
CH. 5

"You shouldn't sleep in bed just because you feel like we are safe." She slide into bed and pulled me out my comfortable spot. Her lips stop all my objections. My body instantly reacted after last night fun. However, she didn't move past first base. I growled in annoyance as she got up. Alice waved a hand at me as she spoke in amused voice. "I am going to gym then I will be training your new recruits." I pouted and she laughed before leaving. I sighed loudly enough for her to hear as I headed for bathroom.

I walk to the ground floor after finishing my shower. I noticed the golems were cleaning the mansion with perfect efficiency. I walk around before heading outside to take a look the defenses before frowning. This place was safe. Maybe I could add my scent? I closed my eyes and pictured myself as the dragon I wanted to be. Forcing the internal change to happen as I seen it with Zoe and Alice. However, nothing I did made me shift. I gave up in frustration and walk back inside. There was literally nothing for me to do but go hunting. I walk to the gym and lean against the wall as I watched Zoe and Alice teach the rejects basic combat skills. I spotted the boy who had some weird type of power he cultivated himself. He open his eyes as I sat down next to him.

"About time you show up." He sounded annoyed as he pulled a folded up stack of paper out his pocket. "I need resources. Like a higher density Qi environment, herbs, and beast cores. In return, I'll tell you how to increase your sphere of magic?" I took the folded papers from him and slowly unfolded them. Chinese characters and illustrations litter the paper. Notes were handwritten on the side. I sat on the floor and spread them out. I scanned them with few spells before reading them. It was simple instructions on how to cultivate. I played a few games where you started out as weak ass cultivator and how you had to work to become strong. Sometimes you made it. Other times you died due to being overconfident from the feeling of power. Chinese had this thing where they become overconfident with any bit of power or just being better than others. Small mindset.

This was low level instructions on how to form a core and increase it purity. I.e. increase your overall power. I seen enough of these to create something better. Plus with Alena knowledge on magic and my ability. It would be much better quality. I collected the papers back up after gaining an understanding of them. I passed them back and look at the imbecile. "This is piece of shit. Did you google this or pass down in your family." His mouth open before frowned. "What does that give me then?" Yawning, turned to watch Zoe flipping someone onto their back. "Ask Alena. She is more interested in these relics than I am. By the way, your talent is garbage if all you do is meditate." He look at me as if I grown heads but I was watching the former military man hold his own against Alice. They stopped sparring and Alice moved onto a woman who look like she was ex-marine. With her very short hair and the tattoo on her calf. I waved at the man who was taking a drink. He paused and glance at Alice before walking over. I hop up and met him halfway. He was bald with full beard. Black eyes and muscular build. Light brown skin. "What can I do for you, ma'am?" He had deep baritone voice and weird accent. I noticed Alice watching us as she sparred with the red head. "How long have you serve and where did you serve before?" He rubbed his neck and laughed. "I wasn't in the military but my father and brother were. I just had training from some guys who were. Which help me survive until now. Plus my ability enhances my physical body." I nodded before moving onto the mat. "Alice lets trade partners. You didn't warm him up properly."

The bald guy coughed and Alice frowned before moving towards the man. "If you both can take her down, I will let you be the first to train in new training program that will give you abilities. Better than magical knights in cartoons." There was large vein throbbing on Alice forehead as both the red head and bald man attack her. Alice easily head them off while looking at me like this was pointless. I smiled as balls of lightning formed above my head. Her eyes widen as the balls flowed between openings both the novices fighters made. It only took five minutes for sweat to dripped down Alice body. Yet she still managed to take down both them down. I shook my head before looking at Zoe.

