work. Sana's tongue invades my mouth, so I decide to play along. She moans as her hands attacked my hair. After what felt like forever, she pulls away gasping for air.

"Nick just breakup with her." She rubs my thigh suggestively.

"I want to make a phone call."

She looks at me confused but I dial up the person I wanted to punish for running away.


I was home after a long flight feeling like a zombie. My parents were surprised yet happy to see me when I showed up without saying a word. Dad was glad I was okay and gave me a tight hug almost cutting off my airways. Shawn was also glad to see me even though he looked kind of worried when I arrived. Terra was certainly unfazed about me being back, she pretended not to care or notice that I was gone.

"How is everything in Japan?"

My dad had asked me to join him in his office during an awkward dinner for a chat before I went to bed. I could only guess what he wanted to talk about especially since he was so against nick and I in the beginning. The way he suddenly accepted everything still worried me to this day.

"I can't say it was perfect because Nick's family was shocked about our marriage."

I decide to tell my father half truths for now. "Nick did protect me from their wrath, so I didn't get mistreated, it was only awkward sometimes."

Dad listens to me attentively before saying; "And how does he treat you?"

I paused for a second taken aback by that question. "He loves me and takes great care of me, He gets really busy sometimes, but we somehow make it work."

He leans back into his chair looking extremely worried. "I'm glad to hear that my love."

I placed my hands on his feeling worried. "Dad is there something worrying you?"

Dad smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes. "I am fine, I just missed you so much, how long did you say you're staying for?"

"I'm leaving after a day or two, Naomi and Evan want me to go stay with them for a few days before I head back."

He frowns.


"I can't believe you want to stay with your friends instead."

I laugh. "Dad, I haven't seen them in months…please understand."

He sighs, nodding reluctantly. "Fine. Go see your friends." I get up and hug my dad tightly. He laughs, hugging me back.


"Yes dad?"

His expression becomes serious. He takes my hands into his own. "May I ask you something?"

"Sure dad. What's wrong?"

"Did you tell Nick about-"the sound of my phone ringing interrupts our conversation. I fish out my phone from my jeans. A smile appeared on my face realizing it was my husband.


I moved away from my dad waiting to hear from Nick. Dad gets up patting me on the head before leaving his office to give us privacy.

"Sammy…I…I miss you!"

I could hear loud music in the background. Nick was out drinking in daylight.

"Nick are you drinking?"

He chuckles. "I love you. Come home!"

My heart starts racing because hearing him say that brought me so much joy. "Nick call Hoshi so he can take you home."

"I only want you."

"Nick please call Hoshi."

I heard a struggle happening and suddenly I heard a woman's voice. "He doesn't need Hoshi! I am right here for him!"

The call ended before I could even say a word. That voice belonged to sana I was certain of that but why is she with my drunk husband?!