What do you do with all the knowledge in the universe at your fingertips? What if you find yourself in a Library with everything you could ever want?
Alex watched as the young girl was happily eating the apple at an extremely fast pace. There was a small twig attached to the apple's stem, but just as before the girl bit it and nearly swallowed it whole. Quickly realizing the girl would eat everything without care, Alex tried to get her attention.
"So you mind telling me your name to start?"
The girl paused for a moment and quickly realized that she was eating just like before when she was on the streets. Now in front of this all powerful being she was acting like a barbarian. Slowly stopping as she was just about to take the last bite of the core of the apple, the girl shoved it into her only pocket for later before putting all her focus onto the man in front of her.
"Most just call me Street Rat. As for a name that those who gave birth to me, I have no idea... Sir, what can I do for you? So long as I have the ability I will do my best for you!"
The girl seemed to have a look of worship instead of fear now. Making Alex feel strange, after all the poor girl didn't even have a real name. "You don't have to do much, just tell me about the world you know."
"... I'm not sure that I could help you much with that. I am an orphan that spent all my time on the streets. If you want to know more about the world you need someone like a merchant or city lord... B-but if you have anything else I am sure I can do it for you!" The girl seemed to freak out more and more hoping to do something for him as she kept wondering what she could do for him.
"Please calm down, there is no need to be so nervous, so why not just start telling me what you know and how you know it. I don't care what it is even if you're telling me where to find moldy food."
"No! I couldn't do that to you great sir! Ugghh- Wait I know! It might not be much, but you can have my virginity! I may be technically too young to sell it away, but it would happen eventually, so why not?"
Alex felt like his brain was exploding, here was a little girl not even 10 years old ready to sell herself so easily just because he had given her an apple and didn't treat her like trash.
"NO. None of that." Using his knowledge on how to control his emotions and voice, Alex did his best to have a firm voice that would make even a king wonder if he should follow him. "I made this bookstore to trade information. My guests would pay with daily knowledge and maybe use a physical item as a tip, but in no way am I allowing you to give me your Virginity. For what would I even give in return? Another apple? Gold? Silver? Platinum?"
Taking another long pause Alex looked at the girl as if he was trying to see her soul through her eyes. The girl on the other hand only focused on the things that he had offered and thought about how everything he offered sounded fine for her. She was even happy finally knowing the name of the 'magical' fruit he had given her.
*sigh* "If you won't listen then just tell me where do you sleep and what roads you know. How is everything organized?"
This time the girl agreed to his demands and followed his every order and started to explain how the city was set up and how they kept the rich and poor separated and the street that she lived on which had a small collapsed chimney that had just enough space for her to sleep in.
Soon an hour passed as the little girl explained everything that she could understand from the bottom of the well she lived in. She had always focused on survival and had nearly no knowledge that didn't pertain to where she had walked or eaten. Even as the girl ran out of things to talk about, Alex could feel pain just hearing about the terrible condition these people had to live in.
A girl like her 'knew' her future is to become a prostitute and probably one day get pregnant by some random customer and possibly be forced to abandon the child by the time they could walk. Maybe even before that and let the child have a guaranteed death freezing during the night or starving on the street. She even knew that there was a high chance she would die even before even being allowed a full stomach.
Disease for a child like her who was starving most of the time is basically a guaranteed death where if found sick by the side of the road she would likely be taken to the mortuary before a doctor even if she was alive.
He who was trapped here couldn't help so many of these people that were in need, but the girl in front of him had no such limitation. It was as if fate was telling him what to do as he decided on five books that would help the girl make something with her life and save others.
It was then staring at the girl that Alex decided, "Would you like to gain the power to change your destiny?"
Walking out of the store with a full stomach, Alma had already decided to make something more of herself. Although she only had a single book in one arm, in the other she held a small bag with apple seeds and the key that led to the place that gave her this chance to change her fate. It was a metal key with an emerald at the end instead of the normal teeth that would open a lock. Although the key looked a bit old and rusty.
After leaving the fog and entering the dark ally that she came from once again Alma quickly hid the key in her clothes the best she could before looking at the book once again. The moonlight slightly lit up the ally allowing the golden title to be seen, 'Basics of Defending Oneself Without Strength'. This was the book she had chosen herself after seeing the dozen books presented in front of her.
