
Universe Maker

Amidst the complexity of reality, after death, he, who do not even remember his own name and have only general knowledge about some general subjects of earth human knowlege, shall become a universe creator. Indeed, a lucky opportunity to set free his wings of imagination, enjoy his deep desire for creation, and see a new reality unearth under his initiative to pursue not perfection, but the infinity of the word "could". This image is not mine, here is the link: https://br.freepik.com/fotos-gratis/fundo-colorido-da-galaxia-com-estrelas-brilhantes_15670165.htm#query=universe&position=34&from_view=search&track=sph

Usernamemustbe3_18 · Fantaisie
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35 Chs

Chapter 12(the three patrons)

Now I visited the fairy realm and was warmly welcomed by Ana, Shanda, and their two daughters and son. Pangary was not there. He is busy on an internship in the reincarnation realm. He by what it seems has gotten quite an interest in souls, probably because of his domain. The reincarnation realm which is both rich in souls passing all the time and is where souls are easier to perceive and feel is for sure the best place to learn more about them.

I passed a while talking with them.

Saubhar, especially, since he has a lot of doubts that he wanted me to answer. He has been trying to adapt his father's magic warrior path to work with ki, which is not easy, because of how different mana and qi work.

Mana can easily strengthen one's body. While qi can hardly do this directly because qi is too tender. Using qi attacked directly to fight is also hard, because you may end up healing your opponent rather them hurting him. So the energy can more easily be used for healing arts, but a better grasp of the body's anatomy can lead to very much better control, precision and efficiency.

Apparently, Saubhar, Elga, and Kessem learned from their father his battle junkie nature; with Pangary being the only exception, as he has grown up as a more reserved and quiet child, who was more of a bookworm. The three fight compete a lot, Saubhar nearly always loses to Kessem or Elga, mostly Kessem, as she is the one with the best grasp of her domain among her siblings.

And so, some months passed with me helping Saubhar and Elga with their domains. After this long while I finally said:

"I would like to ask you three if you can visit the mortal realm a bit and teach a bit about each of your paths."

They assured me that it was not a problem, and they could do it. They also said they had grown bored passing so long only in the fairy realm, and that they were thinking of traveling, but they have not decided exactly where. So I made the traveling suggestion that I think would lead to the best results for the mortal.

Kessem would start her travel through the beehuman continent. Elga would start in the emberhumans continent. Saubhar would start in the human continent. Let's see how they perform spying is bad, but this would be a one-time historical moment.

Mortal Realm- Middle of the three Planets- Human Continent

Humans were the first to create a city in this world, surely because of their high population growth, the first-generation demigods have each couple on average forty children, because of their domains pregnancy was much easier, safer, and more pleasant to women and both were much more fertile.

The second generation will have probably thirty children on average for each couple. The third about twenty children each. The fourth fifteen each. The fifth ten each. And in the sixth demigods will already be rare.

To make the dispersal of god's genes I'm making more humans appear with half the percentage of the previous generation.

To properly dilute the demigod genes, that become useless and cannot be passed to the next generation after less than three percent on humans and beehumans, and after fifteen percent on emberhumans. I making this same process with the emberhumans to speed up the gene dispersal a bit.

Returning to the subject the city did not start with much planning in it, as it was basically an expanded village. The second generation, after forming their own families started building stone huts, with a bit more planning, around the initial village, with the process repeating with each generation, with some gaps here and there. Interestingly most of the first generations of all species are still alive because demigods with fifty percent or more god genes usually lived at least a thousand years.

Subhar was having it hard in there, or better humans were having it hard. Qi has too much of a calming and relaxing nature, not an aggressive or war-like one, so when humans felt his strong qi it was not a bit intimidating experience, so none of them took him seriously when he called himself a god and offered to teach them, so he took a different approach.

He started to beat the strongest humans that he found shitless and offered the weakling, as he called them, to teach them how to become a better fighters and try to defeat him later. He also taught them healing arts with qi. The method to train qi warriors that he passed to them was the one we came up with together.

Basically to practice it one should follow these steps: first use the soul's will to pull the qi in the atmosphere to enter the body by the respiratory channel and enter the lung's alveoli, when enough qi is concentrated in the alveoli, part of the cells will branch ou forming on the daitians, that resided out of the lungs and stay within the rib cage; them one have to crimple his daitians or at least most of them, the qi that comes out will quickly fix the bones and spread out through the body, and then one just need to train their body beyond its limit making good use of the qi that spread, when their daitians is healed they start from the beginning. On average, there were four hundred and eighty million for all rational species, having always the same number as the alveoli in one's body.

This process only worked, because of the surreal features of the daitians, which when broken may take, at most a day to heal, if they have only one cell it may take only a week to fully heal; if they are completely obliterated with the qi spread in the body new ones may appear at most within a month, and because the qi is inside them, but is, in fact, connected with the soul, if they are removed the qi in them will not go out of the body with it.

Conveniently, qi hardly passes trought the skin and it numbs pain, and heals the broken rib cage much before the neuron can sense that it was broken, and the daitian themselves don't have neuron terminations, so the process is painless in fact, and in fact when qi spread out it become a quite enjoyable.

Yes, it sounds senseless, but strangely qi could be guided to change the inner structure of one's body and form the daitians, this came to be probably because of many aspects that influence the universe as a whole.

He also taught them advanced healing arts using qi. So began his legend, some started to call him the god of martial arts, and though he constantly corrects it, it do not seem to work much, this name still continued, though a few called him the god of qi.

Beehuman continent

Kessem was surely having a much easier time than her brother in guiding the mortal on their magic path. Because of the highly intimidating nature of her mana pressure, people there were much keener in considering what she says as the absolute law, and as sacred and holy. She taught them the magician and the magic warrior path.

She also started studying magical and qi plants, that started to appear naturally around the world. They originated from random mutations that ended, because of the dense amount of qi and of mana in some regions, being received warmly by the environment, and ended up reproducing greatly, spreading themselves all around.

Together with the local people, she started to develop new recipes for magical and qi honey. She ended up creating new magic flavors with the people in each of the villages she passed through. In the end, it seems it village will specialize in its own unique honey.

Because of the great amount of different types of honey and later mead that she carried she ended up creating a sort of inventory spell, which was basically a simple space dimension, to put things in.

There were several types of magical honey like water magic honey, earth magic honey, and detoxifying honey. But there was only a type of qi honey, vitality honey, that increases one vitality. Although there were magical, several types of mead, all of them could prevent a hangover, and if mixed with a bit of vitality honey could reduce or annul the effect of alcohol on the kidney.

She also tried to teach them how to create a magical pancreas, something we came up with that would make mana training easier, but the process was much harder than creating daitians ironically, and only a few achieves it. To achieve it one would need to simply use mana to create a gland in the stomach walls, that would separate mana from magical food. She ended up being remembered as the goddess of magic and honey.

Emberhuman Continent

Elga also did not have much trouble spreading her teaching. As demigods, at least for now, the emberhumans already unconsciously used divine energy.

What Elga did was teach them methods for finer control over this energy and teach the most tenacious ones how to create a divine gland, a gland made of divine energy that stays connected to one's intestine.

She also developed a prayer or priest path. All beings have a bit of divine energy in them that mortals will not be able to use directly and demigods will have a much weaker and less effective control than gods.

Considering this, she created a way that mortals can form prayer contracts with gods where they rent a small part of a god's domain, to use the divine energy in them and absorb more, gods take a very small amount of divine energy as "tax" in it, also benefiting them. In there, she ended up spreading the faith of not only herself but her brothers and their parents.

I think now they should start visiting other continents.