
Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Han Yue Ling, a peerless beauty with a great personality, but she carries a lot of secrets. She loved a man for 10 years, but on the day of her wedding, fate decided to play a cruel joke on her and take the man away. Three years later, she decides to move away. She stumbles upon Lu Tian, the ruthless and cold CEO of Lu Corps. Thinking it was just an accident, she stumbles upon him again and again. Before she knew it, the man is already living with her! Is this an unexpected second chance at love? Will she be able to love again? ------------------ [Note to readers: Please be courteous towards other readers. If you don't like this novel, feel free to move on to the next one. Thank you, author.]

Abeehiltz · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
959 Chs

Won’t be safe

Through the streets of Imperial, passing many vehicles and making multiple turns, a taxicab finally entered Retro. The taxi stops in front of a 7-story building, and the rear door opens.

A man with a slightly disheveled appearance steps out after paying the taxi driver. He had dark circles under his eyes and reeked of alcohol.

Even his posture looked unstable.

"I'll get my revenge."

He groggily mutters as he makes his way towards the building.

"I'll make them pay for humiliating me and taking away my children."

*Vroom Vroom

He was only a few feet away from the building when a man riding a black motorcycle revs to a stop in front of him.

"What the fuck?!"

Suddenly blocked and almost ran over, he stumbles back. Due to his slightly drunken state, he could not steady himself and fell onto the ground.

"Well, hello there. Liu Peng."

The man chuckles with mischief and gets down from the motorcycle.