

Ash_Will · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
4 Chs

The first encounter

Sun-Hee, some one called in the high school coridor. As i turned back it was my bestfriend, ji-hoon, wait lets go to the class together.

she replied with a little smile on her face, i dont walk with ugly guys and ran into the class.

you better not let me catch you sun-hee, how am i ugly? . As they strated to run inside the classroom .

Take what you said back, 'no' she replied. classroom bell rang, you will not be lucky next time.

As they both sat down, the door of the class opened, the teacher entered the class. 'everyone , today i am going to introduce a new student to our class'.

Everyone started mumbling, 'its our senior year , who is transferring in their senior year.

He might have been bullied in their previous school'. The teacher, asked him to come in and introduce yourself.

A tall guy with pale skin, sharp facial features,

beautiful eyes, entered the class, everyone was shocked, he looked like an idol.

As sun hee was head down on her table, ji hoon called her in low voice to pay attention, as she looked up both of them staring in each others eyes.

Hello everyone, my name is Tae-hyun.

The teacher asked him to take a seat.

Everyone , please take good care of tae hyun, although he has joined us late, help him to cover the syllabus.

The teacher then turned to tae hyun,' if you need any help, ask sun hee, she is our class representative'.

Help him with the part he missed, the teacher told sun hee as she nodded her head, yes sir. The teacher then started.

Sun hee is a model student , always first in her class, kind to others. she had pitch black eyes which complimented her snow like skin, long black hair adding to her beauty.

As the class ended, ji hoon went to sun hee, who is going to save you now. stop it she said as he started to chase her again. I was wrong forgive me, your Majesty. As they both giggled.

They both then went to tae hyun table, 'hello my name is sun hee, nice to meet you. if you need any help feel free to ask' .

As he lifted his head, first looked at ji hoon and then sun hee and replied, 'annoying'.

The whole class was in a shock, ji hoon shouted, 'what is your problem' as he started to comfort sun hee.

she then replied ,' i didnt mean to annoy you, i just wanted to help'.

He then got up and said,' disgusting' and started to leave the class.

Ji hoon, shouted 'bastard' and grabbed his shoulder and punched him in the face. Sun hee shouted, ' Stop '.

Tears flowing on her cheeks, it was the first time that anyone saw her crying. she then started walking towards tae hyun and ji hoon and grabbed, ji hoons hand and bowed and said, 'sorry'.

Tae hyun then left the class.

sun hee then went to her desk, everyone then started to comfort her. Ji hoon then asked them to go back to their seats. Ji hoon then told sun hee that he will beat tae hyun, if she wants.

Sun hee replied with a slight smile, i dont think you can beat him. I just saved you from being beaten up.

ji hoon said, I will let this slide this time , since i dont like your crying face. Not because it makes me feel bad but because its so ugly i might go blind.

Both of them then started to laugh again, and Sun hee then decided to not to talk to tae hyun again.

Little did she know what was coming for her.