
Universal Hunter

In a world shaped by interdimensional portals and the emergence of superhuman abilities, everyone aspires to be a 'Hunter', someone who takes down monsters and conquer dungeons. A young prodigy named Issac, a standout student at Regalia University, wishes to be a hunter like many others. But when his trusted mentor and confidant, Head Alchemist Ian Bhryne, mysteriously disappears, Issac finds himself entangled in a web of secrets and perilous intrigue. Strange events and unforeseen circumstances begin to unravel the carefully woven fabric of his reality. Each step further unravels a labyrinthine conspiracy, hinting at a dark truth—one that threatens not only the lives of those within the university's walls but the delicate balance between worlds.

ThunderWarlord · Fantaisie
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33 Chs


"I can't believe we lost them," Beaver sighed, the wind rushing through his hair as he soared atop his chubby dragon. Shame gnawed at his gut, a bitter taste of failure that he couldn't swallow. Losing sight of Issac, Maria, and Edgar was bad enough, but not having a clue about the Flash's whereabouts added insult to injury. He had been relying on Issac, the one who held the key to finding the Flash, and now that he had slipped through Beaver's grasp, the chance of catching the elusive target seemed more distant than ever.

"Don't beat yourself up over it, Beaver," Enrique's voice crackled through the air, his twin-headed dragon flapping its wings beside him. "They're prodigies, man. What did you expect? They're always one step ahead of the game."

"I know, I know," Beaver leaned back on his dragon's back, frustration etching deep lines on his face. Another long sigh escaped his lips, carrying the weight of disappointment. He glanced over his shoulder and rolled his eyes at the sight behind him. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me! We've been wandering around for so long that the whole damn class caught up with us."

Enrique turned to survey the approaching group of dragons, their determined figures silhouetted against the sun. They were their classmates, a pack of hungry competitors who were also, like them, in pursuit of the Flash.

"Look at them," Beaver snorted, his voice dripping with disdain. "They think they can still catch the Flash. Well, they're too late. By now, that son of a bitch must've already fallen into the hands of—"

"ISSAC!" Enrique's voice shattered the air, cutting through Beaver's words like a knife. Both of their gazes snapped forward, locking onto a sight a few miles away. Two dragons raced toward them, a surge of adrenaline fueling their flight.

Issac and Maria!

"I knew it!" Beaver roared, his triumph surging through his veins. He urged his dragon to charge forward, determination blazing in his eyes. Enrique followed suit, matching Beaver's fervor.

"We're going to take him down the moment he gets close, you got it?" Beaver's voice crackled with confidence, his plan already forming in his mind. "He's probably desperate to escape Maria, so he won't see us coming—"


The explosive impact of fireballs struck Beaver and Enrique mid-speech, sending them hurtling backward, their bodies flying through the air like ragdolls. Gravity tugged at them, threatening to pull them into a bone-shattering collision with the unforgiving ground below.

As the two of them fell, their bracelets activated in a burst of energy, encasing their bodies in a transparent shield just in the nick of time.


The impact with the ground was still brutal, shaking them to the core, but miraculously, they remained intact. Pain radiated through their limbs, a testament to the vicious attack they had endured.

"Ugh... damn it!" Beaver growled, his frustration morphing into pain. He struggled to rise to his feet, but the pain coursing through his body forced him to give in, collapsing back onto the unforgiving earth. Enrique, too, abandoned the futile effort of standing, opting to remain on the ground until he was healed completely.

With their eyes fixated on the sky, they watched as Issac and Maria's dragons streaked through the air like missiles, disappearing into the distance within seconds. The sound of their wings faded into a distant hum, leaving Beaver and Enrique in a cloud of bitter defeat.

Another sigh escaped Beaver's lips, his voice laced with a mix of exhaustion and resignation. "Fucking prodigies..."

"You're seriously making me angry here!" Maria's voice reverberated with frustration, the force of her words punctuated by the relentless barrage of air and flame beams she unleashed at Issac. Her attacks crackled through the air, seeking their mark, only to be met by Issac's uncanny ability to evade with seamless grace. His dragon danced through the sky, maneuvering with a precision that seemed almost otherworldly.

"I don't see how that's my problem!" Issac retorted with a chuckle, his voice laced with a mix of amusement and confidence. He twisted his body effortlessly, his every movement a testament to his unparalleled skill. In response, he launched a salvo of fireballs at Maria, watching with a mischievous glint in his eyes as she desperately sought to evade the onslaught.

The other classmates, now able to catch a glimpse of two dragons hurtling their way, felt the tension escalate. Recognition flashed in their eyes as they realized the identity of the formidable duo.

"That's Issac and Maria, isn't it?" one of the students muttered, his voice tinged with a mixture of awe and apprehension. "They're heading straight for us!"

"One of them must've caught the Flash!" another exclaimed, the urgency in their voice palpable as determination welled within them.

"Goddamn it! I won't let Issac win again!" a student bellowed, their voice trembling with a mix of frustration. The others nodded in agreement, a collective resolve forming among them.

But before they could even seize the opportunity to strike, multiple bursts of energy erupted from afar, hurtling toward the group with astonishing speed and accuracy.