"Your chance to claim head wife… Go get her tiger." Zoe raised an eyebrow before rushing Alice. They dance and I added in balls of lightning. Alice shifted and Zoe followed. I was surprised that Zoe was getting an advantage but then I realized she was being baited. Alice took a ball of lightning as she used her tail to cushion her fall. Zoe was to excited as she jump forward only for Alice to spring up. Somehow twist them so she ended up on her back. Somehow choking Zoe out. I frowned as she won and tossed Zoe off her. Alice stalks towards me and I took a stance. She launch off her back feet. Her left leg swinging in beautiful arc. I dropped under it and hit her four times in her rock hard stomach. She took it like a pro and I frowned as I dance back. She came at me as quick as speeding car. I could feel the wind as blows flowed past my heads. Her sweaty body was very enticing but she gave away too much information. The moment she threw another punch. I stepped right. Sent power into my palm and struck her outstretched leg. She falter and I quickly took advantage of her by hitting her right shoulder with another power-up palm strike. She dropped to her knee as she stumble back once. My left leg snapped her head back and she collapse. I slide on top of her and rain down blows. She folded up and I sighed before stepping back.

The others look at me with open mouth amazement and fear. I waited until she sat up. Her nose was bleeding and she had swollen eye. "Is this payback for being rough?" I laughed before kissing her cheek. "No, this is training. You rely too much on your power. You didn't even try to utilized your inner energy." Alice frowned as she pulled me down into her lap. "You couldn't have waited until after I trained them?" I shrugged. "No, I want you to improve not become stagnant." Zoe frowned. "So I was just used to improve Alice techniques?" I rolled my eyes as I bounce up.

"You are all trash compared to me and that is sad. Each of you had training more detailed than mine. However, I utilized every energy much better than you guys. From the force of my punches. Down to the way I move my feet to dodge and empower my counters." I bounce on my toes. Before motioning for them to come at me. "If you want to get stronger. You have to first understand that power doesn't just come the muscle mass." Alice shot up and came at me harder. My footwork was used to minimal. Yet I dodge every strike. Zoe jump in which made it slightly more fun. However, they didn't understand what I was saying. I had to beat it into them. Zoe was the first to catch an elbow which dropped her. Alice was about to catch a right hook when the red head came in with high-kick which made me duck. I giggled as Zoe slowly climbed back up. She was holding her stomach like I just ended her life.

The bald guy came in next. All his strikes were in the openings the others made. I noticed they were not getting a proper work out. So I did something they did not expect. My tail wrapped the red head leg and swung her into Alice. My body curve around the bald guy before I stroke his six times in his joints. He dropped out of the race as I bounce on my toes. Zoe was waiting in confusion. She did not understand what was happening when they had me on the defensive.

Alice slowly got up. She was holding her arm. "I think that is enough. I don't think you every train anybody before." I rolled my eyes. "I have trained people before. They just adapted faster than you guys do." Zoe frowned. "How can we adapt to you? You are like a fucking snake when you move. When you don't, you are like a fucking rock. Only Alice and Dave can make you move." I stare at the rest to see what they had to say. Red head didn't look at me but Dave, the bald guy cleared his throat. "I understood what you tried to teach but that fight felt more like you were picking on kids." Alice grumbled at that but she didn't disagree. I shrugged.

"I actually don't care about your opinion. However, take five and we will do one on one training. That way I can personally beat skills into each of you whiny bitches. But cheer up, this will only be a two day thing a week." I puffed out my chest before creating a pair of bright red gloves. "Whose first?" They look at each other before Zoe step first.

She surprisingly didn't rush in. Zoe took a cautious approach which made me run at her. Since we were similar build. I took a brute force approach. Each one of my strikes rock her. Bruises quickly formed on her arms and legs as she tried to block each strike. I was still minimizing my movements. For less energy usage. She on the other hand, was ignoring her stamina limit and it showed. She was slower and slower as I dragged the fight on. I swept her feet out and turned to the next person. Giving them no time to react. Quick jump into the air and coming down knee first. Alice rolled her eyes as she brace for impact. I only winked as energy formed four layers over my knee. Like a mine going off. The moment my knee touched her arm. She was blown backwards. I shook my head as she still hasn't learned her lesson. The bald guy launch a surprised kick and i rolled under it. He didn't follow up but I could see him focusing the little energy he had into his foot. He came with a series of punches and I approved of his trick. He did a spin kick with the opposite feet before flipping. Connecting with his empowered feet into my palms. I let the force flip me into the air before I spread my arms out like wings. He blinked as he caught the heel of my foot with his forehead.

