
Chapter One. Confused.

It all began one stormy night while I was driving my Bentley trying to get home quickly to my wife, Rachael and my 3 year old daughter, Rebecca.

The wind was blowing too hard but 'I would soon be home, there's no need to park and wait till it stops raining heavily' I thought to my self as i drove slowly on the highway. Very few cars could be seen on the high way but soon I heard the siren from afar off coming from the opposite direction towards meh. Whenever you hear the siren, its usually an emergency but it never occurred to me that it was a police car's sirens.

My windscreen wiper tried it's best to wipe off the heavy downpour on the screen but it could only do little. The road was blurry thanks to my wet windscreen but i managed.

Now i could hear the siren even more louder and i could see the red and blue light on the moving vehicles. They were driving towards my direction with speed. And the lights from the oncoming vehicles made it hard for me to recognize anything. Then i saw a fast moving car trying to overtake the car in front of it, which was on the other lane at my left and not on my own lane. Then it became clear to me that the police were on a hot pursuit and I tried my best to steer clear of the car which had already overtaken the other car but it was too late, we bumped into each other and tumbled over the highway bridge. All I could do while both of our cars was descending to the valley was 'how will my daughter grow up without a dad?' And as we crashed to the ground my whole world turned black.

***** TITLE: UNDER A CLOUD *****

Opening his eyes, the bright light stung his eyes and it brought tears to the surface as he quickly shut his eyes. He turned his face to the left and slowly opened his eyes and looked around him he realized that he was in a hospital. His head ache so badly but he forced himself to sit up, still confused about what he was doing in a hospital. Just then a nurse walked in with a surprised look on her face.

"You're awake!!" She said and left the room immediately. 'She must have gone to call the doctor' he thought. Few moments later, the young doctor walks in with the nurse and together with two men behind them. The doctor had a surprised look on his face as he went towards him to check on him closely.

"He's getting better" he said

"Can we talk to him now?" The smaller man on hat and large coat spoke.

"He still needs to rest for about a day or two" the doctor replied

"But a little chat with him won't hurt, would it?" The man spoke again and the doctor had nothing to say. He left with the nurse leaving the three men all alone in the room.

The man walked towards him, taking off his hat. He was dark and his eyes were small and threatening. The other man took his post at the door, he was taller and muscular. He wore a black top, black jean and dark shades. These men seems like bad news to him.

"So you escaped death. Nice to see you alive" the man smiled "You see, the doctor didn't believe you'd make it. But here you are".

"Who are you? What is going on? How did i get here?" He groaned as he tried to think.

"You seem to have forgotten... You were involved in a car accident, you drove off the bridge and crashed" the man explained. "I'm Inspector Lewis and you must be Frank"

His eyes widen "Who, me?, No don't get me mistaken, my name is Valentine" he defended.

The man chuckles "You can't fool me..."

"I may not remember what exactly happened to me but i cannot forget my name" he interrupted

"Don't worry, it's alright" the inspector said putting on his hat "you must have lost your memory after the accident. You've been in coma for the past three weeks but you'll recover" he turned to leave "oh before i forget..." He dipped his hand into his coat pocket and brought out his complementary card and dropped it on the table beside him.

"Call me if you remember anything, anything at all" he said and left together with the huge man.

He sighed in relief and pondered on the inspector's story but he couldn't remember anything at all, his mind was blank. Few minutes later, the nurse entered again with a small tray in her hands.

"How're you feeling?" She asked in a sweet voice as she smiled

"My head hurts so badly and I can't remember anything". He replied bitterly

"Don't worry, you'll be fine. You just need more rest and your medication" she said taking out a syringe, she pierced his left arm with it, inserting the liquid dose into his body. She pulled out the needle when it was empty and wiped off the little blood that made its way out of his body with the cotton wool.

"Okay, we're done here" she said while packing up

"Who's Frank?" He asked

Although surprised by his question "You i guess" she answered

"No, I'm Valentine" he cried out

"But the man on the news is you"

"Me? What man?" He inquired she dropped her tray, bent over to the desk beside his bed, opened the desk drawer and brought out a newspaper which she handed over to him.