The sudden burst of attacks found their marks, striking three of the students with a powerful impact. Their bodies flipped back, flinging them off of their dragons, the force of the attack sending them hurtling through the air.

Confusion and panic washed over the remaining students, their confidence waning as they realized the sheer magnitude of their opponents' abilities.

"How is he even able to find a target from so far away?" one of them muttered, their voice laden with disbelief.

"They're too much! How on earth are we supposed to beat them?" another exclaimed, frustration seeping into their words.

The remaining students fired their attacks almost blindly, a cascade of energy beams filling the sky as they desperately sought to overwhelm their adversaries.

"Shoot at them with everything you've got!" a determined voice cried out, their words echoing with a mix of desperation and resolve. A medley of air blasts, ice particles, and various energy beams surged toward Issac and Maria, the sky crackling with their combined might.

"I knew I was going to regret this…" Maria clicked her tongue, a sense of regret tugging at her, as she observed the onslaught of energy hurtling her way. Despite the incoming barrage, her focus remained fixed on Issac, her determination unyielding. She shifted her tactics, now launching icy projectiles with deadly precision, hoping to catch her elusive target off guard.

Issac, on the other hand, continued to evade Maria's relentless assault, his attention momentarily drawn away from her as the sky became a battlefield of energy beams. His eyes gleamed with an almost jubilant satisfaction, a thrill coursing through his veins. The challenge before him only ignited the fires of his competitive spirit, and he reveled in the chaos, eager to face whatever obstacles came his way. "Right on.."


Issac faced the onslaught head-on, his eyes narrowed with focus as he expertly maneuvered his dragon through the barrage of attacks. His instincts honed to razor-sharp precision, he evaded with fluid grace, each movement a testament to his unparalleled skill.


Like a phantom in the sky, he weaved through the almost impossible-to-escape barrage of attacks, dodging and rolling with an uncanny sense of timing.


His dragon, a powerful beast, matched his every move. Together, they formed a synchronized duo that danced through the chaos.

"Someone, please land a hit on him! Come on!" Frustrated voices echoed, but to no avail. With each evasion, Issac retaliated, and he retaliated fiercely.


His hands moved with lightning speed, fingers unleashing torrents of fire, gusts of wind, and bursts of energy, shooting down any attack that threatened to breach his defenses. The sky became a whirlwind of elemental power, explosions and bursts of light filling the air.

Through it all, Issac's eyes never wavered from his classmates. He had become a predator in the storm, hunting his prey amidst the chaos.

"This can't be all that you've got, right?!" He let out a chuckle before he aimed at his targets with calculated precision, unleashing relentless attacks that sought to dismantle their defenses.

One by one, his classmates fell from their dragons, their resistance crushed beneath his onslaught. The air crackled with the remnants of their defeated attacks, while Issac remained untouched, untouched by a single strike.

"This is just unreal…" Maria, who was in awe of Issac's abilities, was determined to follow in his wake, and fought to navigate through the tempest of energy beams. She pushed her limits, her own attacks intermittent as she focused on weaving through the crossfire.


"Ugh!" In the midst of her efforts, a sudden and unexpected attack struck her with brutal force. Pain coursed through her body, a searing reminder of the gap between Issac and her. The impact shattered her control, and she was sent hurtling from her dragon, tumbling through the air in a spiraling descent.

The remaining students continued to fall, their dragons scattered and defeated. The battlefield became a chaotic symphony of defeat, each fallen classmate a testament to Issac's dominance. No matter their tactics, their attacks failed to find their mark, their efforts rendered futile against his unparalleled skill.

Finally, only one student remained, the last vestige of hope against the relentless onslaught.

"Come on, Issac! You think you're invincible?" The student's voice, strained and defiant, cut through the air, echoing with a mix of frustration and defiance. "I won't let you have it that easy!" Desperation clung to him like a cloak as he desperately tried to land an attack, his every move a final bid for victory.

"You think you can challenge me? Bring it on then!" Issac's voice rippled through the air, a touch of arrogance in his tone, a smugness that dripped with the weight of his dominance.

The student's grip tightened on the reins of his dragon, knuckles turning white. "I ain't going down without a fight! Prepare yourself!" With a final surge of determination, the student launched a blistering attack, electricity crackling from his outstretched hands. The sky erupted with a cacophony of power as bolts of lightning streaked toward Issac.


But Issac, like a phantom in the night, eluded his grasp, his evasive maneuver executed with chilling precision. "Too slow," Issac's voice oozed with smug satisfaction.


With a sudden surge of speed, Issac closed the distance between them, his own attack launching with a deadly accuracy.


It connected with a bone-jarring impact, a thunderous explosion reverberating through the air as the final student's resistance crumbled beneath the weight of that devastating blow, and he too fell from his dragon, his defeat sealing the fate of the battle.

As silence settled over the aftermath, Issac soared through the air, victorious and unscathed. "Well, that was exciting.." His gaze then shifted in the direction where Mr. Esposito had stood, and a surge of triumph coursed through his veins. Issac, the ultimate victor, returned to the spot where the game had begun.