
Universal Hunter

In a world shaped by interdimensional portals and the emergence of superhuman abilities, everyone aspires to be a 'Hunter', someone who takes down monsters and conquer dungeons. A young prodigy named Issac, a standout student at Regalia University, wishes to be a hunter like many others. But when his trusted mentor and confidant, Head Alchemist Ian Bhryne, mysteriously disappears, Issac finds himself entangled in a web of secrets and perilous intrigue. Strange events and unforeseen circumstances begin to unravel the carefully woven fabric of his reality. Each step further unravels a labyrinthine conspiracy, hinting at a dark truth—one that threatens not only the lives of those within the university's walls but the delicate balance between worlds.

ThunderWarlord · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Chow's Foot Reflexology

"...Yeah, and add that into the mixture," commanded Mr. Bhryne, his voice filled with authority, as he deftly swirled a vibrant green compound inside a massive cauldron using a gleaming ladle. Issac swiftly reached for a bottle containing a vivid blue solution and rushed towards Mr. Bhryne with it in his hands, pouring it into the mixture with precision. As the liquids intertwined, a remarkable transformation occurred, turning the concoction into a mysterious and foreboding dark orange hue.

"Is that it?" questioned Issac, his eyes seeking confirmation from Mr. Bhryne. The older man nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "More or less. Just let it simmer for approximately ten minutes, and our task will be complete."

He looked at Issac and continued, "But your work is done, if that's what you're asking.."

"Phew!" Sinking into a nearby chair, Issac heaved a sigh of relief, feeling the weight of the arduous endeavor slowly lift from his shoulders. "Thank goodness! I was beginning to think this was never going to end!"

"Exaggerating much?" Mr. Bhryne responded with a dismissive eye roll, his attention still focused on the swirling cauldron. "It's only been a mere two hours, my young friend."

"Uh, yeah? That's the point?" Perplexed, Issac fixed a bewildered gaze upon Mr. Bhryne's face, struggling to comprehend his casual demeanor. "Two hours feels like an eternity! Do you have any idea how long that really is?"

"Two hours is long for you?" A boisterous chuckle escaped Mr. Bhryne's lips, echoing through the air and grating on Issac's nerves.

"Let me enlighten you, kid. In my prime, I worked for a staggering sixteen hours straight, without a single break, just to earn a few extra merits!" Mr. Bhryne wagged his finger at Issac, emphasizing his point before continuing. "Sixteen grueling hours! And here you are, worrying over a mere two hours. Unbelievable!"

Issac's eyes widened, a mixture of exasperation and annoyance washing over him. "I understand. You're old and worked tirelessly. Bravo." He rolled his eyes, dismissing Mr. Bhryne's assertions.

"Come on, help me out here…" Mr. Bhryne interjected, snapping his fingers impatiently, calling Issac back to the task at hand. Obligingly, Issac retrieved a small vial from the table and presented it to Mr. Bhryne.

Amidst the brewing alchemical wonders, doubt gnawed at Issac's mind, casting shadows of suspicion. "Are you sure that we're not going to get in trouble doing this?" He cautiously voiced his concerns to Mr. Bhryne, his words laced with uncertainty. "I'm talking about that client of yours. Are you not concerned about the person we're sending this to? What if he has detailed information about us?"

"Didn't I tell you not to worry about these things, kid?" Mr. Bhryne's hand landed reassuringly on Issac's shoulder, radiating a sense of confidence. With a smile of unwavering conviction, he dismissed Issac's worries. "Look, We communicate through secure, encrypted channels. Neither he nor we have access to each other's personal information. Our identities remain hidden from one another."

"Really?" queried Issac, his curiosity piqued. Mr. Bhryne's smug expression revealed itself as he relished the opportunity to speak with theatrical flair. "By day, I am Ian Bhryne, the esteemed alchemist. But when darkness falls, I become Jerril Crowe, an alchemy enthusiast with secrets!"


"... And anyway, it was weird why he recommended that foot massage shop so much," Mr. Henderson continued, his words slicing through the air with a perplexing tone. Issac's ears perked up, his curiosity piqued as he fixed Mr. Henderson with a puzzled look. Without hesitation, he interjected, "A foot massage shop?"

"Exactly!" Mr. Henderson snapped his fingers, his voice resonating with exasperation. "It was peculiar, bidding farewell while promoting a foot massage parlor. And he kept mentioning some foreign guy, Jerrol or something. I can't recall the precise name, but apparently, he's a master at his craft. It was strange, really, considering I'm not a fan of foot massages. He knew that, so I don't understand why he insisted on telling me…"

Issac's eyes widened as Mr. Henderson's words fell upon his ears.