"Hope you still remember the alphabetical letters?" She teased smiling but it didn't amuse him as he saw himself at the front page of the paper described as a "Drug Dealer" whom the police chased down the highway and was involved in a terrible accident.

"That's not me" he said dropping the paper to the floor

"Well, that's your face" she said.

"Who's inspector Lewis?" He asked ignoring her comment

"He has worked in the police force for more than ten years and always catches criminals. He does his work well but can also wrap a crime you don't know about on you" she said the last line in disgust

"Thanks a lot dear" he appreciated

"You're welcome, just call me Vivian" she smiled again before picking up the tray to leave "Goodnight" she said and left

'I can't be framed' he thought 'I need to prove my innocence. But how, i can't remember a single thing. What if I found out that he's me and I'm he, then what?'

The medications seems to be effective because he has been thinking but felt less pain but it seems to also cause drowsiness and soon he was fast asleep.

Soon he jumped up, feeling really hot and was panting he could hear the sound of his heart racing and pounding against his chest. What had he just seen? He ruminated over his dream He'd seen a beautiful lady in front of a nice house with a little girl standing beside her holding her hand, they had a huge bright smile on their faces and the little girl called out to him "Daddy" while their happy countenance was replaced with a sad one. But he heard a car honking behind him and when he turned a bright light stung his eyes and he realized he was in a car and was struggling to move out of the way but the fast moving car bumped into his and both cars fell off the bridge. That's his dream.

"Rachael!" He said and then his head was filled with all his lost memories.

"Yes, that's my wife and my daughter Rebecca" he was excited as he was able to recall everything, his house address, his job and family. 'But who's this guy in the paper that looks just like him' he thought 'And they're trying to pin a crime case on me because i look exactly like him'

He glanced at the wall clock it was 4am in the morning. 'I need to get out of here first...' He said to himself '...I'd find my family first to be sure they're doing alright then they can prove my innocence'.

He got up and searched around the room but there was no clothes he could wear except for the hospital gown he had on. He decided to go outside. Opening the door gently, he peeped and saw two men standing in the hallway but they weren't facing to his direction. Judging by their black uniform, he knew they were Inspector Lewis' men and they were keeping an eye on him. He heard a footstep approaching from the other side of the hallway, he went back in closing the door gently then he listened.

The footstep stopped in front of his door then he ran quickly onto the bed pretending to be asleep. He heard the man speaking to the two men...

"Any suspicious movements from him?" Lewis asked

"No boss" they answered in unison.

Then Lewis walked in and found him in a deep sleep. " No matter how hard you try to fake your ailment I'm gonna bring you to book by all means". He said aloud and left the room.

"Keep a close eyes on him, he'll escape if he gets a chance and you'll go to jail in his stead" he threatened before walking out on them.

4 hours passed and yet he couldn't escape, just then Vivian, the nurse walked in with a trolley.

"You're up early? How was your night?" She asked

"Terrible, I couldn't sleep peacefully" he answered.

"Ouch!" She said with a touch of sympathy in her voice "Well, maybe its because you haven't eaten for weeks, but don't worry because I brought you food and you'll take your medications after" she said with a smile and brought the plate of food to him.

"Which area is this?" He suddenly asked.

"This is Boulevard town, why?"

"I need your help to get out of here" he replied "I remember everything now and i need to find my family they're at Crescendo Bay"

She couldn't speak, she just stared at him confused.

"I know I sound crazy but I'm telling you the truth. The man in the paper isn't me. I need you to trust me and help me out, or else I'll go to jail and my wife and daughter grows up without a husband and father"

The last sentence melted her heart but helping him out is it the right thing to do?

He had his meal and medications and wore the doctor's coat which Vivian snuck in for him and a nose mask. He walked out into the hallway. The men were busy with their discussion and didn't keep record on who went in and out. He walked past them, following the directions Vivian gave him and he made it to the door successfully but bumped into Lewis.

"So sorry sir" he said looking down but Lewis gave him a long suspicious stare...

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Hello guys what do you guys think about it?.

Should I continue? I'll do my best to make it not to be a waste of time for you.