I dance back and forth between my left and right feet. Redhead look at the others groaning before surrendering. "I don't understand what you are teaching." I giggled before sitting on the ground and patting the spot before me. She came and sat down. "What kind of shifter are you?" She shifted into a cheetah and I rubbed my neck. "Can you feel the energy you used to shift with?" She paused for moment before nodding. "Try to surrounded your hand with it like a glove." Cheetah pet tried and you could see her face scrunching up as if she realized. Her boyfriend dick was small. I could see her energy shaking but she couldn't focus it. I smiled encouragingly and she got a little more ripples going on. "Almost. Keep at it on your own time. Right now, go shower and eat." She nodded and stood up. Yawning, I headed out the gym for empty room. I wanted to make a teleportation circle ever since I seen it in the knowledge Alena gave me. I had to ponder for a bit. I didn't want just a portal to descent area. I wanted a real challenge. Something I never did before. As my mind crept to the shit level cultivation method. Why not give it a try? If it succeeds, I'll be immortal. If it doesn't, I'll just be average like usually. I walk slowly towards my room as I pondered how I should remake it. The whole point of it is making you one with the naturally laws. I obviously, have higher infinity with fire, death, and lightning laws. Lightning could be considered stronger. As it was more versatile. You could use it to increase your agility and reflexes. As well as both defense and offense. While it was on the more offensive side it still wasn't comparable to someone with adequate knowledge of fire. You could create lightning as well as ice. Lightning was just flashier. I walk into the room right pass Alice who was pouting on the couch. I grabbed a cushion and dropped it off to the side. I planted my ass on it while I closed my eyes and reach into the great beyond. I let my roam as I focus my will on creating what I desired. It took several hours for me to come out my trance. Sitting in front of me was a golden scroll several inches thick. I was drain of energy.

I eased out of my clothes and grabbed Alice discarded shirt as sleep wear. The moment I climbed in bed, she turned her back to me. I sighed and pulled cover over my head. While mumbling sorry. Sleep took me faster than fat guy at buffet. My eyes ached as the sunlight burned me. I rolled over a few times before turning to Alena who was being creepy. Stretching out, I waved for her to talk but she kept staring. I finally had enough and pulled her into bed. Her lips tasted like spicy food. It took her few minutes to break from my grasp but I only dropped to her belly. She cried for me to stop as she actually had something to speak about. I nodded as I nibbled on her thighs.

"I read that scroll and I think you will lose your connection to your current powers." She spoke in hasty voice but I shrugged. I was about ready for my breakfast. The smell of it coming closer was so tantalizing that I almost bit into Alena thigh. "You will probably start from ground zero." Again I shrugged, this was possibility and if it was true. It wouldn't necessary harm me. I already had plans on not wasting my power. "How many days have you been staring at me as I slept?" Alena mouth open and closed several times before she blushed. "This was the first time!" Alice snorted as she came in. "Every night you go to sleep. She comes in and watch you. Starts muttering and writing in her diary." I raised an eyebrow as Alena tried to denied it. My tail went up her dress as I rubbed myself against her other thigh. Moans escape her as I tail fucked her. She came quickly and I moved aside to eat the breakfast Alice prepared. "Don't let me catch you again. Next time the punishment going to be painfully pleasurable for one of us." I lick my lips as sniffed the food. While it look good, it had no season at all. I glance at Alice who pick up a book and started reading. While I ate, I created a new golem. This one would be the matriarch of the other golems. Last line of defense. I used the most intact soul with memories of casting spells before. I erased all the unnecessary stuff before adding memories that made her feel more loyal to me. Such as me raising her since she was just a tiddy baby. Spoiling her with my presence. While giving her enough magical power that she could level a town if she wanted to. It only took me thirty minutes of playing with my food before I finished. After that, I moved on to something more important and that was increasing the density of energy in the mansion. Well within the walls of the compound. Alice vanished when I opened my eyes. I could only sighed before picking up the scroll and heading to the balcony. I sat down in lotus before clearing my mind. Letting the soft breeze take my thoughts away. I listen to the sound wave of my soul before matching my remaining energy to it. Nourishing my soul. So i could acquire a bigger talent. A sensitive, stronger soul could more easily become aware of energy and quicker to manipulate it. I was surprised by how greedy my soul was. It did not take long for my mana to empty. With that, I pick up the scroll before studying the first step. Which was just breathing fundamentals. Trying to get your body adapted to feeling chi. I didn't realized how long I was absorbing chi for but when Alice disturb me. I felt horrible weak. Like I just lost something amazing. I was lot weaker than I ever thought I would be. Alice look at me with plate of food and it didn't smell like she cook it this time.

