
Chapter 12 : Enter! Eleven years from others POV

Narrator POV

When Antares was born, the whole Malfoy family was happy. Then was announced his condition and sadness took over happiness. As a baby he was very 'touchy-feely', and when he didn't like something, he made his displeasure known.

Only other thing that could make him shut up ,except hug, food or diaper change, were stories.

It didn't matter what was the story about. Dragons, Merlin's adventures, old legends, myths. Heck, even about princesses was fine! Not even one night could go without a story. The only type of story he hated, no, hate is a strong word, disliked, yes, disliked was about the adventures of one Harry Potter.

The second time someone ( read house elf or Narcissa ) tried to read the story he was met with a scream of defiance.

They thought that he was probably jealous and left it at there.

But no. He wasn't jealous. He just didn't want to listen to the crap the books contained. Almost a two years old toddler subduing a dragon or a nundu? Get a life people!

As he continued to grow his love for books stayed with him. After he was taught how to read, barely anyone could get him out of the library.

His lessons on writing didn't went as smooth as the ones on reading and math, but what could they do?

When his brother was born he was pretty insistent to not be in the same room as him. Well, it's true that the little hellion couldn't be quite and unsurprisingly unreasonable.

As the result of this, the two of them hated each other and couldn't be left in the same room. Thankfully the relationship between them got better, but it took time.

When his seventh birthday was approaching his parents started to show the sadness that was buried for the last seven years.

It was very surprising for them that he not just survived, but also managed to keep, even if only half of it, his magic.

This allowed the Malfoy family to get closer than ever.

Narcissa got a lot closer to her son, no longer scared of loosing him.

Lucius didn't get much closer but at least there wasn't the needless hate between them anymore.

Draco probably got to him closer then both of the parents together. The flying, playing, teaching and slight insults from both sides got them closer then any parent could to a child.

Both of his parent were surprised when he asked to revoke his status as a heir but didn't make much of a fuss. The fact that he may or may not be second in line to be heir Black may have escaped the conversation. But he had to pay the price for it.

The balls they took him to was the price. A horrible punishment for an antisocial people such as Antares. Ohh the horrors he was exposed to were not meant to be for any young child. Prime example was meeting with The Toad. So much pink and sickly sweet smiles that diabetics were dying in a two mile radius. The earful he's gotten for ditching the abomination was totally worth it in his opinion.

His first shopping trip went smoothly and without any hiccups. The Gringotts although majestic building was like a lot of other wizarding buildings askew. The Ollivander was described by Rowling a spot on. Odd creepy old man with no acknowledgement of personal space. As luck was on his side they didn't have to spent a long time with him and left as soon as possible.

His next stop was for a cat and a owl.

His cat was an angel. That was what they thought until Draco made an insulting comment. What happened afterwards? Let's just leave it at paranoid Draco and amused Antares.

His owl on the other hand was not really interested in hiding it's true nature. Lucius even swore that he never seen such a rude owl.

The week before Hogwarts was spend memorising the course books, trying all the spells with his wand and without it, brewing potions and spending time with his family.

Narcissa POV

When Antares was born she was overjoyed. But it shattered when they were told about his condition.

She then swore to herself that for his sake she will still treat him the same as otherwise.

In his baby days she quickly noticed how he prefers her more than her husband. That that his first word was "Ma" solidified her beliefs.

For some odd reason her son and husband hated each other. She didn't understand it and when she questioned Lucius he just clammed and refused to speak. Still, some of their regular shenanigans amused her to no end.

When she gave birth to Draco she expected them to be close and kind to each other. The fact that they couldn't be in the same room without making a scene saddened her a bit.

When she found Antares loved stories ,as long as they weren't about Harry Potter, and reading she's immediately gotten him a tutor to start his early education. He's taken to it like a fish to water. If only his handwriting was readable. *sigh*

When his seventh birthday was nearing he came to her with pains. She knew what it was and the sadnesses long buried resurfaced. She felt guilty about not telling him, but it was for his own good.

When he survived she felt so happy that it couldn't be described. And when he told her that he still has his magic she didn't even questioned how it was possible. She was just so happy.

From there the changes started. Some were minor some major. Antares and Lucius no longer hated each other, Draco and Antares now were like the brothers she wished them to be, only if they stopped insulting each other.

When Antares expressed his want to step down as heir Malfoy she was shocked. In the end they allowed it, but he still had to go to the gatherings and other events. When they saw his pained expression they knew it was a good idea.

At his first trip to the Diagon Alley ,if you don't count the time when he ordered his first trunk, was without any hiccups and rather enjoyable.

When they came back home he went to memories all of the course books and brew some potions. And before she knew it, it was time for him to go to Hogwarts.

Lucius POV

When Lucius was finally allowed in he was happy that his son and wife were both okay. But when the news of his little son's condition was delivered he felt crushed. He then decided that he will try to not get attached to him.

When his son's seventh birthday came he looked back at the hate between them and searched for when it started, why it started and found nothing.

After learning that about his son's survival he was happy and when he found out that he still had magic, he was overjoyed. Suddenly the hate between them disappeared. They relationship changed, but not too much. They mostly went out of each others ways and were civil to each other

When he said he doesn't want to be heir, he felt more disappointed that anything. But he had to admit that Antares didn't exactly has the knack for politics and in the end retreated.

When he was send to get books and other necessary equipment for his son first year in Hogwarts he was slightly disappointed but it was faster that way.

Tomorrow his first born will leave to the Hogwarts for the first time. When Lucius looked back he only had one thought 'It's fascinating how time flies so fast'.

Draco POV

Draco's first memory of his brother is that of Draco tossing his toys at his brother. Not the best kind but who cares. It's not his fault, it was his brothers obviously, he was the one who stood in the trajectory of the cubes.

Over the years their relationship ship didn't change, but when his brother has gotten sick he realised that he was worried about him and he had a lot to think about.

When his brother got better they tried to play with each other. They continue like this for a while and Draco find himself immensely enjoying those sessions. They still insulted each other but it was now for the sake of expressing that they care about each other.

Tomorrow's his brother leaving to Hogwarts. Draco's a little jealous but he will wait for his turn. He doesn't need his brother to have fun, he won't miss him much.

That's a lie and he knows it. He loves his brother. But it's not like he will tell him this. It will sooner freeze in hell than that.

Sorry for procrastinating. But here's another chapter. Hope you like it.

Author Out!

Krsakcreators' thoughts