

'Who am I? Where am I?' He woke up at the middle of nowhere without any memories of his past. His goal? to find out about his past. But life wouldn't be that easy for him. Faced by many difficulties he now has lost any motivation to search about his past and just lives his life alone and without purpose until...

Obnoxious_Man · Fantaisie
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8 Chs


"Time to cut the 6th finger, remember that when I cut 'em all he is gonna be thrown in the fire! Hahahaha, well, there's nothing you can do about it either way, so just watch as your son you love so much suffers until his final breath."

John brown felt truly satisfied after today's playtime

'That was so fun, I really am a genius in torture! But… I do still need a grand finale, after all… an opportunity like this doesn't come often'

John rarely got the opportunity to torture someone because the Brown areas people never really tried to oppose him apart from very few instances, sometimes he was so bored that he would pick toys randomly however, torturing them didn't feel near as good as torturing rebels.

So naturally, he needed to squeeze as much fun out of this father-son duo as he could

"Well… time for the next finger!"

Without an ounce of hesitation he cut the little boys right index finger

"Ahhh…" The boy screamed, though faintly

'Hmm… seems like the reactions have died down. The drug also doesn't help me see that bastard's reaction…should I use the antidote? I'm sure his pathetic pleading face would spice things up…'

But just as he was about to grab an injection that was placed further than the rest…

'Boss, the person called "shadow" has come by the front gate, he is asking for you'

A voice of a man could be heard from the device in his ear

'Ohhh?! Just right on time!' he thought

"*phew* let's take a 5 minute break everyone. But fear not, the show will continue even more exciting than before when I return!"

He then walked quickly through the door on his right

Once he opened the door, a room revealed itself

The walls the floor and the ceiling, which was fairly short but enough for him to raise his arms with no obstacle, were all wooden

His underlings were sitting on couches at the sides of the room polishing their rifles and talking to each other or at the old-school bar, that was placed in the corner of the room, drinking

It looked like a scene from an old western if we excluded how futuristic the weapons looked or the tattoo of a raging bull that resided in all of the underlings right shoulders

"Hello Boss"

"Hey boss, how was it? did you have fun?"

"Heyyy bosss…. When will we have some fun too??…*burp*"

His underlings greeted him enthusiastically

John was proud of his underlings. He had spent time finding likeminded people to form his gang and after some years he had gathered a pretty strong crew to aid him, they were all as crazy as he was and with time they became like a big family, he couldn't help but love those little bastards

Smiling he said

"Well… I had to put a hold to that since we are getting a new batch today!"

"Ohhh! Will we get new toys?" They exclaimed together

"Yep, and not only guns but liquor and maybe some new tools too if we are lucky"

"WOOOOO…" they shouted loudly

After all, getting a new batch wasn't frequent and with such good gifts… it was like Christmas for the group

"Ok, ok quiet now, I need to speak with mister 'shadow' so don't disturb us, we can celebrate later."

The group immediately shut up. Even though John was a nice and tolerant boss this was an extremely important matter and who knows what would happen to them if they angered him

John then spit on his hands, fixed his hair with it as much as he could, readjusted his tie and opened the door

Outside was a man that was entirely covered with a black cloak

"Hello John" he said colmly, his face covered by a misterious darkness

"Hello mister shadow, what brings you here this wonderful night?" John said with a big smile on his face

"You know what I came here for…"

The mysterious man then took out a small bag from his cloak and turned it upside down

Then out of the tiny bag fell 30 big grey futuristic-looking rifles that looked impossible for even one of them to fit in the bag. He then put his hand in the bag and took out 20 bottles of liquor one by one

'I still can't comprehend it even after seeing it so many times…' John thought

This kind of technology was impossible to find in the ruins no matter how much money one had, not only space-manipulating technology or other fancy stuff like that but even guns, at least the powerful ones, were nearly impossible to get.

That's why this person in the black cloak was extremely important to John and his crew, without him, no matter how much strength John had in contrast to the inhabitants, they wouldn't have been able to take over the brown area nor establish themselves as a powerful cartel group. The drugs, naturally, were also provided by him.

"So… were is what I asked for?" The man in black said, still following the cold attitude from before

"Ummm…before that sir… I don't mean to be rude or imply anything but did you perhaps get any tools for us?"

"Hahh… "The man sighed

"And I even wanted to surprise you… yeah I got you something but I want to see the merchandise first" he said with a warmer tone

"Of course!" John said with a smile and guided the man to a big grey old looking truck with signs of a big sticker on the side that was torn off

He then opened the trunk revealing around 20 kids in rugged clothes, sleeping deeply

"Perfect! you indeed deserve a reward" the man in black said with a happy tone

"Thank you sir!" John said while looking like a puppy that wanted a treat from its owner

"Well then, as I promised…"

The man called "shadow" then took out the little bag and turned it upside down. What fell down was a tall metallic structure with a large angled blade at the top that looked ready to chop down anything on its way.

"Ohhh, what is this strange machine? " John said with glowing eyes

"This kind of machine dates back to the middle ages but is mostly known as being used by the French back at the French revolution, it is called a guillotine"

"I see…" John said with a blank look on his face, he didn't understand a single word that was said by shadow

The man then unbothered by this continued

"You basically hold the rope and then let go of it when you want the blade to drop, it is great to chop melons or… heads. You just open the frame, put what you want inside and close it, you then let go the rope and let the machine do its work. This is of course an upgrade from the original one and can even kill [G+] rank mutants in one swoop"

"Now, this is interesting!" exclaimed John with a smile that showed his yellowish to black teeth

'What a sick bastard' the man thought while smirking

"Well, I must go now. See you soon John"

"Yes! See you soon sir!"

The man called "shadow" then disappeared into the darkness, his name was truly fitting

'How nice…'

John then with a pure smile lifted the metallic guillotine and brought it inside a small warehouse next to the main building of his group

The metallic guillotine weighed over 3 tons but it seemed like feathers to John who was an [E] rank mutant

'Well… this is going to be difficult to bring to the alley' He thought with a look of realisation on his face

He then shrugged his shoulders and went back into the main building

"Hey boss"

"How was it Boss?"

"Whut goods did wee get this time bossie?…*burp*"

His underlings greeted him

"Guys! We got the best guns on the market and a high quality liquor bottle for everyone as well as one of the coolest machine I have seen" he said with a loud voice so that everyone in the building could hear him

"Then… can we celebrate now?..." his underlings said with a worried face



As John was about to join them he suddenly remembered

"Guys I am coming in a sec, just gotta finish something"

"Ok boss"

"Alright boss we will be waiting you here"

"Nooo boss don't goo…come 'ere and drink *burp*"

'What funny bastards…' He thought to himself

John then went down the hall and opened the door to the alley with a smirk on his face when he suddenly saw a big fire burning fiercely on one side of the alley and a bald child around 14 years old he had never seen before.

The child looked around like it desperately wanted to find a way to get out

"Ohhh? What do we have here?"