

Ash_Will · Fantaisie
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4 Chs


As Sun hee was walking back home, she was lost in her thoughts, ' what could be the reason for a complete stranger to act like that, its not like like i know him. I just wanted to be friendly '.

As she was lost in her thoughts, Ji hoon called her, " Are you still thinking about what happened in our class. Its just some people don't want anyone's help, you should keep your distance and everything will be fine. And forget about it already , lets go the karaoke, my treat".

Sun hee, " I am fine now. Lets go next time, we have a test coming up. Focus on your studies, This is the reason why you always have low marks".

As they both started, walking back, Sun hee decided not to worry anymore about what happened, rather focus on her next test and try to avoid him as much as possible.

The next day, Sun hee came early as usual, she was sitting on her table, the last days incident was still on her mind. She had decided to not let it bother her anymore.

A classmate approached her, and asked her about a problem which was suppose to be on next text. She then helped her, Keeping herself distracted.

The classroom bell rang,

Ji hoon was running late, as the homeroom teacher started taking attendence, he called Ji hoon name, and looked towards his seat, seeing no one there, he then asked Sun hee, if she knew why he was absent. Sun hee replied, " i texted him , he said he was coming, maybe he is running late".

As the teacher continued the attendence, the door opened, it was Ji hoon, drenched in sweat, breathing heavily.

The teacher asked why are you late.

He replied with his hands on his legs, "sorry sir ".

Go take your seat.

He then went to his seat, Sun hee looking towards him, mouthing, " where were you?".

He then replied, i will tell you later.

As Sun hee looked forward towards the teacher, curious to see if Tae hyun was in class, as his name was not yet registered on the attendence sheet.

She then tried to sneak a look towards his table. To her surprise he was looking towards her, they both meet their eyes.

She quickly avoided his gaze and turned to the teacher and acted like nothing happened.

As the class finished, the teacher asked Sun hee, " have you shared your notes with him?. They are going to be on next test".

Hearing this she couldn't say anything, Tae hyun suddenly replied, " i will take them today and get them photocopied, thank you sir".

Hearing this the teacher left the classroom,

Tae hyun got up from his seat walking towards Sun hee.

she thinking 'why is he coming this way, is he really going to ask the notes but he didn't seem to care. What should i do.

As he was about to reach Sun hee, she got up and ran towards Ji hoons table, acting like she didn't saw him at all' .

Tae hyun then looked at Sun hee and left the class.

Sun hee looked towards the door and sighed, and turned towards Ji hoon, " why were you late?... were you out buying new games again. I am going to tell uncle about your grades, they called me last night and asked me how you were doing!".

Ji hoon replying with his attention on the phone,"what did you say?"

Sun hee," i just told them the truth".

Ji hoon, "Thats why they were calling me so much in the morning. All they care about is my grades, they just want me to take over their business. Even when they call me, all they ask me about is my grades, they dont give a shit about me".

Sun hee, "let's not talk about it anymore, lets go eat lunch."

Ji hoon, " i am not hungry, i just ate on my way here, thats why i was late".

Sun hee, then started to leave towards the school dinning hall. Her friends called her name and she then started to dine with them.

They soon finished, their lunches and were now waiting for her.

She asked them to go first as she had just began to eat, they didn't wanted to leave her alone there. But she insisted, so they had to leave .

As she was eating her lunch, suddenly a tall figure was behind her, she thought he was Ji hoon saying, " Who was the one saying i am not hungry".

As she looked up, she was shocked, " Tae hyun", she said.

Tae Hyun, " can i eat with you. I have something to say".

Sun hee, still shocked not knowing what to say stared to leave.

Tae hyun suddenly grabbed her arm, "please, i just want to talk".

Sun hee, then sat down eating and thinking, ' why does he want to talk to me. Did i do anything to offend him again. All i did was looked towards him one time, maybe he knows that i avoided him and wants to take revenge. Why isn't he saying anything. When did i finish my lunch. should i talk first'.

Tae hyun, " you finished your lunch, wait for me, lets go to class together".

Sun hee couldn't do anything and sat down next to him, without asking anything . As he finished his lunch they both started to walk towards the class.

Sun hee, asked, " What did you wanted to talk about?".

As he looked towards her, he got accidently pushed by someone on the back , pinning Sun hee against the wall, he looked back to as who pushed him, someone said, " sorry" and left.

As he looked back , towards Sun hee asking her if she is okay, both of them looking at each other, the face closer.

I didnt notice he has a mole under his eye, its just looks perfect on his pale skin.

I never had the chance to see her eyes close they are so beautiful,

As the bell rang,

he quickly backed away from her.

Sun hee, " i am okay, you wanted to say something".

Tae hyun, " its just, i wanted to apologize about my behaviour, i know you just wanted to help me, but i got angry for no reason. If you don't forgive me thats okay, i can understand, but i still wanted to say sorry".

Sun hee, "its okay, i don't hold grudges, If you need any help, you can ask me anytime. Do you want the notes for tomorrows examination".

Tae hyun, " You need them too. How can i ask for your notes".

Sun hee, " lets do one thing, we will go and photocopy them together, is that okay?".

Tae hyun replied with a smile, " sure, thank you".

It was the first time she had seen him smile, Sun hee, " you should smile more, you look good. Then see you later".as she went inside the class.

Tae hyun thinking to himself why was i smiling, as he entered the class.

The school ended,

Sun hee went to Tae hyun and asked him to start packing his books.

She told Ji hoo, to go ahead.

Ji hoon asked, " where are you going?".

Sun hee, " i am going to photocopy the notes with Tae hyun".

As Tae hyun patiently waited for her at the door.

Ji hoon, said why are you going with him?.

Sun hee replied, " we cleared the air between us and i forgave him".

As she was about to leave, Ji hoon grabbed her arm ," Don't go!".

Tae hyun grabbed Sun hee arm with one hand and Ji hoons hand with other saying, " she can go with whoever she want".

Both of them looking at Sun hee and asking, "Will you go or not?".

Sun hee confused by the situation, just starred at both of them.....

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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