

I have lost all hope in life. Why keep on fighting a lost battle against an almighty opponent who is life? When life give you apple make an apple pie but what if the apple is so rotten that it can’t be cook? ***** I’m completely useless. No matter how I try, no matter my efforts and struggle nothings change, I can’t just make thing happen!!! I’m block on the same level since years and lost everything that was dear to me. I’m all alone, why continue this endless pain. Death is the freedom I need. ***** Meet Leila and Karl, they both lost hope in life, all they wish is to stop the endless pain they have being living in. Is death they only way to get their wanted freedom? As darkness was swallowing them and they were dying themselves in despair, a glimpse of light was seen, bringing in an unexpected person in their life. Was it a gift from God or a curse of the devil?? ---- His gaze was so empty, with no hope, no attach, no emotions. He transpired no sadness, no sorrow, no pain but for some reason I knew he was screaming inside inside, he was burning, crying for help. His indifference was just a barrier to protect his broken soul. He was so different from me but somehow so alike - Leila Her eyes was burning, full of pain, rage and sadness. Through her smile I could see just how sad she really was. Those emotions made her seem alive but I knew how empty she was inside. The emotions she display was just a way to hide the hopelessness and emptyness in her. She was so different from me but somehow so alike - karl

Blissful_Smile · Urbain
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4 Chs

Tired of this life

They had the same name but was different, the same eyes but his had no lights. Empty, devoid of emotions- Leila

She doesn't know how or when or why but she ended at the edge of a mountain. The only thing could be heard was the sound of the waterfall, running down the mountain. It was more loud as she stood just a couple of steps away from it.

Nothing was in her mind but the thought of Carl hating her. He most hate her to the core, she was the reason he wasn't living anymore.

"I thought of dying to join you but it seems it was a horrible idea. You was finally able to free yourself from me and I was planning to force myself to you… again" she mumbled.

She wasn't crying anymore, maybe she finally finished every drop left in her.

" What now? Since you don't want me with you, what should I do. I don't want this life. I want this pain to finally stop" she looked up the sky.

"If reincarnation really exist please don't reincarnate me. I can't live without him and just want to be with him but if my present bother him I will stay far away. Please don't reincarnate me " she did her final wish before taking a step to jump, and end her miserable life.

Her feet stopped and land on the ground, something got her attention far away, down the waterfall. She wasn't seeing clearly but she was sure she just saw a little girl.

She blink some time making sure she was seeing correctly. The little was still there everytime she opened her eyes.

Leila looked around, if there was any one else but she saw none. Worried, she went down the hill to the little girl. When she arrived at the same spot there were no signs of the little girl.

'where is she' she wondered.

" Maybe I was really seeing things, what will a little girl do in such a place" when she turned to leave, her eyes took notice of something. There were bubbles on top of the water.

"Oh no!" she ran to the bubbles who was being carried away by the water current. While running,she remove her heels and bag and jumped without thinking twice.


She knew how to swim and the water current wasn't high so she wasn't worried.

"Where is she" she was in the water but there were no signs of the girl. She deep further in the water but she saw nothing.

' was I only imaging things ?' she wondered.

Things was becoming strange at every passing second. Was her eyes playing games with her, but why will it ? She could put her hand on fire, she saw a little girl.

With no sign of her, she tried to swim to the surface of water and look for the girl, maybe she was still at the surface and have mistook something as bubbles.

She felt a grip on her ankle, preventing her from swimming. She hold her legs and pulled with all her force but with no avail. She was getting out of breath, she struggled, pulling but nothing. Her consciousness was leaving her and her body was in pain.

'Why am I even struggling, it what I wanted. She most be at the surface, I don't have to worry' at those thoughts she stop struggling and let the darkness swallow her. She closed her eyes, ready for the death to come.

Her eyes slightly open when she felt something touching her hands. She saw a pair of grey eyes before everything went blank.

' Carl' was the last thing that crossed her mind. Those eyes was Carl once.


Leila wake up with the disinfectant scents assaulting her nose, she didn't has to think to know she was in a hospital and the white walls that welcome her when she opened her eyes confirmed it.

' I have been safe ' her heart cried out. Why has she been safe, she was going to be finally free.

Another question occurred, If she was safe, who saved her ? The last thing she remembers was those eyes.

She laughed at her ridicolous thought, how could Carl be there when he was death, and why will he save the cause of his death ?

When she fully open her eyes, she directly meet his eyes. It was staring at her, those eyes she saw.

With just that gaze, she understood. It wasn't Carl who safe her, but someone with similar pair of eyes but something troubled her, why was it so empty unlike Carl once who was always bright, his was empty, devoid of everything.

"Leila you're here !!" a young lady barged in the room and ran to Leila bed, not taking notice of the man sitting opposite to Leila, in the chair.

"What are you doing here?" Leila asked. Hugging her was her best friend, Lily.

"What? what am I doing here ? Do you know how I freak out when I receive a call, telling me you're have been hospitalized ?" Lily said.

"How could you do this, why did you tried to kill yourself again. It has been months you didn't, I thought you finally moved on. How can you be so selfish" she shouted, she was angry and sad.

It was her endless attempt to suicide. She tried everything to bring her friend back but nothing seems to work.

Leila said nothing and let her nag and scold her. What can she say? She wasn't trying to commit suicide but was trying to safe someone and got mysteriously tight by something ? She won't believe her, even she herself wasn't able to explain what happen.

Her eyes shifted from Lily to the man opposite to her, who didn't say I word, just sat there like a robot. She wondered what he could be thinking of.

When Leila gaze shifted from her, Lily finally took notice of the man in the room.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" she freaked out. She was frighten, she placed a hand on her raising heart. It was as if he appeared out of no where.

The man stood up and walked to Lily. No expression on his face. He was just like a robot. Expressionless, even the way he walked felt like a robot.

"I'm the one who called you, Karl" he said in a monotonous tone.

Leila was following all his movement and when he introduced himself, her eyes widen. Same eyes same name…she stop her mind to run wild with stupid Ideas. They weren't related, with one glance she could list out all their differences.

"Oh.. you're the person who called?" Lily calmed down after knowing who he was.

"Thanks you for saving this silly friend of mine" she was very grateful. She didn't know in which state she would have been if something had happen to her.

"I don't know how to thank you, asked me everything you want and I will give you, as far as I can of course" she laughed.

"You don't have to, I found someone in danger and safe her nothing else. Since you're here now, I will take my leave" his voice sounded so robotics, with no emotions inside.

"Wait !" Leila stopped him before he could open the door.

"What was you doing sitting in my room when I wake up, you could have leave after bringing me here " she said.

"It isn't a way to talk to someone who safe you, you should be grateful. Without him, you would have be…" she couldn't finished. Just thinking about it was to hard for her, she was at the verge of crying.

Leila ignored her and her attention to the man at door, who didn't even turned after being called.

Grateful? Why should she when he disrupt her plan. She should be death, not alive. What she was feeling towards him was far from that.

"They took me as your boyfriend or something like that and asked me to stay till you wake up. My work is done now I'm leave" he left immediately after finishing his words. He didn't spared them any further glance.

" That was strange, do you guys know each other and he has some grudges against you ?" Lily asked, it was the only explanation she could think of.

Leila shook her head, surprising her what then ? She wondered.

Leila didn't say a words, unlike Lily who saw it as being rude or him be angry. All she could see was the emptiness in him, as if emotions was far away from him.