
Chapter 28 : That’s how you comfort someone..

'This seems like a personal cell number Persephone, does it belong to your roommate?'

Persephone looked up at Hades who was standing across the counter, dicing up some carrots and other vegetables for lunch.

"Not exactly mother, Eris' phone has been having a bit of a problem lately, so this is her brother's number." Persephone really hated lying to her mother, but this was the only way to keep her from throwing a fit. Demeter was already a little upset about Persephone missing her every Friday check ins, telling her she was sitting at a kitchen counter somewhere in the underworld, waiting for it's king to make her lunch would run her mother off a cliff for sure.

'Alright then, I'm glad to hear from you sweetheart. Be safe, and remember why you went there.'

"Yes mom," Persephone responded in a whisper, "I love you, goodbye."

Hades watched the young goddess closely as she clutched the phone in her hands. Under normal circumstances one would be excited to speak to their parent would they not? Unless of course, like him, their parent was a god eating Titan.

"Is everything alright?" The crimson eyed god asked.

Persephone sighed before looking up at Hades, the smile she put on clearly a forced one. "Yes everything is fine, I just wanted to check in on my mother is all."

"I see, you don't seem like you're particularly fond of her, is she strict on you?"

"What do you mean?! I love my mother to death!" Tiny black flowers erupted all over Hades' hair and skin, Persephone gasped and covered her mouth. "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to-" she cut her statement short when she heard a chuckle escape the god's lips.

"I must say, this is the first time I've seen you expressive," Hades spoke as he casually continued dicing the vegetables for their stir fry. "You always seem so closed up, but just now when you got angry, I saw a fiery side of you. It's actually kind of cute."

Persephone blushed and looked away, "no it is not, I don't like that side of me, it's…" she paused and looked up at Hades who had a kind smile tagging his lips. She had never felt so comfortable around anyone before, why was it so easy with him?

"It's what?" Hades asked as he picked one of the little black flowers that had fallen out of his hair, and secured it back in.

Persephone giggled at his gesture, she felt her previously corded muscles unwind and leaned onto the kitchen counter. "It's a little scary," she replied.

Hades put the chopped up vegetables aside and gave the girl his full attention. "Scary? Is that why you're so careful with your expressions? Have you ever gotten so upset that something bad happened?" Hades noticed the discomfort return to the goddess' face and immediately withdrew his questions. "Forget I asked, you don't have to give me an answer. I'm being nosy."

"Nothing has ever happened," Persephone responded while tracing her finger on the surface of the counter. "But I am afraid something eventually will. When I get angry I can literally feel myself becoming a whole different person, and that terrifies me."

Hades put down the knife and moved a little closer to the blue eyed goddess. He was debating on wether to hold her hand or not, so he eventually ended up patting her on the head.

Persephone arched a brow at the man and chuckled, "is that your attempt at comforting me lord Hades?"

"Oh gods.." Hades sighed before retracting his hand and face palming. "Forgive me," he muttered softly, "I'm not very good at comforting people."

Persephone snorted a laugh making the god's blue face red. "Hey don't beat yourself up, I think you've got it all figured out. Hugs and shoulder rubs are overrated anyway. A head pat is definitely the way to go."

Hades felt like burying himself alive, "please don't rub it in, this moment will most likely haunt me for the rest of my days."

Persephone chuckled some more before slipping off the stool and giving Hades a hug. The blue being froze as his brain short circuited, was this really happening? Was Persephone hugging him or was he hallucinating again? He took a deep breath and was about to hug her back, but she broke away and gave him a sweet smile.

"Now that's how you comfort someone."

Hades was even more red than he was before, did she not know what hugging a lonely man like him could do? Was she trying to make him fall hopelessly in love with her?

"I will make note of that thank you," Hades mumbled nervously. "Do you feel better now?"

"I do," Persephone responded giddily, "and I'm starving, how long till you add some meat to all this rabbit food you're chopping up?"

"Rabbit food?!" Hades tightened his apron straps and grabbed a pan from one of his drawers, "I'll have you know, I am the best cook in all the three realms!"

"Are you now?" The goddess responded tauntingly, "well then prove it."

"With pleasure…"


Hera snapped her fingers and got to her feet. "I knew it! There is no way a divine birth could have happened and I would not know of it!"

She cupped Helios' face in her palms and gave him a kiss, "I knew I could count on you sugar."

Helios smiled dazedly at her for a few minutes before regaining his composure, "hold on," he grabbed Hera's wrist and pulled her close. "Why are you so interested in Demeter's daughter all of a sudden? Is there something I should know?"

Hera sat back down and gave the god a sly smile. Now that Helios had confirmed that Demeter had never been pregnant, her plan would be set into motion. Helios attested that he had never seen 'the goddess of the harvest' with a baby bump, but suddenly out of the blue, he began seeing Demeter nursing and caring for a child. He found it a little odd, but he had never payed much heed to it.

"I am about to prove to everyone that despite my failing marriage with that self absorbed deity Zeus, my charm as the goddess of marriage has not wavered!" She cupped Helios' cheeks once again and grinned at him, "I am going to find the most ineligible bachelor in all the three realms a wife! And when I do, no one will ever doubt my agency again!"

"The most ineligible bachelor?" Helios mumbled through squished up lips, "who is that?"

Hera's smile grew even wider, so wide it was almost sinister. "I think it's about time our little Hades left his life of bedding sirens and nymphs behind. I will make sure of it."

She got to her feet and blew Helios a kiss, "I wish I could stay sugar, but I have some information to dig up about our future bride. I'll see tomorrow night."

"Ummh, okay?"

Helios watched Hera walk out of the apartment and then fell back on the sofa. She was trying to find Hades a wife? Who in their right mind would agree to wed the god of the underworld?


"I will," Persephone spoke as she unbuckled her seatbelt. "I will definitely let you know if I feel sick in anyway Hades, stop worrying."

The blue eyed god nodded before getting out of the car to open the door for the goddess. As she stood in front of him, he felt a little sad that she had recovered so quickly, he had really enjoyed his afternoon with her. Was he selfish for wishing it didn't have to end? Should he maybe almost run her over a second time?

"Alright then, I suppose I will see you later," Hades muttered, "or maybe not?"

"We live in the same town, I'm sure you'll almost run over me again."

Hades scoffed, this young woman was a little too good to be true, if only she was just a few hundred years older.

"Well.." Hades responded while nervously scratching the back of his head, "enjoy the rest of your day Persephone. Call me when you can, if you want to. Even if you don't I suppose that's fine, I mean it will be a little sad if you don't… but the decision is completely up to you so-"

Persephone chuckled at the man's jittery tone, "Enjoy the rest of your day as well Hades, and thank you for everything."

"Of course.."

The crimson eyed god watched Persephone disappear into the dormitory block and sighed, who was he kidding, he was falling harder and harder for her and he could do very little to stop


'Lord Hades?' Pixie's voice echoed within the car. "I took the liberty of downloading her school timetable and uploading it into my software. This way, you will know when she is free and accidentally bump into her again.'

"Pixie! How could you?! That is violation of privacy!" Hades yelled as he got into his car. "Send it to my phone and align it to my schedule immediately."

'Already done lord Hades.'

Behind the scenes:

Persephone: so we have a few questions from some of the fans that need answers, here we go! Question number 1.. who is Persephone’s biggest fan and why is it Hades?

Hades: *blushes* let’s try another question shall we?

Persephone: question 2: Does Hades like Persephone? Breathe if yes, recite the Bible in Japanese if no.

Hades: *blush intensifies* I think that’s enough Q&A for today.

Bee1429creators' thoughts
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