

“So you’re really going back to Geneva?” Neil was dumbfounded I hadn’t found a way to get out of my dad’s birthday week.

“I don’t have a choice. It’s just a few days. Plus, he wants to talk business. I have no idea what that means, but if there’s even a remote chance that benefits us, then it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”

He scoffed. “Right. Like your dad is going to serve you help on a silver platter.”

“Yeah, that was about how it grabbed me. If I have to go, I can hope something positive will come out of it, right?”

“Sure. Just don’t get disappointed, and keep your guard up. He’s cutthroat and won’t hesitate to slit your wrists.”

“Jesus, Neil. Glad to hear you think so highly of my old man.” I chuckled at the visual.

“He and my dad are cut from the same cloth. I don’t have a use for either one.”