I slowly stood up and tried to find what was new about my body other than the lost of real power. I couldn't really see a differences other than I return to a male form. I wish I could stick to a solid fucking form. I sat down at the balcony table and pick up a spoon. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I took a bite. Alice set down in a chair and watch me with amused look. I tried to ignore her as I ate. I know I eat more delicate than she ever would but that is not my fault. Have you tried to going to parties with the rich and famous. They eat a certain way.

Alice finally stop annoying me and spoke. "You change again.. Look like an adorable little child. I don't think you will be fucking anything for a while." I rolled my eyes and wiped my mouth with napkin before walking into the room and standing in front of six inch mirror. My eyes look a lot more non alien but they had certain glimmer that still made me look alien. There was still horns on my head and wings on my back. The tail was a lot thicker and my body was that of fifteen year old male. I took off the female clothes and stretch to see if I had any muscle tone but was disappointed. It's like my body resetted to basic couch sitter. I guess tomorrow I will train myself to become overpowered.

I dropped onto the couch and went back to pulling all yang chi into my body. Days went by as I had to fight past the fundamental stage. Or as they called it the body tempering realm. I could feel myself getting to the core formation stage. It was just another fascinating day when that tiger man started beating on the gate. I got off the comfortable chair to sit on the uncomfortable railing. Alice and Alena walk up to the gate. Melania and bunch of golems stood by in beautiful crafted armor. The tiger man walk through the gate and motioned at several women. My mouth watered as I saw them but I noticed one of them had a nervous twitch.

I had no idea what Alice and the Tiger man spoke about but when a golem brought the princess I forgot to play with. I got a little bit remorseful. However, each of the women were just as beautiful. I sighed as went back to meditating. Right now, they could easily overpower me. I didn't like to subdue my targets with brutality. Makes their meat all stringy like. My stomach growled as I was fighting my impatiences to finally breakthrough this stupid part. How do you fucking create a core in your gut? It makes no sense. Even that little boy found no way to create a core. He was stuck at the body tempering stage. In games, it just happen naturally. Only real challenge was comprehending laws and arts. Maybe I was thinking too hard. Maybe a core was just congregation of energy. Like a fireball. If you compress it even further, you get superheated plasma. I took a deep breath before trying squeeze every drop of energy in my body into ball in my diaphragm. I must have been on the wrong track. So I pictured what I thought a dantian look like. Which also failed before I remember that unlike most humans. I was not one. So I tried the way beast had theirs. In my head. That seemed to work as the energy surrounding me begin to consolidate inside a bubble. Then I felt indescribable pain that lance through my head like the sound of machine gun going off one after the other. I fought through the pain as orb became reality in my mind. I collapse backward and grabbed my head as I let loose a piercing scream that could wake up the living.

Alice Pov

The moment I heard Jay's terrifying scream, was the moment my heart almost escape my chest. It sounded like she was in incredible pain. I could only leave the beast to Alena to handle as I dashed into the house. For once, I thought her making three story mansion with towers was stupid idea. Even worse that she decided to live in one of those towers.It took me fifteen minutes at full speed to reach the corridor. Another five to bust through the door and see him rolling across the ground. His hands disappeared into his hair but I could tell by the tension in his arms that the pain was unbearable. He kind of deserve it from being such a fucking idiot. Who tries untested magic shit themselves? Isn't that why evil villians use test subjects?

