
Unfavorable Odds

James is thrown into a life of modern superhero culture, where he must learn to keep his head above the water. He is soon to learn however, that this world is not all heroics.

Max_Nguyen_6571 · Urbain
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3 Chs

Arc 1: Unexpected Developments

Lisa Hartford was having an extraordinarily terrible day. It was just supposed to be an ordinary patrol. And for the most part, it was. Up until she ran into that asshole Blindfold. She got a message on the police scanner on her belt alerting her to a crime in the area. He was robbing a bank, talk about stereotypical, and trying to make a run for it by the time she got there.

In her mind it was an easy catch, just dash in and grab him. Easy. As she landed on the street with a roll she spotted him. She charged up her dash and lined up the trajectory mentally. Right before she launched, her vision disappeared. Panic shot through her as she shot through the wall of the bank behind Blindfold. Chunks of stone were flung away from the blast, each one making a sharp cracking sound as they hit the marble floor of the bank. Various cries of fear intermingled with the dust of the once intact stone wall in the air.

She heard his footsteps leading away from her and she couldn't just let him leave. She groped her way back outside and brushed off her costume. She made a groan of frustration. Her earpiece crackled to life, and a man's voice came through.

"Bang, you need to stand down and try securing a perimeter around the escape routes. Do not pursue, I repeat, do not pursue the perp. Longshot and Papertrail are en route."

She hesitated, but only for a moment. It was an easy decision. Why should she stop when she was the closest hero available? She'd take him in and be done in barely a minute. It was what heroes did, even if it required bending the rules a bit. Alright, breaking them. But what good hero didn't break a few rules every now and then?

She had to get out of his radius. She didn't know how far it went so she went for more rather than less. She blasted herself upwards and found her sight returning. She looked down and narrowed her eyes. He was running, a bag of money slung over his shoulder. If it wasn't a crime happening in front of her, she might have laughed at how ridiculously cartoonish it looked.

He was wearing all black, with cloth bands tied all along his arms, legs, body and face, with shaded lenses over his eyes. No doubt some costume theming related to his name. She lined up her charge at an upward incline and shot forward, staying above him. She did a series of jumps, catching up to him quickly. She'd have to capture him in a dive. She made a mental line between herself and him, charging up her shot. Right as she was about to launch, her vision disappeared.

What the - how did he expand his radius?

At that point it didn't matter anymore. Her power launched forward at supersonic speeds, granting her near invulnerability and strength during the path. She flailed, caught off guard by the sudden lack of sight. Her power sent her cracking through the asphalt of the street and cratering into the cement floored railing of the subway tunnel. Behind her she heard Blindfold utter a loud string of curses, drowned out by the loud clattering scream of a subway. It screeched, but the brakes wouldn't be fast enough.


She noticed that her sight came back when Blindfold was still near her. She guessed that he needed to focus in order to blind specific people in his radius. She'd have to act quick. As scummy of a supervillain as he was, he didn't deserve to die here.

Even though it was his fault.

She shot herself into the wall in a short burst, creating a crater big enough to take shelter from the subway. She reached out and pulled him in, just as the subway barreled through and -.

Oh fuck.

The cement rubble from her rough entry into the tunnel had blocked up the rails. The subway train lifted off the rails and screamed as it twisted and collapsed in on itself. It derailed, cars pushing and crashing in an excruciating cacophony until it finally, finally stopped. By the time she opened her eyes and unblocked her ears from the horrible sound, Blindfold was already booking it down the tunnel, trying to reach the nearest ladder out.

Even now that bastard -

She let out a scream of anger. She wouldn't let it all be for nothing. She shot forward, cutting off his escape. Or so she thought. She did stop him for a second, but he blinded her again, ducking past her to try and escape. She shot forward again, slamming into the wall of the tunnel. She'd catch him eventually. One way or another, one of her bursts would catch him. A flash of blue light. A dash. She'd get him, even if she was blind.

She dashed again, running into the wall again, and again heard him as he dodged out of the way. She was tired. Tired of this bullshit, tired from using her power so much in such a short time. Tired of this asshole and his annoying ass power.

She blindly charged up another dash before she heard a couple of thumping sounds. Blindfold cried out before falling to the ground. Her sight slowly recovered again, and she stopped her charge. The blue glow that was building around her fizzed out and she returned to her normal state. In front of her Blindfold laid splayed out in the ground, limbs spread open.

A boy who looked a little younger than she did stood over him, panting. She saw him fall to one knee, and then fall over to his side.

This day just gets weirder and weirder.