
The call

Hello everyone, I published a new novel called, It All Started With Hatred, please don't forget to add it to your library and vote and Review it!

Thank you. 


Ina sat on the couch in the leaving room watching as the police escorted the maid out of the house, She was still shocked by what happened, If her mother hadn't discovered what the maid was doing god only knows what could have happened.

She placed her hand on her stomach rubbing it gently, Before she tried to be brave and not let the fear get to her, But after what happened now, She became scared, If this man had the ability to get inside her house and bribe the maid then he could do anything.

She tried not to think what will happen to her if he was able to kidnapp her but words are easier than actions.

Ina was in deep thought that she didn't notice that her father had sat beside her until she felt his hand on her shoulder.