
Unique El-Party In Danmachi

People from all backgrounds are reincarnated into Danmachi as the El-Party. Multicross.

IsekaiFanBoi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Chapter 7

Elsword was dreaming.

He knew it.

He was replaying a memory.

It was of how he died.

He remembered it like it was just yesterday. His place of commute had been held hostage due to the start of the next world war — they had been holding them all hostage due to their importance in the development of the war.

He saw one of the soldiers attempt to force themselves on his junior. He didn't like that so he ran towards to save her.

He was shot in the head, and yet he didn't die. It was as if he was a zombie because no matter how many times bullets pierced his body, he darted towards them with a ravenous smile and… RIP AND TEARED UNTIL THERE WAS NOTHING LEFT!

He was laughing like a mad-man as his blood-stained nails ripped them apart, he didn't know where he got the strength from but it seemed almost supernatural. It felt like since he was going to die anyway from his wounds, he destroyed his limiter to go even further beyond and killed them even while he was causing internal wounds to his own body out of spite.

It all passed in a blink of an eye.

One moment he was darting towards them, and the other he was laughing like a loon as he was surrounded by nothing but the corpses of trained soldiers.

He giggled as he kneeled and his body began to shut down.

His own last words became visible to Elsword.

"Serves you right."

Raven walked the slums as he gathered a hoard of followers. He had gained a hidden farm, he had gained weapons and now he was training them. He entered a hut of his allies and sat down in a delinquent-like manner with his feet on the table.

He was going to overthrow this country.

It was crazy, but it's not as if he hasn't done crazy shit before. In fact this is pretty lukewarm.

However, he needed something important: power.

The Empire was a shithole of a place; the nobles were abusive and arrogant, the king was literally titled "The Mad King" and the common people were taken advantage of.

It was almost sad how easily he gathered followers to aid him. Literally no one objected, not even in fear. They were all pissed at the Mad King for multiple reasons. The Mad King would gather peasants and forcefully induct them into his army with a slave-seal, he would feed the nobles like the pigs and he would give warrior-families special treatment to the point that multiple business have gone under.

Fucker even closed off the borders with them heavily guarded with slavers. What's worse is that he was pretty good tactician whilst being insane.

Hence all the abused people were easily able to be gathered. Raven knew they all needed power and he was willing to give it; he trained the hell out of them.

A lot of these people decided to join allied Familias too. Demeter, Dagda and Macha were only some examples of such allies. Hell, Raven had even joined the Demeter Familia so he could finally Level Up.

He glanced at one of his subordinates. "Yo, I've been noticin' some of our people have been disappearin', got any idea why?"

The lieutenant nodded. "Yes sir! It seems the empire has found out we exist — General Kibaou is the one who has been making some of our men disappear."

Raven nodded. "I'll handle it."

Kibaou was a fucker that Raven clearly remembered. Fucker treated this world as if it was game calling himself a "protagonist" — whilst being a massive rapist who plunged people into slavery and tortured with aphrodisiacs to behave as he wanted.

Before walking out he glanced towards a nearby kid with red-eyes. "Get Najenda to find a place out of town, a place which we can also farm resources."

She nodded and disappeared.

Raven had a man to hunt… Finding the man was pretty easy. He was in his mansion 'teaching' and new batch of slaves — some had already broken — which aggravated The Bloodedge.


Raven busted down the door and immediately attacked the fucker. Kibaou however had enough time to deflect his attack and evade with sword in hand.

Kibaou glanced at Raven. "Weren't you a slave to Resheph?"

Raven clicked his tongue. "Guess this'll take longer than I expected."

Raven unleashed a barrage of kicks and punches and… somehow was easily beating Kibaou who whilst decent with a sword was a complete novice in battlefield choreography. It wasn't even that hard as the fucker was beaten bruised easily.

This guy was supposed to be a Level 3? Sure, some of it might be attributed to the fact that he levelled up — but this guy was totally a wimp.

"Why…? I'm the protagonist!" Kibaou exclaimed in a last ditch effort to which Ragna gripped his neck.

"Yeah, in your own fucking world." Tendrils of darkness enveloped the man as he became a husk that was no longer human.

Raven glanced at the women who looked at him with hope. "Do ya need help?"

They all cried.

But not because they were happy. Raven looked down and saw a weapon pierce his body and then he turned around and side kicked Kibaou.

He glared his eyes. "How the fuck are ya still alive?"

Kibaou gloated. "Because I'm the fucking protagonist! My women are willing to die for me!"

So a skill that kills another to revive him. Fucking hell this guy really was a leech.

Raven didn't even bother talking to the leech anymore as he entrapped the room in a barrier of corrosive negative energy that prevented the fucker from escaping. Kibaou exclaimed as his hand shriveled and died from attempting to escape through the door.

"If killing you physically won't work, then I'll just have to kill you spiritually." He decided as he gripped the back of Kibaou's neck as he was attempting to escape and allowed tendrils of darkness to swallow his soul whole.

Raven glanced at the women. Only one was dead, he clicked his tongue as they were now genuinely crying in happiness.

"Wanna join me?"

They all agreed.