
Prologue V1.5

  What kinds of stories do you enjoy, hmm?  

  An adventure through a rich world with peaks lined with beautiful kingdoms and pits filled with dark secrets and mysterious beings?

  Or maybe you fancy a fast paced mental battle between powerful figures with a climax to end all climax's!

  Well if you have time I have a wonderful story to share with you.  However I must warn you, just like all stories, it will come to an end.  And when it does…..  I hope you find peace in that fact.  

  Ready? L~~~~~~?


  Such a soft and soothing sound.  It can be hypnotizing listening to its rhythmic sound if you're forced to listen to it.  Every.  Single.  Second.


It's too dark to see its source.  

The darkness teases with its secrecy.  

Mocking him.  Poking at him.  

Trying so very hard to push him over the edge threatening Conori.


  "Conori! Get your ass up, now!"  



  Conori's empty gaze shifts over to the decrepit wooden door as it whines against the hinges.

  "Gods above I will never understand what his Holiness sees in a rabid dog like you.  Get your ass to his Holiness' chambers or I will personally do what his holiness should have done when we found you."

  The angered footsteps faded away steadily until all that was left was the dripping.  The methodic reminder of Conori's sole purpose.

  The darkness shifted as a giant awoke from its slumber.  Opening the warn door the dim light bounced against crystal blue eyes hiding between strands of tattered hair once considered to be blonde.  Reflecting in them,  freedom caged behind thick stone walls stretching deep into the churches dirty secrets.  The damp floor shuddered beneath heavy steps as Conori lumbered through the suffocating corridors.  He hated the world outside of his cage,  out here the dripping is louder.  Not deafening, no, just loud enough to cause a ceaseless migraine.  

  Yet it wasn't loud enough to drown out the moans of anguish and weeping of the broken "people" in the cages Conori trudged past.  They begged the giant for freedom, for sympathy or simply for death.  But he didn't listen, his head was already throbbing.

  Stone walls and dim flickers slowly transformed into beautiful marble pillars and warm golden rays as Conori slowly crept up out of the dark basement and into the heart of the holy land, the Capital also know as The Gods blessed Palace.  Now the walls didn't hug Conori's figure, the tall ceiling and wide halls at least allowed him the space to distance himself from others much easier.  The closer he approached his destination the more gazes he caught,  whispers danced around him.  Sinisterly mixing with the haunting melody ringing through his ears.


  Conori stops before large golden doors decorated in epic depictions of a great monster and the saviors of humanity.  

  "Conori here, to serve his Holiness."

  Quietly the doors great doors open allowing the young man access.  Kneeling down Conori keeps his gaze at the floor.

  "Conori, my boy!  How are you holding up?  Are you eating well?"



  "His Holiness has spoken boy!" 

  The same voice that woke him from his sleep boomed with authority.

  "My apologies.  I'm fine sir, thank you for your concern."  Conori's hollow voice only seemed to anger the man even more.

  "Now, now Regius,  it was wrong for me to call him during his resting hours."  His Holiness one of only two with the ability to communicate with the gods, and a man too clever for his age.  A man you do not want to cross.  "My boy raise your head and look at me."

  Conori looks up to two figures.  Regius the head of the Holy guard and personal guard to the Pope.  His expression matched his angry tone a voice,  but underneath the scowl was the gaze of a seasoned warrior and deadly opponent.  The man he guards may look like a kind graying man but his eyes are sharp and focused, as if he can see what has yet to happen.  

  "Conori I would not have called you here like this if it was one of your usual assignments."  A wrinkled hand grasps a bejeweled goblet and raises it to his lips, "It's time for you to finally fulfill your purpose." 

  Conori's eyes shift slightly as the old man sips.  "What is it I'll be doing?" 

  "Watch your tone boy or I'll-" Regius was silenced instantly with a flick of a wrist.

  "That is exactly why I favor you Conori, your straightforwardness!"  The Pope lets out a raspy chuckle and motions once more.  Two men struggle to carry in a large object wrapped in cloth.  "I have received a message from the gods.  You are to bring back the other four pieces of the beast,  by any means necessary."  The old man's tone deepened at those last words.

  The two men rest the heavy object before Conori,  running his hands along the rough cloth he feels icy metal beneath.  Unwrapping it reveals a massive dull blade made of an unknown metal, its size almost matches his own.  

  "That is a shard of the weapon used to by the gods to kill the monster that threatened us hundreds of years ago.  There is no other man capable of wielding it other than you, you should feel honored."  The sly old man gave Conori a soft smile.  "There is one other matter to speak of before I give you the details.  You are to attend the conference tomorrow, I will have you outfitted for the occasion."  

  Lowering his head once more Conori picks up his new blade and trudges out into the sparkling halls.  

  "Your Holiness, if I may.  Why do you treat that boy with any respect?  All he has done is prove ungrateful of your favoritism towards him!"  A frustrated Regius asked with a conflicted tone.

  "Regius, do you know why the gods chose to speak to me?"  The old man asks with a huff.

  "No sir."

  "Heh neither do I. HAHAHA!"  His howling echoed against the distant walls,  "But I do know that the gods have told me that, that boy is the key to the future!"  A smile creeped across his face as the old man began to chuckle again.  "Ahhh, I cannot wait to see that future!"


Hello! This is my story, I’m still a very inexperienced writer but I’m passionate and want to deliver this to you all in a clear, exciting and creative way. I hope you show me your support and give me feed back as we take part in this journey together!

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