Looking around and making sure no one was around she quickly started running to the small corner she had set up to be her home. It was a dark collapsed chimney of an abandoned house. Still, this didn't deter her as she curled up and made her way into a place where she could hide safely.
As she opened the book in the dark, the words that looked to be scribbles seemed to come alive as they let off a faint glow allowing them to be seen even in the pitch-black. Even as an illiterate child Alma understood the meaning of the words and felt some type of connection with the book as she soon understood them.
Unknowingly the dark night changed to day as Alma continued to read one page at a time. Still, a power slowly filled her body making so she didn't feel tired allowing her to continue to read. Soon the day came and went as Alma kept reading the book slowly. It was only when the sun started to rise again did she stop as she closed the book.
"I understand now..." Alma set the book to the side as a feeling of pure happiness overwhelmed her senses. She looked at her hands in the dark chimney and felt like her hands now had a special power. "I can do this..." Looking up and crawling out of her home after hiding the book Alma felt a wave of confidence flow through her.
Taking a deep breath Alma did her best to calm her excitement. It was only a minute later that her excitement calmed down along with her racing heart. Putting her hands together as if she was praying Alma spoke with great conviction, "To the great god Alex who lives in the fog, I thank you for giving me your blessings. With my new name and new knowledge, I shall strive to make the world better than it could ever be! Change myself and drag the entire world around me higher than ever before. Thank you!"
After saying this Alma focused on herself and started walking to a particular spot she knew could help her change her fate.
Alex was sitting around very happy with his first interaction with someone in his brand-new bookstore. "That was great! Looks like all the spells worked perfectly! It is too bad I can't create anything too amazing with the level of creation spells I have currently. If I run into another starving person I can't just keep taking random fruits from different worlds. Maybe I can create another pocket dimension that is connected to the library that will hold a farm!"
As Alex was daydreaming the sound of the bell awoke him from his thoughts. "Who can that be? Maybe too many customers will be a problem? I should make an off switch in case I need it, I don't want to have a customer, but then leave them unattended for hours."
While thinking of this Alex walked into the bookstore once again and called out with a friendly smile, "Hello and welcome!"
Standing at the door was a middle aged man he wore a suit that was neither fancy or cheap. Still, Alex could clearly tell that the suit was well worn and had seen a lot.
"Hello there, I was in a strange fog outside and noticed this place. I hope I wasn't disturbing you."
"Oh not at all, I don't get out much so I like to hear of any stories from the outside world."
"HAHA! That is one way to put it."
"Do you wish to come here to buy a book?"
"Ehh, why not, I guess it is fate that brought me here. What do you recommend?"
"Well why don't you tell me about yourself and we can see from there?"
"HAHA! Sure. I got time for once might as well speak to someone normal. My name is Fedrick, you?"
"Alex. Nice to meet you."
As the pair shook hands the middle aged man talked about the company he ran and how he wished to get out more. He took this entire thing calmly and a good chance to rant to someone he thought he would never see again.
The man talked about the company he was running and how annoying it was becoming now that he was getting old. How he wanted more time for himself and maybe even get a chance to settle down. One thing led to another and he started talking about how he could never find the right people to spend time with. The people he put in charge were too greedy, the women he met only wanted his money.
The more he talked the more casual he became talking to Alex. Talking about even the small things that annoyed him and the only, 'good parts' of living according to him. It was only after several hours did Fedrick look at his watch and realized how long he had spent here, "Crap I am late now! Sorry, I need to get going!"
As he rushed out Alex stopped him holding a book and a key, "Here, take these before you leave, one for your problems and the other to find me again."
The man stopped before nodding grabbing them, "What do I owe you."
"Nothing. Just talking with me is enough. Just consider it thanks for helping my boredom."
Fedrick only shrugged his shoulders and rushed to the door only to stop and take some bills from his pocket and putting them on a nearby shelf and then leaving. "Looks like I was right. Good man. I hope that book will help him."
Shaking his head Alex stopped worrying and started working on what he had planned before of putting a lock in case he ever wanted to stop visits.