
Under their control (+18)

Three powerful men who like control, a woman who likes to defy and test their limits and a powerful relationship in search of what is true love, a search that will leave all of them broken to pieces.

Story_maker0412 · Sports, voyage et activités
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6 Chs

chapter 4

⚠️This chapter contains mature and sexual scenes further below, read with discretion.

Xavier Graham

Sunday, March  4rth, 2023. 12 A.M

This place was like a nightmare, quite literally, I couldn't understand how someone could live there. We had been waiting for an hour, I was sitting on the couch with Cade, while Taylor had gone to look around, she shouldn't take long to arrive. I had taken my time to do some research, and apparently this piece of crap building costed almost as much as a proper one bedroom apartment in Los Angeles, which was disgusting considering how poor everything looked.

"She really is making use of this place, but why isn't she living somewhere better?" Taylor asked once he had made his way back to us. "Well, not everybody can afford it but I agree this is cramped, and I wouldn't live here" I said, though we were all biased becaused we were used to luxury. Well, all but Taylor, if anything he was the only one that could understand, but he also didn't agree. 

We all tensed and looked towards the door at the sound of keys jiggling. Her voice making us look at each other before Cade nodded his head and made me position myself by the door so I could avoid her bolting out. We weren't going to hurt her, that much had already been established. However we also didn't want to risk her getting into trouble just because she coulnd't keep those pretty lis of her shut. 

Lips that would look so good wrapped around my cock. 

The door unlocked and Riley walked in with her back facing the inside, quite odd. Though it didn't take us much to realize what was happening. Taylor had done his research on the phone number that we found where those messages had been delivered from. Apparently the owner was Mike Adams, a sixty year old man whose wife had died months prior due to drugs. And apparently he wasn't doing too good in the head. 

Well, that same man had followed Riley home, and was now trying to pressure her into letting him inside, and even if she was being pretty straightforward with the no's, one could tell she was tired and was struggling to keep being so adamant. I made eye contact with Cade, who was situated right beside the couch ut out of initial view, and I took it as my cue to walk behind Riley until she bumped against my chest. Both her and the man looked up at me, and even though Riley's eyes widened, I could tell she looked rather glad even despite the fact that she didn't even know us. "Can I help you?" The man asked, sounding comically offended.

I watched the man and only once he squinted his eyes he seemed to recognize my face even in the darkness of the room. He looked like he had just seen a ghost within moments. He apologized profusely and rushed out, only looking back as if making sure he was seeing what he was. 

Only once his car had driven off did I pull Riley back further against me, using my other hand to close the door before she turned the lights off and gasped at the sight of the other two men in her apartment. She looked at Cade and her face started turning red, and I could see her clench her thighs together. 

So he wasn't lying after all. We already knew that but seeing her confirm it without any words was even hotter. 

"What are you doing in my house?" She asked in a quiet voice, looking up at me since I was the one that was closer. "I promise I'm not going to say anything about it, they think I'm crazy anyway" she said with a bit of a pleading voice. 

I shook my head at her, but didn't bother with words, my fingers traced her blonde curls and when she shivered against my touch, I smiled. "We aren't worried about that, Riley" Cade said, making her look at him, my arm tightening around her waist when she tried to step away, though after a moment I did let her go. "And quite frankly, this is barely a, apartment, let alone a house." Taylor added.

"We are here for other reasons" Cade's turn to talk was again, I was a bit more closed off, not because I was shy, but it clearly seemed to make her wonder why the hell I wasn't talking if I was the one that had been closer to her. She gulped, glancing at me briefly and confirming my suspicions. 

"Then..." She said a bit unsure, but neither of us said anything for a good moment, and whatever we had to say seemed to evaporate the moment she tugged her bottom lip between her teeth while looking at Cade. He also seem to have the same reaction because I could already see the hard-on on his pants, and I was sure Riley could too. I let out a hum and traced my fingers by her back slwly, making her shiver again, but she didn't move away from my touch, even when my hand glided under her dress.

⚠️This part contains sexual and mature content, read at your own discretion

Only a quick touch and it made me groan, she was soaked. Her face just turned redded, but as my fingers rested against her thigh, she exhaled and parted her legs a little bit for me. Cade made his way to the back of the couch and then motioned her to walk forward to it, and the fact that she didn't hesitate had my own pants tightening. 

Riley Ochoa

Honeslty I hadn't expected them to be in my house, but after the creep followed me home, I was somewhat relieved. I know if they wanted me dead they would have already killed me, but by the way they were looking at me I could tell that wasn't what they had in mind. They eyes were full of hunger and lust, and once I had to clench my thighs together after I spotted the same man that left me wanting more, their gazes seemed to darken. 