My body responded before I could even think. I had his head in my lap. Caressing his cheek as I whispered that everything would be fine. It seemed to work as the veins slowly withdrew. However, moments later, his eyes snapped open. There was such an indescribable sense of hunger in those reptilian eyes. His tongue snaked out before this god awful pressure slammed me into the floor. Next moment, Jay body did one of the weirdest things I ever saw. I thought shit like that only happen in movies but his body floated up before landing on his feet. He turned to me as skin on his arms and legs turned to scales. Light blue scales covered his body but left his chest along. His hands turned to talons. He still look like a pretty girl with too much makeup but I could tell that was just his natural face. He had kind of exotic light blue skin with lush lips you normally see on women. It was obvious from how hard he was that he was definitely a male. My head turned as footsteps sounded as loud as bombshells.

I jumped as his tail wrapped around my leg and dragged me to him. I didn't resist as I could still feel the power he was emitting. I don't think his mind was conscious as he didn't even bother to tease me as he usually would. He just flipped me over and ripped my pants. Making a hole for himself as he plunge right in. I covered my mouth as his claws pierce my hips. I paid attention to the sound of footsteps and realized they were retreating. It seems someone was paying attention to sounds and pressure. Probably Alena or Melinia. I couldn't think of anyone else who would be that smart. I couldn't stop the moan of pleasure from escaping me. He was being so rough and he was much bigger than he used to be. It felt like he was trying to break my hips with the speed he was going at. I was sure he was going to cum soon but I couldn't believe I reach mine first. I was used to being manhandled. From mandatory brothel time to being held down and gang raped. This was nothing new to me. However, he was the only one that could make me orgasm in such an embarrassing way.

A bite of pain went through my scalp as Jay yanked my head backwards by my hair. The surprised groan escape and I must have done something he like because he pounded even harder. I could feel his breathe on my neck as his talons fumble with my breast like a novice. He must not have been used to his body yet. Switching forms so often as to be bipolar. I tried not to tighten up or tense up but I must have been failing. I was trying not to make him too excited as he was already calm enough to start thinking rationally. His body paused his stroking and I glance back to see a certain glimmer in his eyes that meant he was at least awake. He gripped my chin and those fats lips pressed against mines. He was still hungry but it was more controlled. I could feel myself getting more excited than I wanted to. The way he could transmit his emotions through sex was addicting. I don't think he even realized what he does to us. I am pretty sure if Lena wasn't pregnant he would be all over her. His tongue left my mouth and trail up to my ear. I shivered as his hands got lot more friskier and more well coordinated. He was using both his hands and tails to aroused me in a way that I didn't much like. Not having some form of control made me feel panicky. Like I was being forced again.

He short stroke me before whispering things that made it hard for me not to cry. It's hard for people to understand how hard it is to be a woman during anytime. Let alone a crisis like this was. Men lose their sensibilities. Become worse than animals. Power so easily corrupt them. Some of us think we have it easy. Not being as beautiful as some of the rich kids. But that only protects when we have society. When it collapse. Anything with a pussy becomes victim. Surviving becomes enduring punishment that humans shouldn't have to go through. You can end up surviving all the most horrible shit like zombies horde encroaching on your doorstep. To animals coming out of shadows and ripping off your friends limbs. To being in situation in which you wish you had died with the rest of the lucky bastards.

But when you endure all that and still come out alive. Something in you change. It becomes harder for you to accept people at face value. You tend to gain a bit of an edge if you are fighter. While you don't jump at everything, you do glance at it twice. Ready your weapon to fight. I seen women break and do anything for food. I seen women that was strong enough to survive the collapse only to commit suicide at what suppose to be paradise after hell. Despite all that, the only thing that could every make me feel the love I used to feel. The glimmer of hope that I won't have to struggle or fight for my life just not to be fuck by every tom, dick, and Joe. That was this strange little man who never realized how much his need to be in relationship affects others.

Have you ever had that moment where you are sitting at work.. writing up a memo and your boss looks at you and go... Can't start a sentence with but... but let's go get lunch and talk about the next big project.. More work for same pay... reminds me of the army..

africanchilcreators' thoughts