
Deep blue sea

The Beck clan was originated in country S by Charles Becks late father George Beck but later Charles shifted the entire base to the US for better resources and more power.

During their stay in country S, the Beck clan had their hands stained with the blood of thousands of innocent people. 

Charles Beck was a ruthless man but a hundred times more ruthless than him was his right hand, Horus Gobez. 

Horus Gobez was like the second boss of Beck clan after Charles. Horus did many dirty things behind Charles back and hooking up with Charles' only mistress was one of them.

When the Beck clan was in country S, it was about Horus that Songpa's father had found something really dirty and secretive. And it was Horus who had killed the entire Lui family leaving little Songpa behind to face the crazy world all by himself until Singtan found him.