
Chapter 59

Maxi stared dazedly at Kuahel before her legs gave out. She landed on her behind with a dull thud. Around them, the goblins' torches lay scattered on the cave floor, still blazing. An eerie silence hung overhead like a dark cloud.

Kuahel scrutinized the end of the passageway. Satisfied that there were no other imminent threats, he sheathed his gracefully curved, crescent-moon sword.

"This passage must lead somewhere."

His calm voice snapped Maxi out of her trance. Doing her best to collect her wits, she said, "I-I think… we should look for a way to open the door first."

As she shakily rose to her feet using the wall for support, something bumped against her heel. She looked down in surprise. A goblin's head stared back up at her. She jumped, stifling a scream. The flickering torches shone a stark light across the monster's dark red face, contorted in pain.

Fighting the urge to hurl, she tore her gaze away. It appeared she now had one more traumatic experience involving goblins.