
Undertale: The Scientist

"Hey, your majesty, I have a question." "Yes, Victor?" Asgore calmly replied. "Why do you have dead corpses of children in your basement, perfectly preserved, and not buried?" ... ----------- Will be updated frequently, but no set schedule, don't feel like forcing myself into a schedule that'll likely turn this into a hiatus book.

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Prologue 2: Death is not a door closing, but a new door opening

"Isn't it beautiful?" He asked me.

I follow his gaze. It was a collection of strange floating squares, all of them with a weird movie-like animation looping over and over, as if it was a single universe, ending itself and beginning once more over and over, trillions of living beings living their lives as if they would never have another chance, enjoying what they have. I saw thousands of suns, all different colors, all different sizes, turning to make each day a new day for the people in the strange squares.

"Are these... Universes?"

"Hahaha, yes they are! Glad to see you're so intelligent!"

"Hm? You say that as if you didn't make me. Which god are you? Which belief is correct? Also, I don't really know how I got here, and why I'm here, could we explain that?"

"Alright, alright, slow down a little," He chuckled a little. "Let me answer your second question first, as it'll likely answer your first. None of the beliefs or mythologys were correct! They were all just some guys making shit up for attention!"

"Wait what? What about islam?

"Oh, He was hallucinating,"

"You aren't saying his name, are we in some dumbass novel where the author doesn't want to get doxxed for mocking him?"

"Well, since none of the religions are correct, I'm sure that answers the question of which god I am. The only god, obviously. You can call me Bob."

'He didn't answer my question, eh well whatever' "And my final question? Where am I and how did I get here?"

"You're in what I like to call The Dream. Its a dimension both connected to your earth and separate from it. It allows anyone in it to simply wish something to be and it will be, as if you were in a dream. Its akin to what you think of as 'heaven'.

"As to how you got here, the man you stabbed didn't die. You didn't even hit his heart once. Although, to be fair, he did die of blood loss later, but when you dropped the shiv, he was still conscious. I think you can piece together what happened from there."

"Why am I in The Dream if I was a bad person?" Still confused, I ask.

"Didn't I say that the religions were false? You don't need to be a good person to come here. In fact, most of the time they dont. Most of the time they just go straight to the cycle of reincarnation and be done with it."


"So why am I here, Bob? You can't honestly expect me to believe that I am here for no reason.


"I will be blunt with you.

" I'm bored Victor. Everyday, the creatures I've made in each universe do the same thing, day after day after day. Its the same pathway the universe takes every single time it collapses in on itself and explodes into another big bang. Nothing changes, even over several millennium. So I need to change something.

"But changing a universe is a very tricky business. There are so many things that can go wrong. You could rip a hole in space time, you could accidentally kill the one person that'll save their species, you could, you could, etc, etc. But what if I replicate a pre existing universe, then change something? Like, say, hypothetically, putting a dead guy with super powers in it?"


"So... Literally every single one of those Isekai novels back on Earth?"


"Don't you think that if you explained it that way, people won't be confused as to what you are trying to say?"

He looks slightly embarrassed. "..."



"Alright," I end the awkward silence between me and literal god. "How is this gonna work?"

"You're going to get one wish," He replies, happy that I chose to pass the subject of how he's handling this. "Or you can choose two randomly chosen wishes."

"Reality Warping,"



"You can't choose something that would threaten me, simply put." Bob said, placing his restrictions on the wishing.

'... Huh, this is difficult.'


'Alright, gathered my thoughts a little and had a few ideas. Ain't gonna say them yet though. I got a few options that I want.

1. All For One. Its a classic super power from the MHA universe, but there's one huge problem with it. What if the universe I go to doesn't have any superpowers?.


"Hey, Bob? What universe am I going to?"

"Universe G57-F47-P09, otherwise known as Undertale."


'Not sure if color magic or any of those attacks count as something I can take, so lets be careful and not choose that. Also, LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOO!'

'Undertake is actually one of the universes I know the most about, I can actually use my knowledge in this world

Lets get back on track.

Power #2, Gasters Chromas and Monotone Hands. A fan favorite from Glitchtsle. Although this is objectively one of the weaker powers on this list, it fits in with the universe and can honestly be quite convenient. After all, its not like I HAVE to fight people in undertale. Imagine laying on the couch washing your favorite show under a comfy blanket and the tv remote isn't under the blanket and your popcorn is on the kitchen counter. Sucks right?

But with this I ain't gotta do anything. And that's only one application! convenience is better than having something I won't use...

In addition to that, the Chromas and Monotone abilities the hands have mean I won't be completely defenceless...

Power #3 Soul of determination, obviously one of the most powerful abilities on this list. Although, there is still the same issue as before. Do you really need all of that power? With the ability to reset the timeline, it will feel as if it doesn't matter, because I can simply do it again! Is that really what I want?

Speaking of which...

"Hey, Bob? What soul would I have when entering Mt Ebott?"

"Soul of patience. Also, could you hurry up a little? That'd be great, thanks."


'Huh, how did patience magic work again? It was... Restraining right? Like strings? Hold on, what if I use two different strand of strings to rip another's soul apart and attack them in separate patterns? Could I get something like a mew mew mad dummy attack? Or would it just destroy the soul?'

I will think about it later.

Final power, "Shortcuts". One of Sans' most convenient powers, allowing me to teleport to anywhere in the underground I want. In addition to that, it also allows me to run away from people who wish me harm. Undyne attacking me in waterfall? Teleport to hotland, easy.


So we have two powers left, Gasters hands and Sans' shortcuts.

Which should I choose?


1132 words

It is 12:30 in the morning, I'm going to bed

Goodnight yall

BoredMansDreamcreators' thoughts