


Takuma and I pulled apart to see Toga aiming his shot gun at us. He had tears in his eyes. I saw the pain as he shot again. I push Takuma out the way as the bullet hit me. I scream in pain my blood slah on the ground and in the water. "IRIS!" I heard my father scream as he tried to slow the bleeding. "Daddy I'm cold" is all I remember saying before blacking out. I woke in the infirmary my father sitting in a chair by my bed. I tried to sit up but he stopped me. "Your lucky the bullet didn't hit anything major. " he said looking guilty for something. "Dad I know that look whats wrong?" I said looking at him. He sighs and straightened his glasses. "There is something I need to tell you now. Your mother had arranged you to be with Takuma. The Ichijo family wanted to make a way of peace between our kinds, well more so than what is now. Threw a marriage between hunter and vampire. This would change the game completely. The hopes of a permanent end to this blood shed." He said looking sad. "I found out a couple months ago about this myself." Takuma's voice came from the doorway. "It's entirely up to you Iris. " my father said placing his hand on mine. "I want to speak with Takuma alone." I said he nods standing up. "I'll be in my office if you need anything." He said before leaving. Once he was gone I glare at Takuma. "Iris I " "No! You knew and played me at the fountain. Why didn't you tell me instead?" I said cutting him off. "How could I tell you? Do you honestly think I hadn't thought about it? Iris I wanted to so many times. I also want you to know I didn't lie to you. I want this to work but only if you want." He said sitting down. "I need time to think about it." I said softly he nods standing up. "Get better soon ok?" He said before leaving the room. I could tell he was hurt ,but I didn't have an answer for him. I look to the window "why is it always me?" I said covering my eyes. That night I get a knock at my door. "Come it." I said excepting it to be my dad not who it actually was. "Hello Iris its been a long time."