
Universe:- Our Dream!!

" Little Star " is how she is known by everyone! The one whose identity is unknown yet known by all. She, is a famous singer, yet confidential. Popularly known as "The one who sings in mask" ! Ajay, owner of " Star ", a music company, well the company with no well name! It still stayed at the position of a start-up company even after 3 years experience! The company with no much recognition, with three years of experiences and a lot of failures! Nearer to the edge of loosing everything, yet never did he lost hope! Story takes a twist, when fate brings this two ending poles from two different worlds with the only connection "music", in the name of a contract! And that's when everything starts to change! A childhood lovestory it is indeed, some secrets, some rudeness, togetherness at the circumstances and the heartfelt love that's hidden and forgotten. Join me, to experience this rollercoaster of love, emotions, and music a language of love, to feel and explore the further story!! Note:- Cover page doesn't belong to me, credit goes to it's owner! And this is not a translation but an original work!

misslonelysoul · Urbain
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26 Chs

6. Family Meeting!

A new morning again, while this time, Ajay woke up with a new spirit! This day he would be signing the contract! He was excited as well as afraid of getting failed again! He shook his head, this time, no failure, not even in thinking!

As he got up and freshed up, he first looked at his brother, after dropping him at the university, he went to deal with the company which had accepted to associate! While Choi went with him too this time!


Dhvani as soon as she woke up, took a nice cold shower, which she usually liked to have! And then had breakfast! But suddenly her landline started ringing, she who was gulping down the water as she finished her meal, got up and reached, but stiffened when she saw the number, she recognised it, lifting the call, she said nothing and kept quiet!

"Dhvani?" the person called out for her, she still remained quiet and an awkward silence followed, until she replied moments later! "Speaking!!"

"Glad you finally attended the call! I was trying to speak with you from days but you never lifted my call!"

"I was out! I was busy!!" is what all she said in response!

The man sighed, "Father wants to meet you! Will you stop by here if you can once??"

Father? Not so strangely, it sounded weird for her!

"All of a sudden?"

"Just about a meal?"

"I already had it!!" she replied as a matter of fact!

"Then just a coffee?"

Why was he insisting? Is there something they might want to discuss with her?

"Alright!!" she replied but without waiting much, she hanged the call! With a sigh she went to sit back on the chair! What plan was this now?? Whatever but she didn't like it! Everytime they decided to do something, it meant to choose an emotional path, almost making her look like a villainess! Seriously?

She sighed again, it's better to end things before it starts to eat her up! She got up and soon went to the home they all live, well she lived once! As she parked the car, getting out, she observed it! Taking few deep breaths, she let the atmosphere there welcome her, especially the garden! She had a beautiful connection with it, the one which her mother kept her efforts in for her! She smiled looking at those freshly newly sprung lily's as it's may! She almost recalled her memories with her mother in that garden! Playing in the soil, under the bright sun, enjoying the sound of bee's and insects, sprinkling water on each other while watering the plants! Later having that cold shower letting all the mud on skin drain out! She sighed, she used to love it! As she looked around, nothing about this home changed, everything remained same atleast of what she remembered, but what changed was the house members! Though this house gave her some unforgettable precious memories, she also remembered the fact that, this house doesn't belong to her anymore!!

She sealing her thoughts as usual, went ahead with the steps which lead to the mansion, but she stopped when she heard the sound and turned back to see her brother parking his car beside her's and getting out! As soon as he saw her, a frown settled on his face as he reached her! She looked unbothered!

"You are here all of a sudden??" he questioned her while taking off his cooling glasses!

She frowned, so even he didn't know that she was called for?!

"Where are you coming from, this early morning?" she questioned instead!

"I went to speak about Little Star's new cover song! I need to do arrangements right?"

She raised an eyebrow, "She will not be doing it as of now!"

"Oh why?"

"She needs rest!"

"She should have thought about it before presenting it's tune in a live show! Now everyone are awaiting for it to be released as a song!!"

She just sighed! "Fine!"

He smiled, "Then do me a favour by informing her that tomorrow would be the recording!!"

She arched her eyebrows, and soon pulled his left ear, he hissed in pain, "Are you taking me for granted now that this silly words are escaping your mouth??"

"A--Ouch, fine fine! Sorry, I was just playing around!" she released him from her grip and he again hissed in pain, "Well who else am I having to joke around with other than you!!"

She frowned, "Go to hell!" she said out curtly before leaving him, he smiled and followed her, "Would you guide me there?" he spoke out on their way which she casually avoided to respond!

As they went in, they both saw them, his father and mother were seated in the living room and having a cup of tea! She sighed, do she really have to pretend now? Oh god!! Well she never pretended, isn't it why she had got no one around her except her weird brother Ajith who kept running behind her even though she most of the time pushed him away?

"Dhruv! You are here!!" her mother soon got up from her seat, reaching and embracing him! She almost sighed but showed no expression!

Ajith smiled and returned the hug, when the lady pulled herself away from him, looked at her! She somehow again saw that disturbing emotion in her eyes, why does she always look at her like that?? May be it was because she didn't even show any emotion for her in the first place?!

"You are here too!" she spoke up with a smile which looked nothing like one! She returned her a smile, well obviously a fake one!

"I am glad that you both came by together!!" she then continued!

"We didn't!!" she cut her off, making the lady silent, "We happened to enter in together!!" Ajith continued her statement! The lady smiled and welcomed them, "Come let's be seated!"

Dhvani, giving a curt nod, went ahead and took one seat, actually a little away from them all, while Ajith didn't bother to sit beside her this time, and made his way to the one across his parents! He knew she always kept distance between them when it's their parents, she didn't want them to assume the existence of any good relationship between them! She didn't like the thought, well he was sure, same goes with his mother, so well, his parents!

Even though she took a far seat, they still were all circled, and so, with ease the lady handed a cup of tea to her, then poured another one for her brother!

Ajith smiled, while she still avoided her gaze with the man! But suddenly he spoke up clearing his voice, making her look at him finally! "You finally visited here after so many years! It feels nice to see you after a long time!"

"It's surprising that my arrival made you feel glad Mr.Saron!!" she replied!

His wife glanced at her before covering of whatever she felt with that fake smile again! Ajith said nothing, he was used to this! And his father, smiled! "Seems like you haven't forgiven me yet!"

She remained quiet, well what will she forgive him for? For not protecting her mother? For not caring her well? For abounding her? For what in total? Mr.Anand Saron might be a great businessman in the view of the world, but for her, he was nothing but a failed father!

"Let's not make things more awkward!!" said the lady, cutting off their conversation which she had left a long ago! "Please have some tea!" she then added!

Dhvani held the cup but haven't took a sip of it yet, she sighed and placed the cup back on the table, looking at them she spoke up! She was getting fed up by this unnecessary meeting and conversation!

"Why had you called for me??" she questioned straight to his brother's father, deciding not to prolong it anymore!

He looked at her, "Well haven't I said a little time for a cup of tea or coffee and some talk?"

She nodded, "I don't wish to have anything right now! Let's remove that cup of tea thing and come to the talk! What do you want to talk about??" she questioned without beating around the bush!

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