

'Sheila we're about getting married and you should know by now that you don't need a job. It's an insult to my personality!' George shouted on her as they got to the bedroom. Immediately she told him about the job, he became angry because such job was not suitable for her as his future wife. How would she be under a fool as a manager when he had a lot of companies she could manage? Sheila was more to him than just a fake wife. She had added a lot of value to his life for this short period they had met. What an insult!

Once they entered the house, he practically dragged her to his room where they could trash out the problem without anyone eavesdropping on them. He pushed her on the bed while he paced the room.

'George, do you realise that you're shouting? If we have to discuss, should it be like this?'

'I'm sorry I allowed my emotions to control me.' He sat beside her and held her hand. 'Now listen my dear fiancé, I can't allow you to work in that company as an assistant. It's degrading with your intelligence, you deserve better.'

'George, let me work there to gain experience and more over, my family is still owing you five hundred thousand. If I don't work, how would we pay the debt?'

'I told you that the moment you're married to me the debt is paid. So don't use that as an excuse.'

'What of my parents? How would they survive while my father is still recuperating and the hope of him getting job and working early is not there.'

'I will handle all that.'

'No you will not, because, this is not a real marriage but a business form of marriage within very short time.'

George sighed and thought on how to tell her that he was not letting her go. Although there is no love between them but there was chemistry. They could both grow to love each other later.

'Let's put that aside and face the present matter. Okay I want you to work for me as my campaign manager and I will pay you handsomely.'

'That is for a period of three months which lapses even at the same time as the marriage. You'll make me both jobless and homeless at the same time, are you not being selfish here? George don't let your plan to ruin my life cover your sense of reasoning. What would you gain seeing me suffer all because my mother stole from you? You have made it clear to me your plan and I have accepted all but does it mean that you would ruin my future also? This job is the only thing that i would fall back on after the divorce so please I beg you let me accept it.'

George stood up and resumed his pacing. He didn't talk for sometime but busy running his hand through his hair, then stopped abruptly. 'Do you know I can write the company to terminate what ever offer they might have given you?' He resulted to threat which he knew Sheila feared most.

She knelt down and held unto his legs. 'Please George don't do this to me.'

'Then if you don't want me to do it, take your phone and call the company that you're not interested in their job.'

'In replacement of what George?'

'I'll pay you for the rest of your life even after the divorce.' He held her shoulders and raised her up from the kneeling position and made the promise.

'Why?' She whispered.

'Good, that is the unfinished business we have. I want you in this marriage for as long as I want. It could be forever.'

'But you don't love me.'

'Yes I don't love you now but we are comfortable with each other.'

'That's not good enough. What about the previous arrangements, you might have someone you're in love with and I too might meet someone I could fall in love with so what happens then?'

'I thought of the issue after I saw your parents and resolved that breaking off three months after the marriage could land your father in hospital again which he might not survive. If we stay for two years and if nothing happens then, we might call it quit or continue to stay together.'

'I would not want you to blame me in future for this decision. Let us stick to the arrangements we have now so that we would both prepare ourselves for the inevitable. You hate me George, it was Gary that pushed you into this marriage or you think I don't know? I can't stay in this marriage for more than necessary so as to have my sanity.'

'Don't you notice that there's chemistry between us?' Sheila kept quiet. 'I will admit that I hated you initially but that night my friends came here, I started seeing you differently. I wouldn't say I have fallen for you but, you always challenge me and keep me on my toes. I started looking at the positive side of the whole thing and it changed my perspective about you. Also, meeting your parents today made me to be ashamed of my uncivilized character towards your mum.I am no more hanging that money on your head but I want you to marry me because you want to.'

Sheila released her shoulders from his grasp and sat on the bed because she suddenly felt dizzy. She bent her head for sometime before she raised her head and asked George the first question that came to her mind.

'You mean you're no more binding me to this marriage? I'm free to go?'

'Yes Sheila, you're free to go.'

'But why?'

'My principle is being violated by me. How do I make a difference if I can't help a fellow person who is in need and I'm capable of helping her?'

'So if I walk out now you would not be angry?'

'Not at all. I'd respect your decision.'

'Come here.' George moved closer to her and she put her hand on his forehead. 'You're not having fever?' She asked incredulously.

'No fever. I'm very much alright.'

'But what do you expect from me in return?'

'Nothing as I told you, you're free to make your decision and I'd stand by it.'

'What of the agreement we signed?'

'I'll get rid of all the copies once I get to the office.'

'Can I think about it?'

'Yes and I want you to think of my job offers too. I want you as my personal assistant.'

Sheila couldn't control her emotions she just burst into tears. She couldn't say whether it was cry of freedom or the pent up oppression she had face within a week in his hands.

George was embarrassed by her crying and stood looking at her confused on what to do. When Sheila saw his stupefied look she said amidst her tears. 'Is that how you would be looking at your wife while she is crying?'

George gathered her to himself and shook his head. 'You'll not stop amazing me my darling fiancé and he claimed her lips.

'Hmm.' Sheila moaned as she wrapped her hands round his shoulders as they devoured each other.