
Universal Hunter

In a world shaped by interdimensional portals and the emergence of superhuman abilities, everyone aspires to be a 'Hunter', someone who takes down monsters and conquer dungeons. A young prodigy named Issac, a standout student at Regalia University, wishes to be a hunter like many others. But when his trusted mentor and confidant, Head Alchemist Ian Bhryne, mysteriously disappears, Issac finds himself entangled in a web of secrets and perilous intrigue. Strange events and unforeseen circumstances begin to unravel the carefully woven fabric of his reality. Each step further unravels a labyrinthine conspiracy, hinting at a dark truth—one that threatens not only the lives of those within the university's walls but the delicate balance between worlds.

ThunderWarlord · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Making Changes

"Is he having a midlife crisis?" Enrique pondered aloud, a hint of jest in his voice. Beaver relayed the question to Issac, "Are you having a midlife crisis, my dude?"

Issac's response carried a hint of amusement, "I'm in my early 20s, Beaver..." He seemed unfazed by the inquiry, his focus firmly on his cleaning endeavors.

An exasperated groan escaped Beaver's lips as he retorted through the phone, "Well, it's definitely some kind of crisis. Get back to campus now, would you?"

Yet, before Beaver could receive a definitive reply, Issac chose to conclude the conversation, stating, "I'll be there after I finish cleaning," and promptly hung up the call.

"Hah…" Issac found himself taking a moment to catch his breath. Looking around at his now spotless and organized apartment, he couldn't help but let out a contemplative sigh. "Fuck…"


It didn't take long for Issac to arrive at the university. As he walked through the hallways, he spotted Beaver and Enrique eagerly waiting outside the classroom. Without any hesitation, Beaver and Enrique rushed towards him as soon as they saw him, their footsteps echoing through the bustling hallway as they closed the distance between them.

"What the hell, dude?" Enrique's annoyance was palpable as he delivered a light punch to Issac's chest and confronted him, "You made us worried there for a second! Saying all that crap about cleaning your apartment in the middle of the day for some reason!"

"Yeah man, what's going on? What was all that about?" Beaver, displaying a touch more concern than his companion, chimed in and queried, "You're not having any problems or anything, are you?"

For a fleeting moment, a thought crossed Issac's mind, tempting him to divulge the truth to his friends about the coercive circumstances that led him to work for NIB. However, he swiftly suppressed that impulse, fully aware of the perilous situation he found himself in, manipulated by formidable forces. He couldn't bear the thought of endangering his friends by dragging them into the dangerous web of secrets and lies that surrounded him.

Thus, with a rueful smile, Issac merely shook his head, dismissing any hint of his secret burden, and denied the notion with a soft chuckle, "Nah, guys," he spoke, his voice bearing a hint of vulnerability, "It was just a moment of frustration when I woke up to my messy apartment. I thought, why not finally clean it up for once?"

"And that's all there is to it?" Beaver asked, his skepticism evident in his tone as he probed Issac's excuse. Despite the pressure, Issac maintained his composure, nodding affirmatively as he tried to weave his web of deception. "Yeah, that's it, man. Nothing more, nothing less. Just a cranky version of me doing something foolish."

Beaver and Enrique exchanged glances, their concern still lingering, before releasing a collective sigh of relief. "Phew!" The synchronized exhalation escaped their lips.

"Thank goodness, man!" Beaver exclaimed with a light chuckle, offering a reassuring pat on Issac's shoulder. "Because I seriously thought you were going through a midlife crisis or something! Seriously, we were worried!"

"He can't possibly be having a midlife crisis!" Enrique gleefully pointed at Beaver, erupting into fits of hysterical laughter. "Come on, man, he's only in his early twenties!"

"Wha- Why're you laughing, you... you...!" Caught off guard by Enrique's amusement, Beaver retorted with a mix of shock and anger, "You're the one who came up with that crazy idea first!" He tried to throw a punch at Enrique, but his agile friend swiftly ducked, evading the blow with ease.

The playful banter between the two friends echoed through the hallway, drawing amused glances from passersby. Amid the laughter and jests, Issac couldn't help but let out a chuckle as well. Yet, a part of him couldn't shake the unease that lay dormant within. A nagging thought about his secret arrangement with the NIB and the mysterious project he had been coerced into participating in started to gnaw at his mind. Anxiousness began to creep into his heart, casting a shadow over what should've been a lighthearted moment.