The man behind me had slipped his hand under my dress, and that groan only made me wetter. I should have tried to run away, but I was hooked. I wanted to see what they had to offer and quite frankly I think if anything were to happen to me they would be making me a favour. 

The other man, the ne with the blue eyes, beckoned me to the couch, and once I was in front of it he watched me for a moment. "Sit" he just said, his voice was deep and the scent of his cologne made me close my eyes for a moment. He clicked his tongue, and when i made eye contact with him I could tell he wasn't appreciative of how long I was taking. 

I turned around and sat down, my eyes now on the man that had been by the door. Apprantly they were well known, because the creep had turned around with his tail between his legs once he had seen his face. He was the one to approach me slowly, a pair of hands moving my hair into a makeshift ponytail before my head was yanked back, making me gasp. 

From the corner of my eye I caught a third figure that I hadn't initially focused on even if I had known he was also there. He sat beside me on the couch, his hand trailing by my thigh and sliding my dress up, not that I would complain even if I could have. I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt another hand on my other thigh, before it slid down to take my heels off one by one. That same man with brown eyes kissed my leg up to my ankle before doing the same path upwards, forcing me to hold eye contact just from the intensity of his own gaze.

"I can smell your arousal from here" the man behind me whispered in my ear before the one in front of me brushed his thumb against my soaked underwear, making my thighs threaten to close while I gasped at the mere contact. "Keep your thighs open, otherwise Xavier can't do his job" Taylor hummed in my ear, forcing my right thigh against his and holding it there with his hand. So Xavier was the one kneeling between my legs. 

"What's your name?" I managed to ask while my eyes looked up at the man behind me. He smirked a little bit and then leaned close to my ear. "Cade" he simply said. 

I didn't even have time to reach before my underwear had been pushed to the side, the breeze sending goosebumps down my arm. I moved my eyes back to him and once I mae eye contact it seemed to be the only thing he needed before he dipped under my dress. It was Taylor's hand who bunched the fabric up so they could watch what their friend was doing. 

He had rings on his fingers and once he dipped them inside of me, I moaned, my walls clenching around his fingers and making him grunt in return. His tongue darted out against my clit, making me whimper loudly and try to move my hips, though they were stopped by his own arm, giving me a look that told me to stay still. 

He started thrusting his fingers and I heard a hum from beside me, a hand extending out to Xavier, I didn't catch what it was but it had a slight glint to it. And once the receiver grabbed it he showed it to me. It was a bracelet. I was going to ask why but the faint sound of buzzing made me widen my eyes. 

As Xavier approached it to my clit I squirmed a bit under his hold, but when he didn't move it where I needed it I whined. "Please" I choked out, so incredibly pent up it didn't cross my mind that I was beging complete strangers to make me cum in front of them. 

"Please?" He grunted, his voice making my walls clench around his fingers again. "Please, sir" I whisered, the name seemingly pleasing him somewhat though not entirely. "Good enough" I heard Cade whisper in my ear before the vibrations reached my clit and made me gasp loudly. "Holy-" a hand wrappin around my throat, Taylor's hand, cut my words off. 

And fuck if that didn't make me wetter. 

Xavier seemed to notice, but he didn't stop his fingers, curling them upwards and making me choke back a cry from pleasure as I felt the coil of my orgasm knotting in my lower belly. The hand around my throat loosened a bit, enough that I could moan with my head tilted back by the hand grabbing my hair. 

"You are so pretty like this" Cade mused in my ear. Taylor's hands moving to pul the fabric from my chest down so he could fondle my B sized boobs. As he rolled one of my hardened nipples in his hand I could only moan louder, and within seconds I was already falling off the ledge, hands holding my thighs open while Xavier simply kept thrusting his fingers until I was done. 

Just like that his fingers disappeared and his mouth took place to lick me clean. Then my panties were fixed and my chest was covered back with the dress, and all hands left my skin, leaving me midly disappointed. 

⚠️End of sexy scene ;) 

"We want to invite you out to dinner tomorrow, we talked to your boss so you are off the hook" Caleb said, making me furrow my eyebrows. Why would I go out to dinner with murderers? But then again these murderers had just made me cum on my own couch in my own house so maybe it wouldn't be too bad. 

I didn't even have time to reply, they just up and left without even telling me where we'd meet or at what time, though quite frankly I was still trying to get over my post orgasm high so I didnt even bother. Their fault if I didn't make it. And how did they know my boss? With those questions in mind and replaying what just had happened, I drifted off into a peaceful sleep, for once not minding my small couch or the coldness of the house.