
Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Han Yue Ling, a peerless beauty with a great personality, but she carries a lot of secrets. She loved a man for 10 years, but on the day of her wedding, fate decided to play a cruel joke on her and take the man away. Three years later, she decides to move away. She stumbles upon Lu Tian, the ruthless and cold CEO of Lu Corps. Thinking it was just an accident, she stumbles upon him again and again. Before she knew it, the man is already living with her! Is this an unexpected second chance at love? Will she be able to love again? ------------------ [Note to readers: Please be courteous towards other readers. If you don't like this novel, feel free to move on to the next one. Thank you, author.]

Abeehiltz · Urbain
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959 Chs

Forgive her and understand

Tang Xu was at a loss for words as Yue Ling's words entered her ears. Her cheeks flushed crimson red as humiliation wash inside her.

She has been a member of An Qing's board of directors for five years, and no one has spoken to her in such deviant behavior. Even when Chen Limei was still the CEO, she (Tang Xu) is treated like an elder.

Yet, who does Han Yue Ling think she is to belittle her? So what if she (Yue Ling) is the CEO. With today's meeting, she won't be CEO for long.

As her thoughts turned for the worse, her eyes subconsciously glance around. When she saw that the employees on the first floor were looking in her direction, she clears her throat.

"Miss Han, you must have been mistaken. As a member of

An Qing's board of directors, you have my utmost respect for being a CEO at such a young age."

The corners of her lip curl up, and she forces out a smile. The last thing she wants is to have the employees spread rumors about her.