
Chapter 3 : Enter! Draco Malfoy

June 10. 1980

Antares POV

Well, my thoughts currently are what exactly is that super bad thing I have done in my previous life and whether yes or not I can get away with a murder.

That spawn of a bastard, I refuse to acknowledge both of them as a relatives or living beings, came yesterday home and he won't shut up! I know I was attention seeking brat but that, that thing won't shut up even with all the attention!

Now you must think 'but surely you can forgive him, he's just a baby, he can't help it!', well I would gladly help him! Just give me some nice thick pillow and will certainly help him to the best of my abilities!! At least it's established that I am being taken care of by mom and the thing stays with bastard. That is number one rule that will not be crossed!

I have already came to terms that the two of those annoyances can join The Dark Wanker for all I care, mother, mother however will be in protection of yours truly!

You must be wondering, how I developed this protective streak? Do you want to know? No? Too bad you will have to listen either way! But nap first the abomination is finnaly quiet so I can have to get some valuable sleep! And if I have a dream where the two of the hyenas aren't dead, than I swear there will be accidental magic infused with killer intent!

'My name is Antares Septimus Malfoy, I was born first of April in 1979. I am a reincarnator. I am an adult in body of a toddler and I have enough sleep and sanity TO NOT KILL THE FUCKING SWELLING MEAT SACK BECAUSE MOTHER WOULD BE DISAPPOINTED!!!' this mantra, even if it's not much, is helping, barely, the last line is there as a fail safe. The ending might sound weird but I really became attached to one Narcissa 'Mom' Malfoy. I don't know if it's me or the emotions of the toddler to not want to disappoint her. But everyone has a limit. My is about to be not only crossed but completely and utterly destroyed.

Well, desperated times calls for desperated measures. It's time for mom to meet with word 'away'. I hope they become fast friends. Because if not we are very likely to come back to being a family of three members. It would be two, but I don't think I can kill Lucius. And mom would be sad and disappointed. Yes that's it.

'My name is...'

In my situation many people would probably try to befriend and change Draco, yes it's unfortunately Draco now, make him a better person, but I won't, why because he's an asshole. And I don't mean the teenage Draco, I mean the baby one. How can he be an asshole as a baby? Well turns out than the moment I am out of the room his crying rate will drop about fifty percent. So with this information, and my newly restored sanity, I came to a conclusion that he hate me. I am starting to feel he inherited more from Lucius then it appears, unfortunately future has shown us the cunning was lost in the process and instead ego has taken it's place, but that's okay, it was established before his birth that I will be mommy's darling and he will be daddy's suck up.

Thankfully, after my insistence and at last one hundred words 'away!' later, I am now being introduced to my new room. The room is quite big, but that can be my inner toddler speaking, that king sized bed is certainly not for a toddler to inhabit, but I'm not complaining.

From what I observed so far on my left the room is equipped with dark oak writing desk, on my right is a bookshelf again made of dark oak with what probably are children's books and in front of me is a wardrobe, surprise, surprise again made from dark oak. If you combine this with the emerald green tapestry that sometimes has a silver streak in them, it's like they are trying to indicate something, meh, it's pretty nice room, but this is totally not my style. Once I'm four there will be big remodeling.

What did catch my eye is a big box in the corner, if my guess is right there will be toys inside. Well, it doesn't matter what is there, but it requires my immediate attention that I am sure of.

The toys were there. And they are awesome. When you have an enchanted lion than moves, roars and behave like a normal lion you quickly forget there might be something more interesting inside the box. I wonder if I can ask mom to get rid of Lucius and replace him with a toy lion. Turns out we can't.

I am currently introducing new words to my mom, they are read, there, go, food and poop, they work very well my favorite became the word read. My schedule now consist of wake up, eat, read with mom, eat, play with the awesome lion, nap, eat and sleep again.

The rest of Draco's first year of life confirmed what I already knew. His first word, obviously, was Da. Lucius for some reason looked incredibly smug. Just to knock him down a peg I switched his real wand with my toy one. The next day he came back pissed with bloodied nose. I wonder what happened.

On another note my and mom's relationship continued to blossom. We bonded over our love of books. It was only one book but it still counts.

Except the rocky start it was a good year.

! Interlude !

Lucius POV

Lucius wasn't sure what exactly happened. He was about to cast the killing curse on the filthy muggle to end his worthless life. And what happened next completely baffled him. His wand giggled. Next he sees a meaty punch coming towards his face and then he can taste blood. After he apparated home he finnaly notice that he had all this time his first born's toy wand. He wasn't sure why he had it. But he was sure it was fault of the little gremlin. When he tried to blame him Narcissa looked at him like he was an idiot and that little shit had the decency to smirk at him! At least Draco is turning out to be the perfect Malfoy.

There, we now have the complete set of Malfoys.

I was ranting a bit so the chapter could be longer.

I decided that Draco will remain the same as in canon because if he had to choose between a father or a brother as a role model I think he would choose his father. The next chapter will be planning and mc POV on the plot!

Author out!

Krsakcreators' thoughts