
Universe and beyond

It was born into immortality, Follow the tale of a being with the goal of conquering the universe alone.

Blood2K · Romance
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10 Chs

Chapter 10 - •.●.•.●.•

Suddenly, he is shot with a bullet the size of an average male hand. Merged with pure magic, the bullet destructive power was enough to take K** off of his feet.

Smashing into the wall behind him, K begins to stand back up slowly after being hit with the bullet.

"Is he dead?" says the sniper on the roof with the high-tech gear.

As the smoke clears, he is casually standing there, brushing his clothes as if nothing happened.

Zeta Bar looks closely into the smoke and sees a standing figure of a man and says, "Fire!"

Over 20 men start laying down fire on K as he stands there, but then suddenly, all 20 of the men Disappear as if they never existed.

The echoing sounds of the last bullets from the guns firing dissipate as their guns drop to the floor.

Zeta Bar felt his heart beating as he started backing up quickly, K was slowly walking towards Bar.

About 5 seconds later, K reaches the scared middle-aged man as he simply asks him a question.

"Why are you attacking me?" says K as he stands there looking at him.

"Well. Umm, you killed 4.... 4 People yesterday, you broke the law." He says as he stutters over and over.

Oh, there are laws, No one told me about this. So, there are rules to killing and stealing.

Suddenly, as he felt enlightened and a sense of wrong in his heart, all the men that suddenly popped back up like they never left. truly confused. All those men were.

"Zeta Bar, is there work I can do here. I want to do something to earn money."

As the man looked back at him, he was surprised. "Umm, you can go become a Dungeon crawler." He speaks.

"Okay." As he immediately starts walking towards the Dungeon HQ like he already knew where it was. What Zeta Bar doesn't know is that he searched his memory for the Dungeon crawler information.

From what K knows, Dungeon on the planet started forming 20 years after the first humans started showing up, From the deep condensed mana, it started forming creatures stronger than normal.

Dungeons go from level 1 - 10. Getting progressively harder as you go, the farther you go into the Dungeon, the more likely you are to run into a deep space crawler that lingered into the Dungeon.

Deep space crawlers are a Stage 11 Creature. They ARE TO BE AVOIDED at all costs. They partially control space and time and eat all meat, but they are passive until detected by intelligent lifeforms.

the adventurers on this planet have only reached Level 8 as they are mildly weak.

Looking at the teller suddenly he walks up and asks a question. "How do I become a Dungeon crawler." Says K*** With such a carefree mood.

The teller, who is a B Ranked Dungeon crawler, looks at him and says, "Put your hand here."

Moving his hand over the glowing object meant to scan your stats and abilities, it instantly blows up.

everyone in the HQ immediately looked into his direction with a look of question.

What is everyone looking at K** Was thinking inside of his mind.

Suddenly speaking

"Stop looking at me." He says as a majestic aura expands from him, and everyone suddenly had a fear of looking at him. "

That is better he says as he looks at the terrified face of the clerk at the desk.

I should probably leave he thinks as he walks out as of nothing happened and disappears into the busy street.

About a minute later K*** appears in the middle of a busy street a few blocks away.

Everyone seen him standing there silently with his eyes closed he they surrounded him with cameras and telephones. As he gives out a majestic aura

What no one else knew is that K*** was about to shrink down his size to the regular size of a Drago which he seen advantageous.... But in return everything on this planet will be shrunk down with him. which means instant death for every specie on this planet.

reaching his hands out to the stars he starts breathing in all of the green mist that surrounded him as the planet suddenly starts rumbling and falling apart.

Through his super sensitive ears, he hears people panicking and crying as the ground falls under him at a quick pace.

Konq Suddenly disappears into the planets core as he patiently waits for his transformation to complete...

Sorry for the long wait!

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