"Good morning, everyone!" Professor Karl Mosely greeted the eager students, his presence commanding attention as he stood confidently before the class. His calming and soothing voice resonated throughout the air, drawing the students' focus. Professor Mosely possessed a distinctive appearance, setting him apart from the traditional image of professors; his slim physique, youthful countenance, and pierced ears made him stand out amidst the academic milieu.

"As part of today's practical session," Professor Mosely announced, gesturing behind him to reveal the massive entrance of a cave, "you will all embark on an exciting journey into this dungeon and undertake the challenge of clearing it." The group of enthusiastic students found themselves at the threshold of a B-rank dungeon, strategically situated within the sprawling campus of Regalia University.

Within the realm of academia, it was a common practice for universities to provide students with access to dungeons, offering invaluable opportunities to gain real-world experience and practical training. However, the privilege of exploring B-rank dungeons and above was reserved for only the most prestigious institutions, and Regalia University was undoubtedly counted among them.

"Wait, hold up! Did he just say it's a B-rank dungeon?" The shock and surprise amongst the students were palpable as they exchanged astonished glances. "Holy crap! This is unreal! A B-rank dungeon? I can't believe it!"

"Yeah, we've tackled C-ranked dungeons, but barely scraped through! How are we supposed to handle a B-rank dungeon?" Concern and uncertainty filled the air, with many students contemplating the daunting challenge that lay ahead. "I mean, the creatures in C-rank dungeons were already no joke for us. A B-rank dungeon must be on a whole different level!"

"It's a whole new league of danger and excitement!"

"Remember that time in the C-rank dungeon when we got cornered by those goblin-like creatures? Now, imagine facing their bigger, scarier versions in a B-rank dungeon!"

"I'm not sure if I'm ready for this!"

"Let's make sure we stick together and watch each other's backs. Teamwork is going to be crucial!"

The revelation that they would be venturing into a B-ranked dungeon today sent a ripple of astonishment and excitement among the students. Hushed whispers and anxious murmurs filled the air as they exchanged thoughts on the daunting challenge ahead. Clearing a B-ranked dungeon was an unprecedented opportunity for students like them, as it marked the first time in their three years at the university that they were granted access to such a high-level dungeon. The question hung heavily in their minds: how on earth would they manage to conquer this formidable trial?

"Relax, everyone!" Professor Mosely reassured with a warm smile, striding confidently towards the entrance of the dungeon. "You might be surprised to know that this particular dungeon is considered one of the weakest B-rank dungeons in the country, which is precisely why it has been chosen by the university as a training ground for young amateur hunters like you."

He took a moment to let that sink in before continuing, "Moreover, you won't be embarking on this adventure alone. Your safety is of utmost importance to us, so your dungeon clearing session will be closely monitored. Trained hunters, skilled and experienced in their field, will be observing your progress every step of the way. If they detect any situation that might endanger your lives, they will intervene promptly."

Curiosity sparked within the students as they heard about the presence of these mysterious trained hunters. Who were they, and how would they impact the experience inside the dungeon? It was natural for skepticism to cloud their minds, unsure of what to expect from these mysterious figures.

Noticing the puzzled expressions, Professor Mosely chuckled warmly, attempting to ease their concerns. "I understand your curiosity, but I assure you that these hunters are seasoned professionals. You can place your trust in them completely. In fact, you'll have a chance to meet them once your dungeon clearing process is completed."

The air crackled with uncertainty as the students exchanged glances, their skepticism lingering in the atmosphere. However, the reality of the situation dawned upon them - the dungeon clearing process was inevitable, and they had to face it head-on. Resigned to their fate, they began forming groups, pairing up with their fellow students to create parties.

Amidst the bustling activity of everyone seeking their partners, Issac stood apart, his gaze fixed on the imposing entrance of the B-ranked dungeon. A seriousness settled upon his features, but there was also a flicker of determination in his eyes.

Like the others, he had never ventured into a B-ranked dungeon before, let alone cleared one. It was a significant leap in difficulty, but somehow, amidst the doubts that plagued him, Issac found an unexpected sense of calm and control as he faced the daunting dungeon.

Though his mind was burdened with thoughts of being manipulated by the NIB, there was an unexplained shift in his mindset as he stood before the threshold of the dungeon. Perhaps the tangible challenge of the dungeon itself provided a welcome distraction from the intangible worries of his deal with the powerful organization.