
Unexpected mate

Living a life through the unexpected is an understatement; not knowing what might happen allows you to live your life to the fullest, without a care in the world. We all go through this when we are younger, doing whatever we want knowing that the big life will catch up with us sooner rather than later, but what if one moment in time changed your entire life? What would happen if you were paired with someone you never expected to be paired with? Sophia discovers the truth the hard way, never expecting what would happen in her life after turning 16, thinking it was all a big cosmic joke to laugh at later.

Lane_Reidel · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

I need a plan and quick

As I felt the sun's rays on my body, I slowly stood up from my bed. Today was the day I was going to figure everything out. I quickly took a shower and put on my clothes.

As I walked into the kitchen, I felt eyes following my every move. When I turned around, I saw my brother there, and I jumped up in surprise, hitting my head against the cabinet while trying to get a bowl. "Crap, you scared me," I said.

He let out a small chuckle before his facial expression changed. He looked at me with love but also confusion staring back at me.

"Sophia, we need to figure something out. We need answers, this isn't right. My wolf keeps trying to get control and claim you as his own. I can't keep him in control anymore, we need answers fast."

"I know I'm going to try and get some information about this whole sibling mate thing because this, is just messed up!"

I quickly walked away before something got out of hand.

"Where were you last night, Sophia?" My mother asked.

"Out, why do you care?"

"Because you are my daughter, and I was concerned for you."

"Well, I'm fine; I don't need a babysitter when I go out."

My mother stared at me with a sad expression. I couldn't care less. All I had to do was wrap my head around everything.