
Underrated Exorcist : The Legacy of The Supreme's will

Impurities, spirits, ghosts, ghouls, hollows, corrupted beings, cursed beings, phantoms, monsters, demons, devils, and many more: They exist differently and are called by many names. They feed on dark energy and negative emotions to grow stronger. They are unknown to the world and unseen by the human eye, ever-lurking in the shadows of humanity. But there are few people with mystical power & spiritual energy flowing through their veins, giving them the ability to see things that normal humans cannot perceive; they are—Exorcists. 18 years ago, there was a demon apocalypse. All the exorcists in the world united in confronting the enemies of humanity. In the end, the battle was won, but the cost of their lives. Around the same time, Luka Aldini, a powerless boy, was born with no magic. He grew up hearing all those stories about monsters and demons, believing in them despite not knowing any truth behind the world, the powers, and its creation. Follow Luka Aldini on his journey as he overcomes his past traumas and unravels every secret of the cruel world he lives in to fulfill the legacy of the supreme's will.

NoWoRRyMaN · Fantaisie
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46 Chs

Another Mission

The school ended, and Luka, Liz, and Ana were on their mission. Luka was still getting ignored by Liz and Ana, and he was kind of relieved from that because of his recently mashed-up feelings.

'I love Liz?' Luka still couldn't believe it. He had no idea how and when he fell in love with her.

"Hey Liz," Luka called her name.

"Liz," He called again.

"Liiiiiiiz!" Once again.

'Still ignoring me, huh? Okay then…' Luka turned to Ana.



Luka bit his lips. 'You asked for this, idiot Ana.'


"Don't call me that" as soon as Luka called her that, Ana immediately reacted.

"Hey, why are you guys ignoring me?" Luka asked.

"Ignoring? We are not ignoring you, right, Liz?" Ana confirmed with Liz.

"Yeah, we are totally not ignoring you," Liz added.

"Look in my eyes and say that."

Both of their faces flushed as they tried to make eye contact with Luka. Luka sighed and said, "Fine, then I won't ask again, but at least tell what do we have to do here?"

"Look for monsters and defeat them," Ana replied.

"Huh? We are still in the…! Wait! There is a monster inside the barrier?"

"Monsters who are stronger than barrier can break the barrier."

"I know, but..."

'That night, the monster was inside the barrier, and the barrier wasn't broken.'

As Ana said, the monsters powerful than the barrier itself could break the barrier and enter inside, but the night Luka fought with that monster, the barrier wasn't broken. There was only one possibility, and it was that the monster was born inside the barrier.

"What's wrong, Luka?" Ana asked.


"Even if there were monsters, I am sure that experts would have taken care of it already," Liz reported.

"That is true, but we still have to check," Ana replied.

"Yes, Luka." Liz finally looked at Luka and said, "We know that you want to go home and play games, but we have to finish our duty first."

'Shut up, and you are wrong!' Luka had made an excuse saying he was playing games all night, though it fired back to him.

"How about we look for it separately? It will take less time, right? I am sure the other squad does the same," Liz suggested.

"Okay then, I will look at that side." Ana pointed her finger to her left, then pointed it to her right and said, "And Luka and Liz in that area."

"Okay--no, you take Liz with you" Luka didn't want to be alone with Liz after he had realized his feelings. He still needed time.

'I feel awkward now that I realized that I love Liz too.'

"Are you sure?" Ana asked with a worried look.

"Yeah, I will text you if I come across any monster," Luka replied confidently.

"Fine." Ana reluctantly agreed.

Luka rushed to the right, and Liz and Ana went to the left.

Luka searched the area for about 10 minutes but found no signs of any monsters.

"Nothing here."


Suddenly, Luka's phone rang.

'A message?' Luka took out his phone from the pocket. The text was from Liz.

[We found 2 monsters. They are big and have so many eyes. They also look very creepy]

It was a rather monotonous, yet funny message. Liz had also sent their location with the message.

"The same as that night?" Luka immediately hurried over to Ana and Liz.