
A small show

Sitting down beside her son, Linda was caressing his face when she received a message from the same untraceable number.

The message said: Shocked? Who would've thought I'll come back right? You disfigured me and now I'll crumble you down along with the others. This time you managed to save your son but who knows what will happen in the future, right? Everyone is going to suffer and you, my half-sister top my list. This is just a small beginning. So be prepared to watch a great show.

Linda froze after reading the message. Tears started flowing down her eyes.

When Robin saw Linda staring at her phone, he quickly approached her and asked," What happened?"

" She is back." Linda murmured.

Robin frowned and asked," What do you mean?" before taking the phone from her  hand.

" Kiara is back and she is here to take her revenge. Huang is suffering because of me." Linda said before bursting into tears.