"Which foot massage shop was it?!" He interjected abruptly, catching Mr. Henderson off guard. "Huh? I believe it was called 'Chow's Foot Reflexology' or something of the sort…"


In an instant, Issac's mind shifted into overdrive. With a resounding crash, he tore away from Mr. Henderson's presence, leaving him bewildered for a split second. A sharp retort of protest escaped Mr. Henderson's lips once he recovered, "Mr. Volante! No running in the hallway!"

His startled voice barely registered in his mind as Issac sprinted through the corridors of the university, his purpose singular and unwavering.

"Jerril! Wasn't that the alias used by Mr. Bhryne?" he pondered, his footsteps echoing with a sense of purpose. The pulsating energy of the hallways blended with the resolute beat of his heart, and he propelled towards the front gate of the university.

The two security guards stationed nearby witnessed Issac's mad dash toward the gate, their brows furrowing in confusion. "Hey, hey… Hold on, young man! Why the sudden departure?" they called out to him, but their words were met with resolute silence as Issac vanished through the university gates, leaving them dumbfounded.

"Wow… That kid sure knows how to make an exit," muttered the security guard with the goatee and glasses, shaking his head in disbelief.

His partner, a grimace etched on his face, could only offer a wry smile. "Maybe he's in dire need of a restroom break, my friend."

'Chow's Foot Reflexology, he said..' Issac murmured, his voice barely a whisper as he extracted his phone from his pocket. With a deft swipe, he initiated a search on his phone map, the digital realm unfurling before his eyes. The pulsating dots marked the path, leading him to an unassuming location near Isaiah Town, a mere half-mile from the university.

Uncertainty gnawed at his core as he contemplated his next move. Would this inconspicuous foot massage parlor hold the key to unraveling the mystery surrounding Mr. Bhryne? Or was it a treacherous trap, designed to capture him in a web of danger? The weight of the unknown bore down upon him, threatening to drown his resolve, propelling his mind into a maelstrom of conflicting thoughts.

Yet, amidst the swirl of uncertainty, Issac shook his head and remained resolute. 'No, Mr. Bhryne knew that Mr. Henderson would no doubt tell me about the Foot Massage shop, being the loud mouth that he was..' he muttered, his voice resolute amidst the chaos. Mr. Bhryne's calculated choice to divulge the foot massage parlor's existence to Mr. Henderson was no coincidence.

'And he knows that I'm the only one who knows about his pseudonym..' Issac clung to the knowledge that he alone possessed the key to unraveling the secret of Jerril Crowe. It was a secret shared between them, a bond forged of trust, and it was a breadcrumb which could lead him closer to the truth.

His instincts urged him forward, assuring him that Chow's Foot Reflexology perhaps held answers, and not peril.

"No need to worry," he murmured to himself, his voice barely a whisper in the abyss of his thoughts. Mr. Bhryne's reassurance echoed through his mind, a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness. For now, he would trust, relying on his instincts and the fragments of information he held.

As his gaze settled upon Chow's Foot Reflexology, its unremarkable exterior stood as a foreboding threshold, shrouded in nervousness and fear. Every fiber of his being urged caution, and yet Issac pressed on, undeterred.

With measured steps, Issac crossed the threshold into Chow's Foot Reflexology, his senses instantly greeted by the dimly lit interior. Soft ambient lighting cast a glow inside the shop. The walls, adorned with abstract paintings exuded an air of mystique, and the muted shades of jade and burgundy adorned the room.

On one side of the wall, a row of plush massage chairs stood in perfect alignment, their sleek contours beckoning to weary souls seeking respite. The air carried a faint scent of lavender and sandalwood. Mirrors lined the opposite wall, reflecting the enigmatic ambiance, while potted plants and bonsai trees added a touch of natural serenity.

Within this unsuspecting shop, only two customers occupied the massage chairs, their eyes closed in blissful surrender. They seemed oblivious to the mysterious atmosphere, lost in the illusion of relaxation.

Behind a polished reception desk, a poised and mysterious young lady waited. The receptionist, her eyes rising from the crossword puzzle on her table, glanced at Issac with a subtle, penetrating gaze before returning to doing her crosswords.

Approaching the desk, Issac mustered his composure and engaged the receptionist in hushed conversation. "Um, excuse me," he began, his voice laced with a bit of nervousness, "could I make an appointment with Jerril, please?"

The receptionist's eyes returned to Issac for a brief moment, and he felt as though her gaze seemingly penetrated his very soul. A flicker of curiosity danced across her features as she asked in a monotone voice. "May I have your name?"

"Issac," he replied, and with an elegant motion, the receptionist reached for the telephone, her gaze never leaving Issac's form. As she dialed the numbers, a sense of tension hung in the air. The rhythmic tone of the dialing echoed through the room, heightening the suspense.

After a brief conversation, the receptionist lowered the receiver, and with a graceful gesture, she pointed to an unassuming door tucked discreetly behind the reception desk.

"Please, proceed through that door," she instructed, her voice a soft whisper, the weight of her words hanging in the air, lingering like an unspoken warning.